Isn’t that what all the nonsense is about? Divide us into tightly packaged groups and then control our every move? In my humble opinion it is and it all started with Barack Hussien Obama. I know for sure that this is when the nonsense started. Remember when he said that the cop had acted stupidly or “if I had a son he’d look like Trayvon.” We endured eight years of this divide and conquer strategy. I remember saying at the time that Obama has taken race relations back 50 years.
Then we got a break. We elected a non-politician in Donald John Trump. Despite all the dividers who make a living on race baiting gullible Americans, Trump was and is color blind. However you see him, he is an equal opportunity ass kicker or lover of people. If he kicked your butt via something he said, the chances are extremely high that you had it coming. If he showed you his love the same is true. You had it coming but never did he ever attempt to put people in separate boxes. In fact he did just the opposite. One American flag, one America defined by its people and its borders. Not Black or White, or brown, or women or men. He saw the good in all people (“there were some good people on both sides”.)
He absolutely highlighted the nonsense and called out those that worked overtime to divide us; whether that was the fake news or the evil doers in DC and again, he was an equal opportunity nonsense flag thrower. Democrat or Republican if he saw you trying to undermine the America First Agenda he called you out. He called out (deservedly so) CNN a lot but he also made sure Fox News heard from him too when one of those ass-hats took a shot. When he said to us “The truth is they’re not after me, they’re after you”, He wasn’t kidding was he. Look where we are today… Never mind, don’t look, you’ll never be able to sleep again…

This rigged, pretend administration that we, as a country and people are being forced to endure within just a few months feels as if Obama never left. Many honestly believe he’s pulling Tired Brains strings. I personally don’t give Obama that much credit. He’s little more than a highly paid employee of the big global money elites. Nevertheless, the divide and conquer agenda is back and in full force.
I honestly believe the vast majority of Americans aren’t buying it. If it weren’t for the lying fake news pushing the Democrat agenda 24/7/365 I question whether there would even be a BLM or ANTIFA. I’m certain there wouldn’t be a statue of some drug addict criminal nor do I think we would have been wearing masks for a year or for God’s sake debating if it’s okay to let men go into women’s bathrooms and challenge them in weight lifting. The nonsense is so out of control it boggles the everyday American’s mind. Why are we even talking about this crap? Why on earth are we having to defend the police? It’s insanity these fake narratives these fringe groups come up with and double insanity that they get the air time they get. Just stop it already.
Did y’all see the video on Twitter of the kid on the skateboard who stopped and pulled out the American flag from someone’s lawn then threw it down on the lawn while his mother stopped on her bike waited for him to finish and then rode off together as if nothing had happened? What type of parent is that woman? I’ll tell you, the type that’s all for Critical Race Theory to be taught in school, the type that watches CNN every day. She represents the brain washed minority in this country and she is a poster child for what is wrong in this country. I’ll tell you what, you’d be hard pressed to convince me these white liberal women aren’t the worst that America has to offer. Just ugly to the bone is what they are.
Sorry friends, I am all over the board this week. My most popular tweet of the week was the story about my giving a thumbs up to a trucker who had a “back the blue” flag tied to the back of his trailer. (In case you are out there…. I-40 east of Knoxville headed west around 7pm on Friday the 9th). I talked about how he honked back at me after I stuck my thumb out the window. So many of you liked the story and you know why? Because it was just a small story that represents what America is and always has been about. We are good people and we appreciate and stand by each other and we acknowledge folks when they do good. Later that same day I was waiting inside a gas station to go into the bathroom. It seemed like it was taking forever and I really had to go! Lol. After a bit an older man opened the door with a cane in the other hand. He looked at me and said “sorry”. I looked at him and noticed he was wearing a Veterans hat. I smiled at him and said, “No worries, thank you sir for your service.” He smiled at me and said he really appreciated me saying that. You see what I mean, these are the small things that unite us. Before the wife and I left on our trip two of my neighbors who I haven’t known for more than a few months asked if they could do anything at our house while we were gone. My son a while back pulled into a gas station in South Carolina to get gas and smokes. He was towing his kayak and a little worried about leaving all his fishing gear sitting in the kayak exposed while he ran into the store. Two guys were on the other side of the pump filling up their car. My son said to them, hey guys would you keep an eye on my stuff while I run into the store?
Both nodded their heads in agreement. While they were there before my son I’ll be damned if they didn’t wait until he returned before they left. Both were black. I hate to even mention this because it doesn’t mean anything to us, except that in today’s world we are being told we don’t trust each other, we are enemies. It’s not true and it pisses me off to no end for the race baiting Democrats and those moronic liars in the media to push this narrative on us.
I guarantee you there are hundreds if not thousands of stories like these small little stories above happening across our country every single day. Will we hear about them? No. It’s sad, sick and wrong.
God forbid the politicians and the media hacks work even half as hard as they do to divide us to unite us. You’ll be pretty damn hard pressed to find any good stories on the nightly news nowadays. The truth of the matter is we are a stronger, more powerful and more united as a nation when we stand together. We got a small taste of what we can do when Trump was President. I won’t even begin to list all the good he was able, with our help, to accomplish and accomplish with 90% of the Federal Government fighting his every turn.
He opened our eyes and gave us a taste of what can be done and now anything short of this just doesn’t cut it.
Okay, enough of my rambling friends. I sure thank you for taking the time to let me vent and share my thoughts each week. Wishing every last one of you a great rest of the weekend and week ahead. Y’all are good people and I am damn glad to have come across your paths even if it was on the Nazi site. I did join Gettr, I have a whopping 56 followers! If you decided to join Gettr please let me know so I can follow you. It’s quiet over there but the good thing is, you don’t have to stop and think before you say something, you can let it fly!
Until next week then. Have a good evening friends.
Thanks Dan, another great article!
Like I always say, it’s people that makes a country great!
God bless America!
God bless American Patriots!
United we stand!
Spot on my friend!
Dan I’m always a little excited after I read your blogs. It is so refreshing to see someone else who believes in the same things and see things the same way even though we are many miles apart. It gives me hope that we may be able to survive this onslaught from these traitors. That’s what they are, traitors. They have sold their souls and our country out. There is a major play coming from them and I have no doubt it will reveal their cowardice. When we were growing up it was natural to love our family, God and country. As Americans we could always get along with others no matter what race we were. I truly believe they are afraid as hell of us uniting and putting a stop to their treason and division. We could, you know. We are very powerful and they are know it. Thanks as always for you wisdom and words. They mean more than you will ever know
Great to have you posting on the site David, thanks! You’re right, there are millions of us like minded folks and DC’s worst nightmare is for us to come together and stop all this nonsense once and for all. Every day I ask myself “how much more will the American people take?” And then another day goes by. In the end we will win. I’ll have it no other way. Enjoy your Sunday and thanks for your continued support and friendship.