Hello family and friends. I hope this week’s DG rant finds y’all doing well, healthy and finding your way through all the craziness that appears to be the norm in this country. My guess is that you are a lot smarter than I because you spend far less time listening to the nonsense going on around you and far more time living your lives and enjoying family & friends. There is certainly a case to be made for that. Setting the nonsense aside that is.
At the end of each week, I typically write about event(s) which occurred during the week that hit me the hardest. Sometimes the event is the top news story of the week and sometimes it’s not. It is however always the thing or things that grind at me the most because, you know, it’s all about me. LOL
This week it’s a compilation of everything. Sometimes I get so fed up I want to throw in the towel and just say screw it. Someone online this week tweeted “don’t forget to take a break from social media to clear your head.” Not bad advice. I actually thought he was talking to me directly. Did I take the advice? Of course not. I’ve never pretended to be the sharpest tool in the shed.
Now to the point of the title “you can’t be serious.” Every week without fail it is just one moronic thing after another. It’s as though the Left is on a full court press to inundate us with pure insanity. Are these freaking weirdos ever going to run out of craziness and more importantly are we as a Nation ever going to take a stand against it?
This week, we had General Milley, Chairman of the Joints Chief of Staff testify in front of Congress. During his opening remarks he said he looks forward to understanding white rage and feels it is a serious problem. While I will admit I have little command over the English language, what exactly did he say? How do you admit you don’t know what something is and in the same sentence say it’s a problem? Tucker Carlson called the General a pig, a stupid one at that. “How dare he say such a thing to a General who has served his country honorably” asks every woke Leftist in the country. Again I say, “you can’t be serious.” What on earth is a General, the damn chairman of the joint chiefs doing talking about white rage and how the military must address this very important issue? An issue he himself openly admits he doesn’t understand. I don’t know about you but I want my Generals disinterested in politics and solely focused on the defense of the Nation. The fact of the matter is, I want our Generals to be kick ass sons-a-bitches so that I have confidence when and if the shit hits the fan we are going to be safe from evil. We don’t spend more money than the rest of the countries combined on our military to be “woke”. We spend it to be safe, powerful and intimidating. It keeps the bullies at bay. Yet here we are, the top General spending time trying to understand white rage which as far as I can tell is just another made up term by the Left to keep the division of the country moving along toward ruin.
Then I read about how we’ve erected two statues of George Floyd. Seriously? The division agenda continues, full court press toward crazy. We spent nearly all of 2020 watching the real terrorist (BLM/ANTIFA) deface and tear down statues only to have a statue erected of a want-to-be porn star/drug addict who stuck the barrel of his illegal gun in the belly of a pregnant woman. And we allowed this during the same week it was announced the statue of Teddy Roosevelt is being removed, I guess, because he was white and had an Indian and African standing next to him? Whatever floats your boat huh? Good grief and whatever. All statues have value and point to a history of the country. For me and I suspect many others, these Floyd statues will always represent a time when America fell off the turnip truck. The guy represents everything no one should ever want to be. Let us not forget him… Dumb. All I know is that it’s a good thing the cop that arrested Floyd was white otherwise we wouldn’t know who George Floyd is. The racist narrative continues. By the way, the white officer received 22.5 years in prison. Seems fair…
After six plus months Kami, the phony was finally shamed into visiting the border which as you know wasn’t really visiting the border. She was hundreds of miles away from the actual border but hey, at least she was in a border state right? Let’s be fair. She walks up to the microphone where she’s asked “why haven’t you been to the border before now?” With that disgusting smile, her FU look on her face and her index finger pointing at the reporter she replies “First, I’ve been to the border many times.” And then proceeds to say “As you know, we inherited a very bad situation at the border.” What makes me sick about this is not what she said, although nothing but lies, it’s that we have so many complete fools in this country that actually believe her and worse, just love her to death. All 13 of them. This is the woman who will be in the history books as being the first black/Asian/Women Vice President. You can’t be serious. Nope, it’s true. Many in the country believe she’ll replace Tired Brain before the end of his term. Think about that and then tell me how you’re sleeping at night. #Nightmare

Make-A-Wish announces it will only be granting wishes for kids who have been vaccinated. Somebody, anybody, please tell me this story isn’t true. Lie to me if you have to, I can’t handle this one. I have supported Make-A-Wish for nearly 40 years because I have personally seen the good things they do. It is beyond my ability to picture an organization forgoing the wish of a child because they are under the Leftist Fauci spell. This is literally putting politics over the well being of our children in need. It makes me sick to my stomach and that’s putting it mildly. “You can’t be serious.”

Rudy has been disbarred yet the porn lawyer is good to go. You must have an ID to get the vaccine but not to vote. The American pipeline is shut down but the Russian one is approved. Unarmed civilians who didn’t hurt anyone are being held without bail, no court date in solitary confinement while ANTIFA and BLM burn down cities, kill, loot, and ruin thousands of lives. The White House, the DOJ, The FBI and now the military proclaim white supremacy is the number one domestic threat but nobody knows who these supremacists are or what they’ve done. Hunter Biden uses the N word and then the yellow word and the media is silent. Biden meets with Putin and two days later he rescinded military assistance to Ukraine. Media is silent. Gas, meat, lumber, housing prices spiking, the media is silent and the Left celebrates what? No mean Trump tweets. The United States is so bad, so awful, so racist, that no one ever leaves and our border is stuffed full of others wanting in. There are millions of job openings throughout the country yet the Government continues to pay people to stay home. I can do this all day long… “you can’t be serious.”

Free speech – So you’re on the telephone talking to a neighbor who is a die hard liberal. You’re in a heated debate about the election. You claim the election was rigged and stolen. The neighbors’ only response is that Trump was bad. You begin to point out all the good things Trump did for the country and suddenly the AT&T operator comes on to the line and tells you, you are suspended from using the phone for 12 hours for saying the election was rigged and that Trump did good things. Before hanging up the operator tells you, “if we hear you say these things again your telephone service will be canceled.” This is what Twitter and Facebook actually do every day to thousands upon thousands of conservatives.
Ok, enough is enough for one week friends. What we are witnessing right now in this country is beyond anything I could have ever dreamed up. Let us hope and pray the ole Red, White and Blue can withstand all the nonsense and prevail in the end. It’s going to be touch and go that’s for sure. Did you hear some are now calling for a different flag, evidently the one we have is just too outdated for today’s woke society… the “you can’t be serious” is serious.
Enjoy the Trump rally tonight and find a way to have a great week ahead. I’ll talk to y’all next week as “we” celebrate the birth of our Nation on the 4th. Get them flags out!!