After what can clearly be defined by anyone with a functioning brain as another week of one cluster (you know what) after another, this thought came to me. What, if any, red line do we have? Meaning, what is it that this Tired Brain of a man, and this Government as a whole have to do until we throw up our arms and say, “oh hell no!”
If leaving our border wide open and allowing a million unknowns to waltz into the country wasn’t enough, if making Covid and the vaccines a complete and utter confusing joke isn’t enough, if destroying our energy industry, promoting critical race theory in our schools, doubling the cost of gas, allowing inflation to grow, calling a protest an insurrection, killing a young unarmed lady, allowing the certification of clearly a rigged election and so much more like passing bills that we cannot afford and do nothing to fix anything isn’t enough, this week, we were presented with the “Afghanistan Fall-Face-First into a pile of shit” maneuver. Americans are left stranded, billions in military equipment are left with the people we’ve spent 20 years fighting as they chant “death to America” and then there are the lives lost and the humiliation of those who served, those without a leg or legs, without an arm or arms, moms without sons and daughters, wives without husbands and children without moms and dads and a grateful Nation just watched 20 years of blood and treasure turn into another nightmare. As we sit in our living rooms watching plane loads of Afghan men being transported to the U.S. without face masks, I ask, “Where are the women and children? Where are the Americans? Why are they coming here? Have they been vetted? Have they been tested for the virus? Will they assimilate to the American way of life? How much will this cost?” The sick part about all of these questions is that our Government could answer every one of them and it would mean nothing to us because we no longer trust them. A reporter asked the State Department head, “How many Americans are in the country and need to be evacuated?” His response? “We don’t know.” When asked what the plan was to get all Americans out, the spokesperson for the military said “We’ve told everyone to get to the airport.” Has he not seen the Taliban in the streets of every city in the country? How in the bloody hell is an American supposed to get to the airport and even if they do, have they seen the thousands upon thousands of Afghans crowding the barrier surrounding the airport? What a complete F’ing joke…

Meanwhile, days passed without hearing from Tired Brain as he ran off on vacation (what exactly has he done to warrant a vacation anyway?, Mr. Lid). Congress people were calling on him to address the nation and twitter was lit up calling on him to address the nation. I tweeted that he should stay on vacation knowing damn well he’d only make matters worse if he spoke. I was right. Tired Brain spoke for an entire 10 minutes while he blamed everyone else and told us that getting out of Afghanistan was important. Nobody except the warmongers like Graham and Cheney had any problem with getting out. The topic at hand was the way we got out. Biden’s handlers knew that and they knew it was not a popular subject. “The buck stops with me” he proclaimed. Really? That was followed by “I don’t apologize.” Whatever; he did nothing to answer the important questions and certainly did nothing to ease the concerns of the nation. And anyone in their right mind knew that before he ever wobbled up to the podium. And finally, when he finished, what did he do? He turned his back on the reporters as they yelled out questions and he walked out. The very same thing he did throughout his campaign, the same thing he always does. Coward.

This week, I’ve watched a few Republican Congress people calling on Biden to produce a plan to get our citizens out of Afghanistan. That actually concerns me. If these Republicans actually think Biden is capable of coming up with any plan to accomplish anything then they themselves need to resign. Seriously, the man can’t even read a damn teleprompter or wipe his own ass. So you ask him to come up with a plan to evacuate Americans who are in a terrorist controlled country? Give me a freaking break. The only thing they should be calling on Biden to do is to resign and knowing that’s not going to happen it should be a full court press to impeach him along with the “hiding under the covers” Vice President. Never in the last seven months has the country been more leaderless. Just what on God’s green earth is it going to take for these people in Congress to throw in the towel and say enough is enough? What else does this non-elected buffoon have to do or not do until they impeach this idiot? Like all Democrats in Congress, he doesn’t care about the American people. Stop calling for him to do anything? We don’t need hearings on why he did this or that. We need him gone and now! For Christ sake the Democrats impeached Trump over a dumbass phone call. This nonsense has to stop.
I am going to have to stop before I pop a cork so to speak. Before I go I’d ask all of you the same question, what is your red line? How much more damage are you/we going to allow before we throw down the bullshit flag and stand on every street corner in America demanding justice in this country. We are owed justice. We pay the bills around here. It is our duty to make things right. The level of injustice in this country is deep and I am not just talking about Afghanistan or even this joke of an election. We can start with Benghazi as far as I’m concerned. These ass-hat clowns in DC think they got away with everything they’ve made us endure over these past years and to this day guess what, they have. Trump is one man, I’ll keep harping on it, he ain’t God and he ain’t going to be able to correct the wrongs this Government has perpetrated on us. If we don’t stand up and demand justice and demand to be heard then all will be lost. Look at Australia right now. A once free nation is on complete lock down. They are arresting their citizens for not wearing a mask; a stupid, useless mask. Look at New York with their “key to the city” bullshit. No vaccine equals: no theater, no nightclubs, no gyms, no indoor dining and the communist nonsense goes on. Every day that we sit back bitching and moaning about the next freedom that is being taken away, the harder and longer it will take for us to regain control, if ever. Soon the Tired Brain handlers will mandate the booster shots and Katie bar the door once the FDA is forced to announce these vaccines are now fully approved. The Government has screwed up the border, screwed up the election, screwed up the economy, screwed up the withdrawal in Afghanistan, made the entire country less safe, lied to us at every turn but we are supposed to trust them with our health.

Now is the time for us to stand together, to be united, to meet the challenges before us. Tweeting, writing blogs and displaying our flag on our front porches is all well and good, none of those things are going to get this country back on track and none are going to get us the justice we deserve. Hell, the only thing these things have done is get us on a terror watch list and be accused on attempting a insurrection. Think about that.

Okay friends, I’ll keep pounding this message as long as you’ll keep listening. I truly wish our country was filled with folks just like you. Oh my, what a wonderful world it would be. But it’s not, is it? Evil is all around us and up to this point we have been just small little gnats that these evil bastards keep flicking away with their powerful gazillion dollar fingers. They use their Government lap dogs, their state owned media, their pukes in Hollywood, their paid-for bugsy, louie and knuckles in the FBI, CIA and DOJ to push us around and do as they please. It’s awful, it’s wrong and it must stop. It will take millions of us and a whole lot of staying power to fix this mess.
Oh crap, shut the hell up Dan, enough already. LOL. Have a good weekend friends and thanks so much for letting me rant like this. I do believe we’ll find our way out of this. I just don’t know when. I do know one thing, “Doing always beats Saying”
Spot on! I guess we need a functioning group in America better than the Isil(Barrack) varsity team. I think Barry’s dad is Taliban. Americans for America. Had the Taliban at bay Until Barry told Joe “leave the weapons! Get out now! Blame Trump?”
The whole damn thing is mind numbing Greg. These evil America haters have to be rounded up and put in the darkest hole we can find! And Barrack can share his cell with his JV team as far as I’m concerned. Thanks for reading the blog Greg and for your comments! Much appreciated.