Biden did this, Biden did that. Wrong. Biden doesn’t even know he’s alive. I’d fall out of my chair if Biden is in charge of his own bowel movements. You can bet someone is telling him whether to go #1 or #2 because the man is gone. His brain was never exceptional and now completely shot. While Kami (the now confirmed & undisputed worst VP ever) and not a Doctor (I want to be first lady no matter what) Jill lead the feeble old man around from room to room and microphone to microphone the entire world is laughing, which would be funny if not so damn dangerous.
Many say this is Obama’s third term. I don’t think so. I think he is another one that gets too much credit. He’s just a puppet boy too although one that at least has a functional brain, albeit with stupid anti-American racist motives.
I believe it’s the big money globalists who are behind all of this communist nonsense. They are using all their petty paid puppets to perform a full court press to take America down. They own the likes of Joe Biden, The Clintons, Obama, Bush, Kerry, Brennan, Clapper, Wray, Pelosi, Schumer, Graham, McConnell, the DOJ, the Press and the damn courts. Oh and let us not forget the voting machines. It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if they aren’t the ones that gave the order for Cuomo to step down. After all, they can’t have some aggressive guy like Cuomo running New York. It’ll be interesting to see what they decide to do with the other Dick-weed Governor running California. Will they save him?
I don’t know friends, maybe dear old Dan has fallen off his rocker. I just watch and listen to these people who are supposed to be running this country and I say to myself, “they ain’t that bright”. My guess is that even these so-called Globalists I speak of shake their heads from time to time when they see some of the stunts that their puppets pull. They (The Globalists) must spend a great deal of their time herding these sheep to keep them in line and focused and they spend a lot of money in the process.

One fact remains true, you take America down and the world becomes your oyster. I just find it hard to believe that Joe “tired brain” Biden is running this country and that is exactly what we are made to believe. First they attempted to make us believe he won the Democratic nomination. Remember that? Do you even remember how lousy he was in the debates? That was when he was running against a host of complete idiots. Tulsi Gabbard was the only one on that stage that looked and sounded even remotely reasonable. She didn’t last very long, did she? Then we were made to believe that he won the 2020 Presidential election. That wasn’t good enough, we had to believe he not only won, but received more votes than any President in history! We were to overlook the fact that he didn’t even campaign really and when he was out holding rallies it was pathetic. I don’t think he ever had more than a hundred attend and more often than not it was less than a baker’s dozen and half of those were paid press. But here we are. Our CEO is Joe Biden. Wrong!
Ole Joe had no sooner moved into the White House when he had in front of him hundreds of pre-written executive orders all designed to put things back to where they were before the people’s President came on the stage. These EOs were all done by good old honey badger himself, William Barr. Honey badger, my ass. This paid actor had us all fooled, for a minute or two. He ended up being just like the rest. Bought and paid for. No one on the planet was handed a bigger opportunity to become a National hero than Barr. Instead, he took the money and ran, leaving Americans (some anyway) and President Trump to fight on their own.

Tired Brain didn’t come up with these orders just like he hasn’t come up with anything during these last disastrous eight months. He is the point man though so he does get the spotlight doesn’t he. To the deranged on the Left, he is a hero. It is hard for me to even type that. To those of us on the right, he is an utter disaster. However, remember that he isn’t in charge and doesn’t even know he’s alive. #FollowTheMoney
I remain hopeful that we the people will get to a point where we’ve collectively had enough (I was there months ago) and we stand up. As ugly as it will be, it has to be or else Motel 6 will not be leaving the lights on… so to speak. I guess the question that I have is, “How much more do we have to endure until the country says enough?”
As I put an end to this week’s rant, I apologize. As you might detect, I am not in a happy place when it comes to our country. My cup runneth over if you will (and not in a good way). On a personal level, in my small little world, I couldn’t be happier. My retirement is going as planned. Both of my boys are doing well, they are working hard, raising their families and the wife and I are so pleased to be a part of their lives. We have granddaughters spending the weekend with us and we couldn’t be happier. Oh like all families out there, we have our share of challenges but we deal with them as best we can. What matters is that they are all safe, have roofs over their heads with food in the refrigerator. You see, it doesn’t take much for the Garrisons to be happy.
I hope y’all are doing well and as I always do, I send best wishes to each of you and your own for a good week ahead. Lord only knows what the world will send our way. Whatever it is, we shall overcome. Steady peck breaks the rock and “doing always beats saying.” All the best friends!