Can’t They Hear Themselves?

While I disagree on nearly everything, I do my best to be reasonable and try to understand Liberal thinking. You know, they are not the only ones who want everyone to have good and affordable healthcare. Everyone wants that. The disagreement lies in how we get there.

Everyone wants clean water and fresh air. We all cherish our wildlife, our forests and great oceans. How we ensure that these things are sustained is where we disagree. World peace? Of course. Equality for all? Certainly.

What I find so frustrating is how they don’t seem to have the ability or perhaps the desire to question this Government. I guess that’s not fair. They questioned the Government on nearly everything when President Trump was in office. However, no questions asked when it came to Obama or now Biden. This is where they lose me.

How can they sit silently about the 400 fellow Americans who protested on January 6th? How can they be okay with the death and destruction by BLM and Antifia but unyielding toward those who marched on the Capitol to have their voices heard? They should not have stormed the Capitol. No one disputes that. Many question, like me, who really did that anyway. However, despite what they have had drilled into their head by the media and the Democrat party, they harmed no one. A few windows were broken, some furniture was tossed around and evidently a laptop stolen but there were no fires, no weapons, no looting and NO killing. Unlike what has occurred and continues to occur with BLM and ANTIFA, this really was a peaceful protest. Yet these protesters, these fellow Americans are sitting in jail, reportedly in solitary confinement with no charges being filed against them, no lawyers, no due process, and their right to a speedy trial has been unlawfully withheld. I ask, what reasonable person, what kind of person who claims to believe in equality, healthcare for all and feels that climate change is the most important issue of our time can also ignore this injustice being perpetrated right in front of their own eyes?

How can they possibly support the killing of police officers, the tearing down of statues, the complete destruction of so many small businesses, burning, looting and killings and then turn your heads away from the Americans who simply wanted their Government to hear them.

Joe Biden, in his press conference following his meeting with the Russian President Putin said that the protesters (he called them rioters) killed an officer. That is a bold faced, proven lie. How can Liberals support this man? Why do they support someone like this over their fellow citizens? I’ll never understand it.

There was no insurrection. This is a Liberal Democrat narrative being supported by a Liberal media who have been proven many times over to lie. Trump didn’t collude with Russia, it’s been proven. Trump didn’t bribe Ukraine, it’s been proven. Trump didn’t order the clearing of Lafayette Park so that he could walk to the church, it’s been proven. Trump was right, the virus came from a lab in China. It is a China virus. Hillary really did pay for the fake Russia hoax.

Biden really did threaten Ukraine if they didn’t fire the prosecutor who was prosecuting the company his son was affiliated with. Hydroxychloroquine really is safe and has been proven to increase the survival rates by 200% of those who contracted the virus. It’s been proven.

The biggest domestic threat to our country is NOT white supremacist groups. Can they name these groups? Can they list the evil deeds they have committed? Of course they can’t, because they don’t exist. Yet this Government that they (the liberal) blindly support and the same media that they watch night after night says it’s so and therefore it must be, right? Wrong, damn it. WRONG. Why don’t they change the channel, have an independent mind, take a chance to view other sources of information. Just what do they have to lose?

What would they be thinking if the tables were turned? What if Biden was accused of colluding with the Russians. I mean he just gave the Russians the ability to build a fuel pipeline while at the very same time closed down the one in America. He has said that the transportation of oil via a pipeline is the safest way yet he killed thousands of American jobs and caused the increase of fuel prices by closing ours down. Why? Why do they support this?

Has their hatred of President Trump removed any ability to see clearly? Have they ever seen clearly? Were lower fuel prices really so bad that they caused them to hate President Trump? Is controlling our border so offensive to them that it caused this hate? Do they seriously blame him for the virus that came from China? Can they even hear themselves? Do they honestly believe a thin layer of paper made in China covering their face has protected them from catching a virus with particles so small they cannot be seen without great magnification? Do you really believe climate change is the number one threat to our world? And if they do, do they honestly believe taxing Americans to death will solve the problem? Do they truly think it will matter what we do when at the same time other countries, large countries like China don’t care. They keep polluting at high levels and laugh at us while they gladly take our tax dollars to pretend they will join in the global climate fight. But that’s all they do. The whole thing is a hoax making the climate global elite richer and richer. How blind does one have to be not to see this?

Dear Liberal, do you think we owe it to our homeless and our veterans to feed and house them before we do the same for non-American citizens? It’s not a trick question. I am trying to understand your thinking. And don’t answer the question by saying they all should have these basic needs. That’s avoiding the question. It’s not an answer. If that question is too difficult for you let me ask you this; “Are you ok with Hunter Biden using the N word?” A better question is; “Did you know Hunter Biden uses the N word?” I suspect not…

Why can’t these people look beyond the norm, change the channel and go into all things with an open and conscious mind. Do they not have any common sense? Politicians do not make the Liberal their priority, they make themselves the priority. The more we give, the more they take. Any normal person look’s at each issue and ask their common sense self, your life experienced self, why are they doing this or that, why are they saying this or that? Ronald Reagan once said about foreign nations “trust but verify”. Wise words back then. Today however in my mind it’s a

little different. Today it’s “don’t trust and try to verify.”

If American’s, no matter what side of the fence they stand on only spew the narrative of the nightly news or a corrupt selfish power grabbing Government then they become a part of the problem and worse, those things they hold dear, the things they feel are important will remain out of reach. We had a President who made promises and kept them. Now we have a guy who doesn’t even know he’s alive and our back-up is worse and her back-up is even worse than her. None of these three represent the America I grew up in nor the one I want my grand-kids to grow up. It is so disheartening to know so many of our fellow American’s can’t or refuse see what is happening. Someone said “This isn’t your dad’s Democrat Party” To whoever that was I say “You ain’t kiddin”

And that is my rant for the week my dear friends. Happy Fathers Day to all you fathers out there. I hope you enjoy the tie the kids got you, lol.

Wishing y’all a great week ahead. Let us all, in our own small way, keep fighting for the truth for it will indeed, set us free.

Author: admin

The editor of Let Me Jump in places himself in the category of being like any other normal American. He has worked his whole life, paid his own way, honors his family and friends and cares a great deal about America. Overall very conservative as well as open minded. Editor feels it is important to share his common sense toward everyday topics. Editor is concerned the country isn't always headed in the best direction and very concerned with the state of Washington and politics in general.

4 thoughts on “Can’t They Hear Themselves?”

  1. Hey Dan,
    Great blog this week. For the better part of 30 years I have said to anyone that will listen to, “Verify everything, keep your eyes and ears open as this government of ours is most definitely NOT for the people,by the people and lastly don’t be a sheep or lemming headed for the cliffs. And yet here we are in 2021 trying to convince the masses they are being lead to the slaughter by the very people they trust to “run” this country-pitiful.
    So again I ask; how can we rally the masses to right his wrong? Words and peaceful demonstrations do nothing to help our cause. I’m not invoking bloodshed but we all know your have to break a few eggs to make an omelette. Our government is so corrupt and self serving nothing short of a clean sweep will fix it.
    Thanks for caring enough to continue your BLOG.

    Best to all ,

    1. Hi Dave, Happy Fathers Day and what a great father you are my friend. So glad to see you pop up on the blog again. You were missed and once again your response/observation is spot on. No bitching, moaning nor a blog is going to solve the ilk we find ourselves in today. We’ve allowed decades upon decades of theft, cheating and down right murder. The protest that began on January 6th should not have ever stopped and in fact should have gained steam throughout the country. Until “millions” rise up to be heard the robbers will continue to rob. I am convinced those sheep you speak of are simply too damn stupid to see what they are promoting is the very end of all they themselves hold dear. Whatever the hell that is… Americans who love the country need to desperately get organized… Hope this finds you having a good evening Dave. Thanks for “jumping in.”

  2. Well done Dan, I couldn’t agree more. Growing up my uncle, who fought under General Patton, used to say, “the only shortage in America is a shortage of brains.” I believe that sums up Democrats and Liberals today.
    I miss the America I grew up in too. It seems there is hardly a shred left. God help us!

    1. I like that Sue, “shortage of brains” I agree with your uncle too. I look and see all the nonsense going on and just shake my head and wonder how in the heck we get out of this mess. So many, many crazies and down right evil people. We’ll get through it, I just don’t know how… Thank you for taking the time to read my little rants. Much appreciate and THANK YOU X2 for “jumping in!” Have a nice evening.

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