Nary (always wanted to use that word, lol) a week goes by we aren’t made to put up with some sort of nonsense in this country. This week managed to live up to the standard with ice cream on the side and a cherry on top. In fact, there was so much nonsense I don’t even know where to begin.
How about we start with Dr. “I can’t throw a baseball” Anthony Fauci. As Leg Horn Fog Horn would say to the young chicken hawk “I say, I say, what kind of boy can’t throw a baseball?”
So we once again learn something we always knew about this political scientist. I say political because he sure as hell sucks at being a real scientist. This asshat has flip flopped more than any fish I’ve seen out of water. Hell, he even makes John Kerry look like a novice. I am getting a real kick hearing these breaking news stories about a topic most of us with a pea brain knew to be true from the start. This week it was that it looks like the China virus was man-made (the media uses the term “Engineered”) from a lab. No shit Sherlock. Geez. And within the same breaking news story which is all being collaborated via his own emails “Fauci authorized funding for the lab” supporting the study of virus engineering. The media, scientists & politicians term for this is “gain-of-function” research. Bullshit, it’s developing a man made virus to kill people. Stop making up names most don’t understand. Especially me. It’s just the same old crap. Lie, cover it up, get caught and then deny. Meanwhile, don’t let the number of deaths get you down. It was all in the name of science. Senator John Kennedy, who might be my favorite Senator up on dumbass hill when talking about Fauci said “I know Dr. Fauci, but Dr. Fauci needs to cut the crap. This isn’t about his feelings, and I’m sorry if his feelings were hurt. You know, maybe he ought to buy an emotional support pony because American’s have more faith in Dr. Pepper than they do Dr. Fauci” End quote. My kind of guy Senator Kennedy.
To top off what I have decided to be the Fauci shuffle we had confirmed this week that Hydroxychloroquine with Zinc was indeed very effective in preventing folks from getting the virus. And those that did get the virus and were put on the drug that cost less than a dollar had a 200% increase in recovering. 200%! But oh no, once the President shared what he had learned about this cheap drug that has been around for over 70 years the so called “scientists” backed up by the all knowing Liberal Left, and then triple confirmed by the proven truth tellers (not)
the media… hit the airwaves denouncing any such positive effects using the drug. Remember the doctors in the white coats that did the media interview promoting the drug? Remember the black doctor who was so outspoken and adamant the drug was effective? Try finding her today… Then there’s good old Fox News Neil Potato head Cavuto. With his many years as a doctor and a scientist (wrong) he devoted a whole show to the dangers of the drug “Hear me, if you take this drug you could die!” he said. These sons-a-bitches ought to all be locked up. You tell me how many lives were lost because these evil people all but took the drug off the market. Doctors were not allowed to subscribe the drug without facing penalties. I and many others had our accounts suspended on twitter just for saying Hydroxychloroquine. And finally, where are all the apologies? Don’t hold your breath. Once again, it’s all about the money and oh boy have some big evil doers made some money off this China Virus. It’s disgusting.
There is some good news though. Tired Brain is investing a millions of dollars of your money to buy over a half a million doses of the vaccine for, wait for it, other countries to use. And can anyone, someone explain to me why isn’t China paying for all this BS? This has gone from nonsense to downright stupidity and I only use that word because my wife gets mad when I use four letter words too much.
Now let’s talk about the smartest guy Tired Brain Biden knows. His beloved son Hunter. You know Hunter he is the crack smoking, sex with minor loving guy who makes sure the big guy gets 10% of everything ole Hunter can get by selling access to Tired Brain himself. This week some of the crackheads text messages hit the airwaves. Well, hit social media anyway and we learned he uses the N word as if we were living in the 1950’s. OMG look out, BLM is going to eat this crack head for lunch, right? Wrong. Fine but when the MSM gets done with him he won’t be able to show his face in public ever again, right? Wrong. Well poop. At least the President of the United States will stand up and denounce his own son’s filth. Right? Of course not. First his father isn’t really the President of the United States and second, the N word has been used around the Biden kitchen table ever since Biden was born. I don’t know that for a fact but based on his track record and his hero Senator Bird, prove me wrong.

One of my followers on twitter, great guy, tweeted about how all hell is going to break loose when the results of the Arizona audit goes public. I, being the smart ass I can be replied; “let’s hope it gets better coverage than the crackhead using the N word did.” Not the NYT, not any of the mainstream media, Washington Post, none of them have even spoken the word Hunter… Talk about nonsense galore… disgusting. I know you’re tired of hearing it and I am tired of saying it but I can’t stop. The media in this country is every bit as responsible for the thief of our liberties as anyone, maybe even more so. Unlike AOC, I say build more prisons and let’s fill them up with these media hack jobs.
Finally there is Tired Brain on his trip to Europe. While addressing our troops over there, which is a whole other DG rant some day, he said “the Joint Chiefs have declared global warming as the number one threat in the world, that’s no joke.” Now forget for a minute the day before he said white supremacy was the number one threat. I mean cut the idiot a break, he can’t remember to change his diapers. Houston we have a problem. If indeed the Joint Chiefs of Staff said this they should all lose rank and be sent home to attend to their gardens. You have to wonder what the troops listening to this nonsense were thinking. “So I am deployed over hear away from my family and friends to combat the threat of global warming? Really? How come we have all these tanks, airplanes and ships and stuff?”
Seriously friends, we live in a world filled with complete nonsense that if we’re not careful is going to get us killed. The other world leaders must be licking their chops right now knowing they are going to play the Biden fiddle all the way to the bank. The American taxpayer bank.
I better call an end to this week’s rant. Notice I didn’t even bother talking about the phony and her south of the border disaster. There’s nothing I can say about that unlikable worm you don’t already know.

I also skipped the “breaking news” that President Trump didn’t have Lafayette park cleared so he could walk to the church after all. Another breaking story that 80 million American’s already knew.
As always thank you for listening to my weekly rant and know that I wish y’all only the best for your week ahead. We will endure the nonsense together and fight on.
What an interesting blog this week Mr Dan. Allen and I both agree with every word you typed. Love your choice of 1800 word. (Never) in my life time have I seen and heard so much total craziness coming from People that are suppose to be in charge of this country.
We also following Senator Kennedy and love his sense of humor. But everything he has said so far has been spot on.
I’m so disgusted that the Queen and Family have to deal with the Biden Cartel. The entire world is laughing so hard at the USA and waiting for the right time to pick the rest of the flesh off our bones. Brain Fart has DESTROYED everything in his path in how many day?
OANN talks about Hunter the crack head a lot. I don’t watch anything else. I gave up on Fox when they decided to call the race for Brain Fart. Then the next few days they all went on about we need to get over it. I did get OVER it I moved on.
President Trump’s Birthday is today and I so wish him the best day ever. I am so looking fwd to MAGA Rally’s. I watched MAGA Frank Rally pretty awesome. Diamond and Silk. Sheriff Dave was so awesome.
Awesome review of last week. I’ve been sing that song REVOLUTION for a week now. Ya Never know but I have a feeling chit is getting real close to the fan and all Hell is going to break loose.
Enjoy your weekend looking
Glad y’all enjoyed the post Jan. After watching all of these video’s that keep coming out of Tired Brain its at a point where you would certainly think “chit” is about to hit the fan. It really is beyond embarrassing for the country. Every time I see him attempt to speak or answer a question I always find myself thinking about Jill. How on earth can she allow this to continue. What type of person puts a love one (supposedly love one…) in this type of position. Not a day passes he just stumbles and fails. Perhaps this is the final build-up to a Kami promotion… I know people say she would be worse and while I don’t disagree with that I have to admit I sometimes ask myself “how?” he’s so gone in the head.
Sheriff Clark is also a DG favorite. It’s not hard to become a favorite of mine. All you have to do is speak English, use common sense and don’t run around the bush. Say what you mean.
Okay my friend. Until next week. See you hear and there on Twit. Who took 1500 followers from me on Monday. Let the games continue… Have a great rest of the week!
Good one. Another exciting week as they take a field trip from the White House assisted living facility
Ain’t that the truth Bernard. Watching all those people over there makes me sick. Good ole boys club including grandpa tired brain…