As we all get ready to celebrate Independence Day tomorrow with our family and friends I think about how far we’ve come from fighting a King. Taxation without representation, tea thrown into the harbor, our boys fighting in the swamps of the south under conditions which are unimaginable today, all of the lives lost, property destroyed, and historic acts of courage which allowed us to form a more perfect union and enabled us to leave the monarchy behind.
Here we are in 2021 and you have to scratch your head in wonderment, “what happened to all the independence?” Today millions of Americans look toward our Government for everything and the thought of being left alone to pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness has long since vanished. Today, the questions are, how much unemployment can I receive and for how long can I receive it? As for the whole “taxation without representation”, forget about it. As American citizens we are taxed to death. Even the “no state income tax” states have found other ways to get into our pockets whether it is toll roads or property tax, cost of gasoline, etc… Today’s United States Congress makes the 1700’s King of Britain look reasonable. We may be a free and independent nation but we sure as hell aren’t free from King rule; at least not in my humble opinion.
We fight amongst ourselves for basic fairness really. We expect free and fair elections and we were promised “equal justice for all.” Instead we have neither. The blatant two tiered justice system is tearing the country apart. If we truly had equal justice for all so many of the wrongs would be made right.
By their own doing the Government is forcing millions of its citizens into a corner. Every branch of the Government it would seem has turned away from the Constitution leaving us to stand divided, alone and without honest representation. Pick a branch of Government you feel you can count on today. Congress? I think not. They want complete and total power over us. These ass-hats spend our money as they see fit and without consequence. As far as the President, please, talk about power without consequence. The idiot sitting in our White House right now doesn’t even know he’s alive. He does what he’s told. How about the DOJ, do you feel they have our best interests in mind? No! If they did we wouldn’t be on month seven of a rigged election. Then there’s the FBI. Surely they will not allow the lawlessness to continue. Right? Wrong again. While these bastards hold hundreds of protesters in jail, without representation I might add, they continue to turn a blind eye on the real domestic threats. BLM and ANTIFA. The DOJ and FBI are busy working overtime selling the Nation on the threat of white supremacy all while cities burn and people like Hunter Biden walk around free as a bird. By all accounts there is enough hard evidence on his laptop alone to throw him and his father in prison for the rest of their lives but wait, first we must put handcuffs on the Trump organization’s CFO because you know, he had a meal comp’ed and didn’t account for it in his taxes seven years ago or some stupid non-impactfual BS like that. While real crimes against the country have occurred and are occurring these Government institutions are following the lead from big money leftist power hungry evil doers.
I am here to tell you, our fight for independence hasn’t ended. As we should, we celebrate the 1776 signing of the declaration but know the only difference between us and the boys who fought in the swamps of South Carolina those many years ago is the year. Well that and we are a bunch of wusses now.
So y’all can trust that this humble boy proudly displays his flag, has a refrigerator full of hamburgers and hot dogs (you know because they are so cheap now…) and will have the backyard filled with family and friends tomorrow but trust I am not satisfied nor convinced we’ve done right by those who ran the King off and in fact would I would say, the King is the least of our problems this July 4th, 2021.
Let us celebrate while we commit to our ongoing endeavor toward an independence from the evil doers that lie in broad daylight within our own borders. I love America and all that she stands for. God Bless her. Fight on friends and may your Independence Day be filled with love and laughter and as many of those cheap hot dogs as you wish! Happy Independence Day!