It’s not as though we didn’t know we’re on our own but this week for three blatantly obvious reasons it flew in our faces like a bad sand storm without goggles. Watching the nonsense has me putting eye drops in every half hour and Lord knows having clear eyes in this day and age couldn’t be more important. These ass-hats throw so much BS at us, weeding through it all is a full time chore.
Where do I begin? Speaking of ass-hats, how about we start with the one who calls herself the White House Spokesman; oops, I mean “person.” What was I thinking? She proclaimed that all misinformation on social media must be banned and that the administration is working with Facebook to that end. She took it even further by saying if a person posts what they consider to be misinformation on one site, that person should be banned on all sites. How communist of her.

What’s next, no internet unless you are a registered idiot, I mean Democrat? Seriously though if this doesn’t anger you then you’re asleep. Who died and made them the auditors of truth. These people wouldn’t recognize the truth if it slapped them upside their head. What’s most absurd is the fact that they themselves are the Gods of misinformation. Not even the FBI can hold a candle to these lying leftist machines. They said Trump colluded with Russia, did they ban themselves? Hell they impeached the President of the United States over a friggin’ phone call with the Ukraine President, you know, the one Trump gave them a copy of. Can’t throw a baseball Fauci said, masks are useless, did they ban him? And just look at what the leftist moron Hollywood types spew on social media… talk about misinformation, good grief.

Many are saying the Government is now using these social media giants to do their dirty work. I wonder if it isn’t the other way around… All I know is this is beyond out of control and if anyone thinks these cowards who call themselves Republicans are going to put a halt to it they are sadly mistaken.
This week we saw images of the folks in Cuba taking to the streets demanding better everything. Socialism is eating them alive and apparently they’ve had enough. Many in the streets were waving American flags. When I saw this my very first thought was to say “let’s trade these folks for the morons in this country waving BLM flags and burning ours.” Wishful thinking. This brain-dead anti-American Administration won’t even come out in support of these poor souls who live just 90 miles off our coast. Why, because they are anti-socialism. While Tired Brain lets over a million Illegals enter our country, the thought of allowing safe harbor to these folks in Cuba is out of the question. Why, because they’ll vote Republican; although I don’t know why.

I tweeted the following earlier in the week to the Cuba folks. “To our neighbors in Cuba, if you can see this, you’re going about this all wrong. If you want to come to America, throw down those flags and start waving BLM flags and carry signs that say you can’t breathe. That’ll get the job done for you.”
That tweet right there is one of those “funny not funny” things and sadly it’s not far from the truth.
It was good to see so many Congressional Republicans come out on behalf of the Cubans though. Hell, they won’t come out for the Americans being held in prison without a hearing, they won’t stand up for a rigged American election but by golly they’ve got the Cuban’s backs. At least that’s something…I guess.
Finally and last but not least we got a taste this week of the findings of the Arizona audit and they didn’t disappoint, did they? Thousands of pristine “mail-in” ballots, not a fold in one of them. I don’t know about you but I can’t get the post office not to bend something I send…even when I write on the envelope in big black letters “Photo inside, DO NOT BEND” yet thousands upon thousands of these ballots made it to their destination in perfect form. Thousands of ballots received and counted from people who never received that ballot in the first place. Say what!? One of the Arizona Senators asked the spokesman of the audit “how is that possible?” The spokesman replied “I cannot think of a reasonable explanation which is why we’d like to speak to the election officials, but as you know, they refuse to speak to us, much less answer questions.” My personal favorite was the finding of thousands of counted ballots from folks who don’t even live in Arizona.

One would think that such outright fraud of an American election would draw a whole lot of attention right? I mean this type of thing ought to draw out every news station throughout the country and the world, right? And one thing you can be sure of is the party who had the election stolen from them is going to have a conniption fit, scream from the rooftops, demand accountability, insist on a nationwide recount, demand the Supreme Court get involved, the DOJ, the FBI… not a freaking word from any of them. The media is as quiet as a mouse and so are the useless, coward stricken Republicans. Can you even imagine what the Democrats would be doing right now? Look what they did when the President held a rally in DC on January 6th for God’s sake? Insurrection, impeach the President, jail Americans, put a fence up around the capitol, the worst attack since the civil war… Republicans – give the Cubans internet.
So you see, we really are on our own. The only one I can count on is you and me because the Republicans are of no use, the media is out to get us, the dirty Democrats hate us, the FBI, DOJ and sadly it appears the leadership in the damn military which was one area of this rigged up creepy Government I was counting on. All are working against us. As for the Hollywood and pro athletes I never cared what they thought anyway. We all fought like hell for Trump’s three picks for the Supreme Court which at this point I assume even President Trump regrets so hard to believe America will get any sanity there.
Here’s the good news, there are a whole lot of us and if we stick together and at some point, sooner than later hopefully, we let our voices be heard and our numbers be seen we can turn this ugly time around. It won’t be pretty I suspect but what’s the alternative? Wait in line for bread?
And that wraps up this week’s rant from the bald guy. Let the truth come out friends and justice be served, because in the end, if our system of justice fails us we have some heavy lifting to do. And I ain’t getting any younger! Have a great rest of your weekend and good week ahead my friends.