Remember when Obama, speaking about businesses said “you didn’t build that”. He was trying to convince us that anything we the people had accomplished/built was only made possible because of the Government. Millions of American’s took offense to the statement and rightfully so. If he was an honest and quite frankly smart person he would have said “You built that, despite the Government being in your way.” But, he wasn’t and isn’t.
Every week when I try and decide what I’ll write about I scan through the events of the week and nine times out of ten will pick a few and go with that. Under this current puppet resiegm there is always more to write about than I have time for or that you quite frankly want to read about. The Administration is just one big rolling cluster (you know what).
We didn’t build that huh? Let me tell you what the American people didn’t build and what the Government did build.
We didn’t build a system that allows thugs and thieves to march into people’s businesses and take whatever the hell they want and tear the place apart on their way out. We didn’t allow people who hate our country to take over whole city blocks only to burn and loot and harm citizens. We didn’t allow groups like BLM to spew lies and create racial divide. We certainly didn’t approve of our historical statues to be torn down or cop cars to be burned and we sure as hell didn’t say it was fine to kill innocent people including our police officers. It’s not”we the people” that have given our stamp of approval for the weekly killings in the major democrat cities around the country every week.
We didn’t tell the Government to fund a lab in China so they could develop some virus to kill off millions of people around the world. We didn’t go in front of the American people and tell them not to wear a mask and then to wear a mask and then to wear two masks. It wasn’t us that came up with 14 days to slow the spread that lasted for over a year. We aren’t the ones threatening to close the country down again if you don’t get one of the experimental vaccines either.
It wasn’t our bright idea to allow men to compete in women’s sports, we didn’t suggest that boys be allowed in girls bathrooms. None of us sat around one day and said “hey, let’s create some more genders either.
I don’t remember the American people coming up with the idea to leave the border wide open. Not only during a pandemic but never? Did one of you suggest we allow illegals to enter our country and oh by the way, don’t test them for the virus, just let them come through? I think not.
You know what else we didn’t build? We didn’t build this rigged election we became witnesses to in 2020 either. We didn’t elect a President last year, we had one appointed and by who? Not you and me that I can tell you. I don’t need to tell you, you already know that.
These “things” and SO many more have been approved and dealt to us by the Government, by the very people who are supposed to be working for us. The society you and I are living within today is a product of the Government not of we the people. The vast majority in this country are being held hostage by these small, far left wing fringe groups. Groups that I more accurately like to refer to as freaks, thugs, terrorists and haters of our way of life. The Government allows these idiots to have a voice over us. Saying it’s wrong is an understatement.
What we the people want is nothing to do with any of this nonsense. We have a constitution that we’ve all agreed to and should demand be followed. We believe in law and order, equal justice, freedom and liberty for all. We don’t care how one lives their lives as long as it doesn’t impede upon our own life. You do your thing and I’ll do mine. I won’t force you to believe there are two genders if you won’t force me to believe there are 10. If you’ll stop accusing me of being racist I won’t be. I’ll keep paying my taxes if you’ll stop wasting them. I’ll choose to get the vaccine once and if, I know it’s necessary and safe. I’ll believe in Government again once you stop lying to me. I’ll have faith in the FBI when they start earning it. I’ll believe in equal Government when it is indeed equal but as long as you allow these thugs to break the law, to kill and destruct without consequences I don’t want to hear your nonsense. As long as this Government continues to play it’s harmful, petty political games I will have little interest in what you have to say or to follow your stupid rules that “we the people” had no say in.
Normally and before 2020 I’d be blaming ourselves for this complete mess we find ourselves in because we’re are the ones that elect these morons to lead us but, 2020 showed this is not the case. We didn’t elect anyone. They decided who would lead us… And I have a newsflash for “they” we aren’t impressed and are up to our necks with you bullshit. Day after day, week after week it only gets worse. The crap they are shoving down our throats is becoming unbearable.
This is not the country we built, this is pure out of control Government. They fear us so little they don’t even pretend to hide their evil from us anymore. They’ve taken our hard earn money and turned against us. They’ve bought up the media, the banks, the corporations and you name whatever else. They are testing us like never before and guess what, we’re failing. Everyday we allow this nonsense to continue we get further and further down the communist rabbit hole.

Unite people, scream at the top of your lungs! Remember the “I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore?” That’s where I’m at. I’ve said it over and over, like a broken record, it’s going to take millions of us, not hundreds, not even thousands, millions of us to put our foot down if we have any chance of getting control over this screwed up mess we find ourselves in.
We all know people who think everything is just fine. We call them sheep and low information voters. These idiots don’t even know the border is wide open because they are fake news watchers. They believe the Government has our best interest in mind. Ask them why a Government who pretends to care about us and our health allows illegals to enter our country without even testing them for the China virus? Ask them why the Government demands we get vaccinated yet allows these illegals to roam free throughout our land. These are two very simple questions that anyone in their right mind can understand. The very people who are running the country do not even like the country. They prove this to us every single day. They have turned this place so upside down we’d rather see the American soccer team lose than win. We no longer want to watch football, baseball or basketball. They’ve even managed to get us to a point where we are more likely to believe something Putin says over something they said. Oh it’s a mess alright. One big screwed up mess.
Can it be fixed? Yep, but it’s going to take a whole bunch of us to do it… We didn’t build this mess, but we sure as hell can dismantle it. I say back to the constitution we go. United hand in hand.
Well that turned into quite the rant. Sorry. I do appreciate y’all allowing me to vent. Now get back to your weekend friends and know I wish you nothing but the best. God Bless us all.
Mr Dan Allen and I have watched TV for weeks.We thank you for catching us up on what we sadly missed. Every stroke of your keyboard is spot on as always.
The only thing that barry from Kenya did was destroy this country from the inside out. He said he’d do a third term and looks like he is. People tell me there is no way that barry is the puppet master. I beg to differ with that. barry from Kenya and his partner big mike have played the race card his entire term.
When brain fart stole the election and got his useless ass in our great White House he’s been screaming race race CARD from day one even though we all know he hates the black community. barry from Kenya wanted every single Executive Order President Trump did cancelled and brain fart couldn’t scribbled it fast enough for him and everything GOOD for the American People barry wanted all of that destroyed also.
Many people say camel-toe will become President. NO the demonrats not one of them trust her and they all know how UN-predictable she can be. So I am 100% sure her heels up or down will NEVER sit in that seat.
As for the democrat and china virus. I think every single one of them INVOLVED should all be put in front of a firing squad for the death and even US the ones that are trying to survive this virus. It’s been weeks for Allen and I and Mr Dan it’s still rough going.
I want to rant about your men going into women’s rest rooms. If I ever saw a Man in one he’d get an ass whooping he’ll NEVER forget. And he may have to squat to pee for a few days.
Mr Dan we might be older but very wise. But you can add us both to the list of MILLIONS of us that are willing to STAND UP and Kick Ass and take names. We’ve had more then enough from the demonrat communist take over. Their days of evil are coming to an end.
Thank you for your view points and thought’s Allen and I both agree with every word Mr Dan. Have a blessed rest of the week. God Bless
Jan – So, so good to see you here again speaking truth and showing your fight for our great Nation and President. So frustrating knowing our founding fathers put together such a wonderful road map only to see these communist loving thugs disregard it. From the states, to Congress, the White House and Supreme Court too. Try “not so supreme”… Looks like it’s gonna be a long dredge through the swamp to get this mess cleaned up. Let’s keep talking the talk and when the time comes, we will indeed, walk the walk. America, the land that I love. Thanks for jumping in Jan! You guys take it slow and steady. Health first, then America first!! 🙂
Hey Dan,
Another fine “rant”! Not an hour ago we were having a discussion in our backyard about exactly what you are pointing out this week. I could fill volumes with my opinion but I won’t and the reason is opinions don’t mean squat-it’s all about the facts:
1). I’m not a racist-never have been. Yet a middle class white man has been labeled exactly that recently and I really take offense to that method of labeling. I’m not going to apologize for being white and semi successful.
2). As far as Obama’s declaration “you didn’t build that”, nothing and I mean nothing could possibly be further from the truth. We built our company with our own 2 hands. hard work and sweat. We’ve had as many as 11 employees (co-workers ) and took care of them and their families. The majority of the work force in this country are part of small businesses, such as ours . I’m very proud and humble of what we have built-not the government and I won’t .
3). We run adds looking for workers for months and months without a single response. When we first opened our doors in 1994 it was way different-we had 2 or 3 walk ins a week applying for a position. Now why do I bring this up? Because our corrupt dishonest “government” decided to give everyone
“free” money over and over again. So why would anyone apply for a position when they can stay home and get paid for basically having a pulse! Where’s the incentive let alone pride?
4).Good, bad or indifferent our history is our history. Tearing down statues because our lame government says they are racist, insensitive, inappropriate is a freekin’ joke. It all happened people-and yes some of it wasn’t much to be proud of however you can’t rewrite history and that is exactly what this puppet show is trying to do.
5). And what moronic A-hole came up with redesigning our flag?? Really?? The red, white and blue of the American flag has been with us for centuries. It is a very powerful reminder of what our country means to us-ain’t getting my vote-like someone is going to ask me.
6). And lastly, if we cannot unite as white, black, hispanic, etc Americans to fight for what is lawfully ours we’re in for a rude awakening. Words and protests, signs and letters and obviously our votes clearly will not topple the fat cats who treat us with emense disrespect and control. I hope I live long enough to either be part of or watch the impending revolution that is our only salvation. We need to cut the head off of the the corrupt snake.
And as I sign off, I am begging every person I know to PLEASE read The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin. If the first 20 pages fail to prove what is going on at the top and give you chills from head to toe, you are part of the problem; not part of the solution.
Thanks again, Dan for caring enough about our country to spend the time you do on your blog.
Have a good rest of your weekend,
Good stuff Dave and true to the last word. I watched you build your company and bleed for your people. Being a business owner takes a great deal of courage and Lord knows, energy. You have both. People like you make America what it is. Thanks for reading this weeks rant and for such a great post of your own. Oh, and for the book recommendation. I’ve heard it is a very timely read. Good evening to you sir.
Yes Dan, like you say, united we stand, divided we fall, it’s on us patriots to take back the country! It’s hard and may take years but we will win in the end because good must conquer the evil, not the other way around! So help us God!
Amen Forever Trumper! Good must “always” win. Fight on!
Well Dan, you covered a lot of ground there, a hell of a lot of ground, acres in fact. I agree its going to take a lot of work and millions of patriots to fix this mess. Hope I’m able to be in the fight when it happens and I feel confident that it will . Still got a few years left in me and this country is worth the fight
You’re already fighting for her Bernard. I’m with you, no spring chicken but ready to do whatever it takes. If their going to take us down their gonna have to earn it. USA my friend.