My boss for over 30 years was someone I looked up to. I give him credit for so many things in my career. He would lift you up when you were down and humble you when you thought you were all knowing. Over the years, the one word he would use that always stopped everyone in their tracks was “why?” We’d be in executive committee meetings having a discussion about some important matter and as with everything in life, everyone had their own opinion or excuse as to why something wasn’t going as planned. More often than not, after an hour of everyone bloviating, the boss would throw cold water on all of it by simply saying “why?”
The word/question makes you stop talking and start thinking. I remember in one such meeting one of the managers got a bit lippy. He decided, I guess, to take the boss on. When the boss threw out the famous “why”, the manager did what you should never do, he kept talking instead of thinking. He replied to the boss, “Well if we knew why we wouldn’t have the problem in the first place, would we?” To which the boss responded with “that’s very true, I suggest you spend more time figuring out “why” this happened and less time telling me it did.”
The bottom line was that the boss wanted us to notify him about problems but he also pushed us to bring along solutions. Most successful leaders I suspect are the same way. There will always be problems and there will always be solutions. Sometimes the solutions are great and sometimes they are like swallowing a whole watermelon, i.e. “painful”.
So let’s put the why theory to test, shall we?
The FBI is doing nothing about the illegal acts of ANTIFA or Black Lives Matter. Both groups have broken a number of laws. If anyone of us broken similar laws, we’d be behind bars. In fact, the perfect example of this is the January 6th protest in DC. The only difference between the acts of ANTIFA and/or BLM is the January 6th protest was, well, a protest. No buildings were burned to the ground, no government or city official was injured, no stores were looted… you get the point. They riot, we protest. Yet many of the protesters remain in jail to this day. They’ve yet to be charged and the rumor is that they are held separately in confinement. Back to the question, why? On the rare occasion someone among the domestic terrorist groups is arrested they are released within 24 hours. Why?
As the boss said, you figure out the answer and you have a pathway to solving the problem. It seems to me the problem lies within the FBI. Nowadays they are little less than the modern day Gestapo for the Democrat Party and we (Trump supporters which is really an unfair label, we are really American Freedom supporters) are the Jews. Harsh? I don’t think so. For me it’s pretty damn obvious. For at least 12 years now the FBI as well as the DOJ and the CIA have been doing the bidding of the Left. Their actions didn’t just start with Trump, they just became more obvious with Trump. He exposed them and they doubled down.
How do the American people correct the wrongs within the damn FBI? That’s a pretty big endeavor don’t you think? The natural path would be through our duly elected officials, right? Right.
Now we come to the second “why?”
We can certainly understand why the Democrats hate Trump and stick together. We detest their policies because we believe those policies are anti-American, thus they are what we call the opposing party. Well, we call them a lot of things, opposing party is the nicest of the terms. In this case “we” stands for you and me, the people who voted Trump into office because we believe in being free. What about the Republicans? Why don’t they stick together? Why don’t they all align with us, the people who elected them? Why have so many of them voted with the opposing party on important matters? “Why?”
How on earth do we correct the wrongs such as the FBI and the Democrats when our own party or at least the other party undermines us at nearly every turn? The answer, we don’t.
The reason so many of the Republicans vote with the Democrats is because when all the dust settles on whatever issue/problem we face, they are (most not all) no different than the Democrats. They seek to secure their power, maintain their leadership positions, and continue to enrich themselves off the backs of the American taxpayer. I seriously don’t think the issue is any more complicated than this. By all accounts there isn’t anything they won’t do to maintain their positions.
How did we get to this point where it feels near impossible to right the wrongs? We made the fatal mistake of trusting those we elected and being busy with our own personal lives. While we worked and raised our families we let the power brokers in Washington run amok. We didn’t hold them accountable and here we are. After four years of a President who wasn’t a politician, and because of that, he sounded different, acted differently and brought into stark view all of the things “We The People” have been neglecting, you can bet your bottom dollar that the Left and the Right will never make that mistake again (allowing us to elect who we want.)
Right now, it appears that President Trump’s main focus is on 2022. He wants everything to go through him, which ensures only people who think like him and like we do are elected during the mid-terms. No more Mitt Romeys, Jeff Flakes, the dingbats in Alaska and Maine, etc. And there are many etceteras.
Most of us still haven’t gotten over the 2020 election. We cannot understand how our vote will make a difference in 2022 if the blatant fraud of 2020 isn’t reliably adjudicated first. I know that’s how I feel anyway.
It’s pretty remarkable how so many people think that one man should have been able to correct decades of corruption in DC. A few folks this week on twitter took shots at Mike Pompeo. They questioned why he didn’t do more against China relating to the virus. Pompeo tweeted that he ran into road blocks at every turn when attempting to get to the bottom of how the virus came to be. This is what I mean. DC is filled with lifelong evil doers, liars whose pockets are filled with blood money. I don’t blame Pompeo any more than I don’t blame Trump. Both men have shown us the evil but it will take much more than two men and four short years to turn this huge evil ship around. My fear remains the same as it always has. This is going to take an outright revolution and honestly, I don’t think it is within the make-up of today’s American citizens to take this on. Trust me. I hate to sound so defeated. I hold out some hope as it relates to the States. I pray they, via the good people within them, will not stand for the consistent gavel of injustice. If even a few of the Red States stand up by refusing to allow the Federal Government to eliminate the constitutional rights of their citizens then perhaps we have the chance anyway of having safe havens within these States. The Arizona election audit is hopeful if only to expose the dirty dealings that occurred. While I don’t believe this will give us our duly elected President back I do hope it creates a wave of election corrections within the Red States. At this point who your state Governor is can make all the difference. Example – Ron DeSantis in Florida.
The Nation could not be more divided. Those people who refuse to see the evil that goes on are officially a part of the DC establishment. Sadly they don’t even know that. As impossible as it is to believe, 30 percent or more in this country actually think Washington and even Biden are the good guys. I am here to tell you, they are not. When a brainless bartender becomes a United States Congresswoman you know the Nation has lost her way…
So following all this bloviating, I leave you with this. When you learn that a new law is being proposed, or you hear about some body tattooed thug with metal piercing hanging on every corner of his body nearly beat someone to death is going to be released from prison early, or if some brain dead congresswoman claims that building fewer prisons cause fewer people being incarcerated, or even if you hear a little jackass who can’t throw a baseball to home plate instruct you not to wear a mask one week but then to wear a mask the next week, ask the question, “why?”

In the meantime, keep fighting the fight, hope and pray for the best, do what you can and most importantly, keep those you love near and dear. Have a good week my friends. We live to fight another day.
Good Morning Mr Dan. We so enjoy your weekly blog, and as always your right on the money. Your Boss sounded like an amazing man to be around. Do we even have a real FBI? I had such faith in W Barr that’s a laughable joke now. And the guy what’s his name? The one missing in auction now for how many years. Quiet as a church mouse.
I agree the Rhino’s want their bank accounts to stay fat so they can retire with a nice fat nest egg. Yet do nothing to earn their blood money off the backs of hard working American People.
I also agree these money greedy Ass Hats have been doing this for way to many years. Trump “EXPOSED” every single one of them. Guess he opened our eyes and left the ball in our court.
We “ALL” know President Trump won hands down. Really the biggest landslide this country has ever seen.
I agree Mr Pompeo has done everything he could. They blocked everything OUR President did so why not Mike Pompeo. Anything good for the American People the enemy of the people and the democrats had to throw it to the ground and stomp their feet on it.
I have hope that these audits will at the least make sure this never happens again. I have faith in President Trump that he is standing at the gates of hell throwing these evil people down there for good. And will Make America Great Again. Guess it all hinges on 2022. Can Real Republicans take back the house? Years from now we’ll all be in history books of what has taken place through the Trump Presidency.
Fauci needs to be accountable for the millions of people he murdered in this man made china virus that he paid for.
Have a wonderful up coming weekend. Prayers to you and your family that we live another day to fight a good fight. God Bless
I always look forward to hearing from you Jan. There is no getting around it, we the people have our backs against the wall right now. I have always been amazed how people Bill Barr and John Durham didn’t take the great opportunity handed to them to not only do the right thing for the country but to ensure their place in the history books as being one of the saviors of the American way of life. All they had to do was to do what was right and just. Sadly Mike Pence falls is this category to. Instead they buckle under pressure I guess, threat maybe? Or perhaps they were always a part of what we know as the deep state. They could have been the Paul Revere of our time. Oh how I’d love to be given that opportunity. So many real Americans would.
As for the AZ audit I think you’re right, the least we can hope for is corrections to how the votes are handled, tallied and reported. This is so important in order for the country to feel like voting will matter. Learning there was cheating (we all know that already) won’t be enough. People must go to prison, many people in many states. That cow in Georgia is just one example.The Secretary of State is another one. Not even the brilliance of the four fathers thought an entire election could be rigged and stolen thus there is no road map in the Constitution to address this treasonous nightmare and God forbid it is handled via common sense right? Trump got more votes, states certified invalid election results. Biden is kicked to the curb and Trump is re-installed as President. AND a whole bunch of crooks are hanged. On main street on the 4th of July! lol
Same to you, have a nice weekend and yep, we fight on.