I don’t know what happened to me growing up to make me see things so differently from nearly 50% of the country. When it comes to these so called leaders in DC, that percentage jumps to 90%. I’ve got to believe it’s not me, it’s them.
This week 35 Republicans, in name only voted for the commission to investigate the fake January 6th insurrection. How on earth do you have an insurrection without a single weapon and without a single shot fired other than the one who shot an unarmed woman (Ashley Babbitt)?
Insurrection: An organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government or ruler and take control of the country, usually by violence.
So if we now consider breaking windows and sitting in the speaker’s chair violence, then the events throughout the year in Seattle, Portland and DC must be considered all out war. Yet, these have been labeled as “mostly peaceful.” There is no dispute that there was a group of people. Organized people, that is questionable at best. To say they were there to “defeat” the government is outright wrong. They were there to protest the rigged election and demand accountability and everyone knows it; everyone. Yet, here we are. This is nothing more than Russia, Russia, Russia again. Pure made up falsehoods designed specifically to take President Trump down and maintain power over the people.
While the Democrats voting for the commission is completely predictable, the 35 Republicans are disgusting. These same 35 Republicans just spent the previous four years, like the rest of us watching the Left throw everything they had at the President only to come up empty each and every time. It was a four year long witch hunt. These Republicans knew it and you can bet that they privately (some more than others) hoped any one of these scams would have taken the President down. They didn’t like him from the start and they still don’t like him. They also hate that he has the ear of millions of taxpayers. That threatens their ability to control us while they pad their bank accounts. Please trust me when I say, other than a handful, there is little difference between a Republican and a Democrat in Washington DC. Both talk a different game but the ending results are always the same. The people get screwed, the politicians get rich.
So I ask again, “what is wrong with these people?” To the average Joe there are so many things in life that are more important than the almighty dollar yet these DC dwellers don’t seem to care. Observing the current DC nonsense, it seems obvious to this humble nobody that there is literally nothing they won’t do in order to achieve their goal of complete power over the people.
I want to spend just a minute talking about Israel. It has always amazed me how Israel can endure days of bombings then strike back and that very day or the very next day the world is calling for a cease fire. In this latest attack, Hamas fired over 3,000 missiles at Israel. Israel finally struck back and everyone began screaming for cease fire and accusing Israel of exacting overwhelming revenge. In response, Israel agreed to the cease fire.
Here’s the point I want to make. If any country ever launches even one missile much less 3,000 onto our country, the words cease fire better never be spoken. Why Israel allows this nonsense to occur over and over is another thing that I will never understand. Hamas should be very thankful that I am not running Israel because I promise you; there would be no Hamas and no Gaza City. I mean really, enough is enough. Cowards would accuse me of starting an all out war in the Middle East. Yeah, what’s your point? Let’s resolve all this bullshit once and for all. But hey, that’s radical me talking. The bully at school will keep taking your lunch money for as long as you let him. What is wrong with these people? And can someone explain to me why we have United States Congress people standing beside the terrorists and not our dearest ally Israel? One more; tell me why any Jewish person would vote for a Democrat. Finally, if all hell broke loose in our country, who among all the other countries in the world do you think would be the first to help us? With a President Trump it would be Israel hands down, with Tired Brain occupying the White House, who knows. I’d say China except they’re the most likely ones to create the “all hell” scenario in the first place.
My final rant for this week revolves around the masks and the vaccines. I’d like to set the record straight. First, we were told masks don’t work. Then we were told to wear masks for 15 days to flatten the curve. Then they shut the entire country down and tanked the greatest economy the world had ever seen. We must have enough ventilators to last a lifetime. We were told the hospitals were running out of beds. We were shown semi-truck trailers supposedly holding dead bodies. Throughout all of this, we were given statistics showing we had, depending upon your age and health, over a 90% chance of surviving the virus. Just as an aside, we were also told that Trump colluded with the Russians, bribed the Ukrainian President, peed on some woman in Moscow and called for an insurrection. Now we are on the cusp of being mandated by these very same people to get the vaccine.
Here’s the deal, whether or not you get the vaccine is of no concern to me. I honestly don’t care. In fact, I want you to do whatever “you” think is best for “you.”, if that means taking the shots, great, good, fine, well done. If it means you’ve decided it’s not for you, good, great, fine, well done. Not only don’t I care, it’s none of my damn business what you do. I’m not here to try and convince you what is best for you. That’s insane. The only thing I ask is for you to treat me the same way.
Okay family and friends, that’s a wrap. Another week of nonsense is about to be history. Together we’ll watch what Tired Brain comes up with next week. Did you hear him say this week he hardly ever eats meat anymore but eats a lot of chicken? They don’t let Tired Brain talk much but when he does, you understand why. #Idiot

Wishing everyone a Happy Memorial Day. Make sure you are proudly displaying the great American flag in honor of all those who have given everything. God Bless America and God Bless all who have kept her free. Have a nice weekend & week ahead.