Another week and another blog post. I wrote months ago that we are living in the groundhog’s day movie where every day is a repeat of the previous day. Oh sure the events from day to day may differ some but each day always ends the same way with disappointment and discouragement from DC.
While we say that we “demand” Washington to change, we don’t actually demand anything. Not really. Not only are we allowing the evil doers to take us down, we are doing so without even putting up a fight. Still to this day, in spite of everything we’ve been through and everything that we’ve seen and know to be true, we sit idly by somehow holding out hope that someone in Washington is going to save us. Through our inaction we give them permission to carry on as they will. The days of writing to your congressman, flooding the DC phone banks or hitting them at the ballot box are over and have been for a very long time. You see, they don’t fear us and certainly don’t respect us and now, they see just how outlandish they can be and still get away with it. I won’t list all of the things they have done and are doing (that would be quite the chore) but so many of these things were unheard of just a few short years ago. Some would have been simply unthinkable just a few short years ago. These people in DC are like a bank robber who is never held accountable therefore there is no reason to stop robbing the bank. Why would they? By all appearances, they own us. This shouldn’t be a shock. They own the media, the banks and they have weaponized the Alphabet Agencies against us. The worst of all of it are the “Woke” Generals in the military. The military has always been the one American institute we thought we could depend on to uphold the Constitution. It no longer feels that way today.
If the wide open border during a worldwide pandemic wasn’t enough to get us out of our chairs then why would anyone think this nightmare in Afghanistan would? If allowing a capitol police officer to fatally shoot an unarmed woman is allowed to stand, what is it these people in DC can’t do? If the highest court in the land rules renters must pay their rent and the Administration along with Congress simply ignore the ruling then what else do they feel empowered to do? If they can shut down every business “they” want to shut down, then I say it again, what else do they feel completely empowered to do? The sky’s the limit my friends. We the people and nobody else are allowing them free reign over us.
A follower of mine said that until these outlandish acts start personally affecting people, the people will continue to sit idly by. The problem with that, while I totally understand what he’s saying, is that these outlandish acts have directly affected millions of us and yet, we continue to sit. As I seem to say week over week, it seems like we in America could learn a lot from the folks in the streets of London or Sydney or even Cuba for that matter.
In simple terms here’s my deal and I’ve lived my whole life under this ideal. If some tuff guy is trying to take my lunch money, they’re going to earn it. By standing up for yourself you accomplish two things, first, some self respect and second, the guy attempting to take the lunch money will think twice before he comes after it again. In America today, we seem absolutely happy to give up our lunch money without a fight….
Now that I’ve depressed the hell out of you; how about a fun story about President Trump? In 2017 I had a neighbor Art who was retired military and a retired private sector engineer. He told me that years before, he had worked for a company out of Jacksonville, Florida who had landed a contract to work on the yacht engines for then private citizen and billionaire Donald Trump. Art is a salty old guy. You never have to guess where you stand with Art. He’s upfront and right to the point.
He said all the big wigs in his company (The President, the CEO and the CFO) were on red alert one day because Trump was coming for the final walk through of his yacht. Art had met Mr. Trump on each of his prior visits even though Art was not one of the big guys in his company. Art was the guy down in the belly of the boat working alongside the people doing the actual work. Art said that when Trump arrived that day he was on the boat making sure all the final touches were completed. The company bigwigs greeted the (not then) President as he rolled up onto the dock. Soon after (Art chuckling as he told the story), the CEO of his company found Art and said to him, “Art, can you come up on deck, Trump is asking for you.” Art told me that Trump infuriated the company big-wigs every time he visited the boat to check its progress because he never really cared about meeting with the power-guys. He wanted to meet with the people who were actually working on the boat. He asked good questions, always made sure the boat was going to be the best ever (lol) and always appreciative of the guys with dirty hands. I love this story because it displays the man I believe Trump is.

*Art was in his late 80’s when he told me this story and was showing early stages of dementia. I was unable to find anything online to collaborate his story. This doesn’t seem like a story one would make up nor was Art that kind of guy. #disclaimer
What prompted me to tell this story was a clip of President Trump that Greg Kelly played the other night on Newsmax. The President was speaking at CPAC I think and telling the story of the aircraft carrier’s catapult system. The Navy was in the process of changing out the systems from steam to electric. “I got onto the beautiful ship and was met by these beautiful ship commanders. These were some good looking guys. I told them I didn’t want to talk to them. I wanted to talk to the guys running these catapults. Sir we can answer any questions you have, said one of the officers. No, no, I want to talk to one of the guys operating the catapults.” Trump replied. The officers proceeded to walk the President down to where the catapult operators were working. Trump asks “Sailor, what do you like, the steam or the electric?” “The steam sir!” the sailor replied. “Why?” the President asked. “Sir, I can fix the steam catapult with a ball ping hammer, the electric is crap sir.” I of course am giving you this conversation based on my memory of the clip but trust me, I’m close. Ha, ha! Does this story line up with Art’s story or what? They’ll never be another President like Trump.
These are the types of things we love about the President, the people’s President. He’s not impressed with the elite in this world. He’s impressed with you and me, the ones that get our hands dirty and the ones that don’t make decisions in our lives based on dirty politics. We use common sense. We do what is best for ourselves, our families and our country. Period, everything else is just political nonsense devised to fill bank accounts and gain control over others. This country is made up of millions of people just like you and me.
This week we sat by and watched a tired old brain of a man turn his back on us and walk away.

You can rest assured this pretend President, had there not been an up roar in the country, would have never gone back and rescued anyone in Afghanistan. If he had his way he’d pull out today and never look back. He’s a coward and he certainly doesn’t give a rat’s ass about anyone other than himself and those he reports to.
As for the ass-clown who shot young Ashlie, it makes my skin crawl. Why didn’t he fire a warning shot? Why didn’t he shoot her in the leg? Why didn’t he tase her? Where was the social worker to talk to her? Aren’t these the things that the Left always asks when there’s a shooting? I hope and pray the family gets their day in court. They deserve that, we all deserve that.

Finally, my heart and prayers go out to those fine men who lost their lives this week doing the dirty work of a failed installed puppet. I also pray for the safety of those still there doing this dangerous work. Tensions will only get worse as August 31st draws nearer. To all those Democrats and Republicans who signed onto to Trump impeachments I look at you and spit. You were willing to take a President down that had done nothing wrong yet you sit idly by right now as the whole world watches a tired old man make ruin of a once great Nation. You people are disgusting scum of the earth.
And with that I bid you farewell until next week when, Lord only knows what will happen. One thing is for certain. As long as we sit by, the evil doers will continue to take our lunch money. Don’t sit by, keep your lunch money and stand up for yourselves and your country!
Wishing each of you a great rest of your weekend and week ahead. As Forest once said, “life’s a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”