Every week feels like an on-going battle to separate truth from fiction. Those of us who consider ourselves patriots, also known as deplorable, uneducated, bible toting, and defenders of the 2nd Amendment tend to forego what others tell us and instead rely on good ole common sense which by the way we didn’t get from the Government nor was it something we picked up while going to school. Mom and Dad gave that to us and it has been on display throughout our lives. Some folks embrace it while others seem to completely ignore it and I mean completely.
Allow me to provide a few examples of this.
The Government, Doctor dumb-ass Fauci, CDC, Media and the Left are carefully and deliberately combining their efforts to push a narrative in order to lock the country down again. For the last several weeks, their momentum has been building around the new so-called “Delta Variant.” We uneducated folks are sitting back watching all of this and saying to ourselves and anyone who dares to listen, “How do they know the difference between the regular China Virus and this Delta Virus?” I mean, they’ve admitted they don’t have a test for it. Heck if you remember it took them quite some time to develop a test for the China Virus so what’s up with that? When Peter Ducey from Fox News asked the White House this very question the spokes person said we know it’s the Delta variant because the experts told us. Ah, the ole “experts to us” routine.
Nevertheless the narrative continues. Now we are being told that people who got the China Virus vaccine can still get the Delta Virus and can still pass it along. This of course flies in the face of their push to get everyone vaccinated. Those of us with a lick of common sense find ourselves saying “um, so tell me again why I must get the vaccine?.” And then as the week rolls to an end, right before Congress leaves town for their six week summer break, they let us know that the unvaccinated and vaccinated all need to put our masks back on. Doctor dumb-ass even recommends wearing a mask inside our own homes because, you know, this Delta virus is way more contagious. It would be funny if not so damn frustrating. All of you who did what you felt was the right thing for you got the vaccine have to be scratching your heads about now. You did what they asked and now it’s almost as if you didn’t even get the vaccine. You can still get sick, you can still pass the virus on to others and you need to put your mask back on. Say what?
The worst part of all of this is that while this narrative is being pushed down our throats these very same people pushing the narrative have left our border wide open allowing hundreds of thousands (over a million) of illegals to enter the country and spread out to every state in the union without, wait for it, even being tested. No masks, no vaccine, no problem.
I am not telling you anything you haven’t already seen so I ask, “where is the common sense” in all of this? There is none. Don’t tell me (Government, Fauci, media, the Left) you care about my health all while you spew this nonsense. In my world two plus two still adds up to four. The Delta variant narrative is building up because the 2022 midterm election is building up. The Delta variant narrative is being pushed because the failings of this Government are being exposed. Inflation is breathing down our throats, people are not going back to work and the real deplorables (Government) need us all looking away from their utter failures. The virus is their go-to distraction. It’s what got them back in power and it’s what has allowed them to spend our money like drunken sailors. No offense to drunken sailors intended. I’d get drunk too if I was working for these ass-hats right now.

I have one more of the “you see it now believe it” examples to share. The January 6th insurrection commission. Oops sorry, the January 6th “bi-partisan” insurrection commission.
The title alone ought to make you go, huh? Nasty Nancy this past week refused to allow the leadership of the Republican Party to appoint who they wanted on the kangaroo commission and instead welcomed the two RINOs (Reuplican In Name Only) Liz Chaney and Adam Kinzinger to the committee. Both of whom, as you know, hate Trump and voted in favor of charging him for insurrection. But hey, the media is on board so the sheep still watching the fake news hear the word bi-partisan and so it must mean both Democrats and Republicans are on the commission therefore it will be fair and honest. Seriously? By the way, just as a side note, did you know that Nasty Nancy’s approval rating among the American people sits at a negative 17? LOL. Gee I wonder why…
Well the commission got off to a bang up start this week by having four capitol police who were there on January 6th testify. I don’t know which was more unbelievable: the cops or Adam’s fake tears. To hear them tell the events of January 6th made the riots of 2020 look like preschoolers fighting over which coco melon to watch. The most unbelievable was Officer Dunn who also took a run at crying. “One woman in a pink MAGA shirt yelled, ‘You hear that, guys, this nigger voted for Joe Biden!’ Then the crowd, perhaps around 20 people, joined in, screaming ‘Boo! Fucking nigger!’ No one had ever—ever―called me a ‘nigger’ while wearing the uniform of [USCP]”
I’m sorry but I have to throw the bullshit flag “again”. You tell me who among all of the like minded people you know would call a 6’6”, 250 pound black man wearing a gun a nigger? No one, that’s who. This guy reads off his script and thinks nothing of taking a shot at the people, hell, the only group of American people who actually stick up for and stand up for cops. His story is utter trash. Of course like everything else nowadays, it wasn’t long after his fake sobbing weak-ass story we learned he is a BLM supporter and Trump hater. Surprise, surprise but once again, the millions of fake news watchers saw his testimony and therefore the stage is set. The narrative continues and the Trump derangement lives on.
Finally, this old deplorable knows for a fact that you can’t walk down a street anywhere in America today without a camera watching your every step. This so called insurrection, I call it a protest, happened at our capitol in Washington, DC. They say there are 14 thousand hours of video tape showing every step taken on January 6th yet they’ve released none. This cop gets to sit in front of television cameras and tell his story and we are supposed to believe every word of it. Where’s the video of the lady in the pink MAGA shirt? Can y’all at least show us that? Where’s the video tape of the shooting of Ms. Babbitt? Are we to believe there were no cameras in that hallway of the Capitol? Is that what you’re telling us? It’s been nearly seven months since the protest, why haven’t the video tapes been made public? You know why, they (the video’s) don’t tell the fake story the Left is pushing because if they did, you can bet your sweet deplorable rear end they would have been released and played over and over and over again. This January 6th commission is nothing more than another Russia, Russia, Russia designed to remove President Trump from running for office ever again. It didn’t work with the Russian lies, it didn’t work with the Ukraine lies nor will it work now with this fake insurrection BS. That’s my story and I am sticking with it.
So you see what I am saying? Believe your own eye’s friends. Continue to seek out the truth in this crazy up-side-down world we are living in right now. The truth is out there. If you go with your own common sense, it’s not hard to find. These evil doers are so far off the charts they make it easy on us. My thinking is this; if their lips are moving you can be sure they’re lying.

This wraps up this week’s DG rant. I doubt I’ve told you anything you didn’t already know. You folks I call friends are full of common sense, it is the very reason I consider you friends. As for my family who read my weekly rants, you have no choice but to agree with me, we’re family and you’d never disagree with me (to my face, lol). At the end of all the nonsense what I am thankful for is all of you. Together we can lift each other up and keep up the fight for what we know we know is right, fair and important. Our freedom, our Liberty, and each other.
Wishing y’all a great rest of the weekend and week ahead. Thanks for letting me rant.
Mr Dan another extremely well said RANT for a week of sheer utter democratic nonsense and stupidity. As for the demonrat Covid. They all need to get their stories right. Allen and I were told by his 2 CDC doctors that we both had Covid-19 and also the Delta this is what the CDC doctors said came from India? All I can say is they did nothing for me to get me better fast. Allen on the other hand was in the hospital and today has issues from having this virus. We are experimental sheep nothing more or less. THEY LIED and they are still LYING to us.
As for the word Common Sense and anything to do with the Enemy of the people (that includes nasty nancy’s merry band of scum and the media) should never be in the same sentence. I was raised by good God Fearing people. Thank the good Lord.
I can’t watch any more of this soap opera crying, lying cop shit. Do they really think we trust or believe in anything that falls out of their mouths. These ass hats are loosing even their dumb ass followers are turning tail and saying this is BS.
I trust and Believe in the Justice System I have to. And some of the Judges every day are grabbing the Bull by the horn so to speak. Rather then cowering for nasty nancy. OUR day is coming for Justice. Even though I am sure we won’t get the Justice we all deserve for all these lies for two years.
Nasty will NEVER allow any video of what really happened on Jan 6th with her bought and paid for antifa and blm darlings. We all know this was nasty’s chance and she took it.
mike pence is the biggest traitor in all of this he knew what nasty was doing and yet he allowed this to happen. He thinks he’s going to throw his hat in the 2024 race. I laugh so hard at this. We thought camel-toe got the lowest number’s HAHA pence won’t even register. One thing ever one should remember the demonrats stick together like glue no matter what. The RHINO’S like pence always stick with their own agenda.
Thank you Mr Dan for another entertaining week of truth. We might not be spring chickens but I can tell you think Allen said it best. I’ve fought my entire life for right. I’m not about to give it up now. We’ll be right there with everyone else when that day comes. God Bless you Mr Dan. I’m proud to call you our friend.
Have a beautiful rest of the weekend and an awesome next week.
So great to see you back Jan. Y’all have had such a rough go of it. Sitting all the BS this Government hands down everyday, I’m grateful you guys are doing better howbeit a slow go. Sure hope Allen gets by to 100% and soon. I know you’ll keep up the battle both on the personal level and on behalf of our country. Keep fighting, keep screaming from the roof tops Jan. We’ll get through this crap. Somehow, someway, someday. Have a good week friend.
Dan, I love reading your weekly rant so I can rant with you together! No matter how many times I cry every day for the shit happening in our country, yet I refuse to give it up! I refuse to let the evil win! I do not allow it! I will do whatever I can to defeat the evil, and I pray God to guide us and help us!
BTW, Happy Birthday tomorrow! I think you won’t be really happy with the country in deep crisis, but I just want to let you know that you are loved by so many fellow patriots! Thank you so much for fighting with us, God bless you and your family!
Ah, thank you for the Happy Birthday, too sweet! I’ll have a good day. These ass-hats may be screwing up the country, well, not may, they are but I’ll be damn if I will let them get to me to the point I can’t enjoy life, family and my friends. Not going to happen! I do believe we’ll get through this nightmare. I just don’t know how, when and what we’ll look like when we do. Together we shall overcome! I hope, lol. Thanks again friend. So appreciate.