Hi friends. I have to say writing this blog each week isn’t getting any easier. Week after week, as the nonsense piles up, I find myself wondering why I bother. I’m not here to pour fuel on the fire. That has never been my goal. I started doing these more for myself than anything else. Everyone copes in different ways. Writing has always been a way for me to unwind but these weekly rants are beginning to do just the opposite. At the end of any given week, I find myself wound up tighter than the skin on nasty Nancy’s face. I mean the depth of insanity going on is nearly unbearable. Oh poor me, right? “Don’t be a baby, put some mud on it & suck it up Dan!” Thanks, I needed that. Uh-oh, now I am talking to myself… LOL
The American Recovery Act huh? Trillions proposed and less than 10% goes toward infrastructure. Don’t worry though Tired Brain says it pays for itself. Where have I heard that before? I’ll tell you where, about 20 trillion dollars ago…

Hidden deep inside this 2,000+ page candy jar, they have a plan to tax us based on how many miles we drive. This is their way of 1. Making the Green New Deal a reality and 2. Helping the efforts to make this pay for itself. Never be confused when the Federal Government says something will pay for itself. That always means that we will pay for it; always. Tired Brain also set a goal this week. Fifty percent of all cars on the road must be electric within the next eight years – another Green New Deal goal. Those of us who actually put our pants on one leg at a time know that it takes a whole lot of fossil fuel to produce the batteries to run these cars but hey, don’t let the facts get in the way right? Personally, I think the electric car is pretty cool and if I don’t have to listen to these idiots with their tricked out mufflers on their stupid little four bangers I’m all for electric cars. It’s the lying BS way they sell them that drives me nuts. Electric cars for me are like everything else in life. Whatever turns you on followed by “Just don’t try to shove it down my throat” which is where we are headed. My wife has a faux fur coat. One time we were taking in the sights in San Francisco (believe it or not it used to be a fun place to go). It can get pretty chilly in SF when the fog rolls in so she was wearing her coat. One of these environmental liberal pink haired, save the California slug women gave my wife the stink eye over her coat waving her finger at her as if to say “no, no, no”. My wife turned and said, “it’s fake, get over yourself.” Ah, gotta love my wife. I of course was too busy trying to step around the needles and poop. The point is that very soon, driving my gas-eating pick-up truck will be viewed just like the faux fur coat or God forbid, being unvaccinated. As for what else is in the “American Recovery Plan?”, we’ll need to pass it before we know what’s in it… All I know is that we need to pay attention and agree not to vote for any Republican who votes for this Democrat spending spree.

The moratorium on renters was set to expire earlier this week. The CDC announced the moratorium will continue over the next 60-90 days. Up until now, most of you, including myself, thought the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) was in charge of controlling disease which by all accounts they suck at. Well, I guess we were wrong. They are now in charge of housing and I guess that includes rent control. I also guess we are supposed to just accept this and move along like good little sheep. Seriously though, I can’t even imagine what the landlords are going through with this nonsense. Many I am sure are no longer landlords and have long since been forced to let their properties go back to the banks that hold their mortgages. Um, was this a part of the plan all along? Nah, now I’m just being silly… The Government, in their endeavor to control everything, has been throwing our money at some of these deadbeat renters since the invention of the China virus. Today there are millions of job openings throughout the country but for some reason, the renters cannot get a job and pay rent. It is pure crap and a mirror of the Government’s college loan forgiveness program. Another Government overreach designed to secure more voters while putting the rest of us further in debt.
Finally, the war continues between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Fighting over this one has even gone inside many households throughout the country. The vaccinated have allowed the Government who are backed up by the media to convince them those who have yet to get the shot are endangering their lives and are now the number one cause for lockdowns, masks and worldwide infections. They are disinterested in hearing anything from anyone other than their beloved Government, the always right Dr. (I can’t throw a baseball) Fauci and the always reliable, CDC all of which are backed up by the most reliable of all, the news media. How can all of these fine institutions be wrong?
I’d share with you my status related to the vaccine but quite frankly, and with the utmost respect, it’s none of your business. Having cleared that up I found it interesting this week to learn the CEO of Pfizer had yet to get his own vaccine. I also found it very communist like to hear that CNN (they’re the most trusted name in news by the way…) fired three of their employees because they had refused to get the shot. I also think it’s somewhat interesting that Senator (I’ll write a letter) Graham has come down with the virus even though he had taken the vaccine. United Airlines announced on Friday they will require all of their employees to get the vaccine as will the United States Military. The great state of New York, under their award winning leadership have launched a new “get a key to the city” campaign which is pretty simple according to mayor Dumb dumb DeBlazio. Get the shot, get the key allowing you to go out to dinner, go shopping, attend the theater, picnic in the park, go to the gym, the city is open to you! Don’t get the vaccine, sadly, no key for you. No dinner out, no shopping at the grocery store, wear a mask & stay away from the key holders. If this commie had any guts he would have just come right out and said “I hope you all die.”
I’ll finish this up by telling a personal story. Unlike the Government, Fauci, the CDC and the media, the story I am about to tell you is true.
Yesterday, we learned that my brother-in-law, who is about as fit as anyone I know, who is 55 years old and never sick, was admitted to the hospital. He had been complaining to his wife that his leg was sore. When he came down the stairs yesterday, he was limping. His wife asked him if his leg was still hurting. He told her yes and that it was swollen. Like any good wife, she insisted he drop his pants right then and right there. Like any good husband he complied. Upon the dropping of the drawers, she took one look and said “I think you have a blood clot, pull your pants up, we’re going to the hospital”. Realizing he had lost all authority, he pulled his pants up and headed for the passenger side of the car. A few tests and hours later he was admitted and told he would have surgery at 7:30 tomorrow (today) morning to remove the clot. While I am attempting to make this sound funny, there was nothing funny about it at all. The clot was nearly two feet long from his hip to below his knee. Had he waited he could have died. Thankfully his operation went well, the clot is gone and he will spend one more night in the hospital for monitoring. They are running a number of tests in order to determine the cause. It could be a number of things. They told him inactivity could be one. I can tell you that that’s impossible. I will tell you he had the Johnson & Johnson vaccine six months ago. I’ll leave this story right there. I am however very curious to see if the hospital even considers this a possible reason for the clot. My guess is that they will not. We are just so relieved they were able to remove the clot.
Okay friends and family, another week and another rant. In the event that nothing stupid happens next week I won’t be posting a blog. Translation: I’ll talk to y’all next week.
Have a wonderful weekend and week ahead! Remember, the only way this Government gets away with all the nonsense is if we let them. Don’t let them.