In order to make itself appear to be needed the Government creates problems. I really believe this because there is no way on God’s green earth that so many downright stupid things would occur naturally. And, worse than that, they spend trillions of taxpayer dollars “working” on these problems, seeking solutions, holding hearings, going to court, fighting among themselves and this process never ends. The process is costly, the outcome is almost always ineffective, and rarely are there any real solutions to these artificial problems. 90% of the DC clowns appear to have never had a moment of normal life. You’d think they were hatched out of some laboratory or something, programmed to be problem makers not problem solvers. Hell, you’d think if they can “make-up” a problem they’d at least know how to solve it, right? WRONG! And while I am on the subject of stupid, there a multitude of US citizens who aren’t helping matters much. Make that, “aren’t helping matters at all.” In fact, they make everything worse.
Nearly every law on the books is there because some dipshit lawmaker had a brain fart of an idea or because the zombie citizenry kept doing something stupid and therefore we all must put up with a new law… the cycle is mind numbing.
Oh don’t get me wrong, we are a Nation of Laws. I get it and I understand that we need to have laws to keep the insane from killing off the sane. The trouble is though, by all accounts, the opposite is happening.
The everyday criminal seems to run free but the person who goes to work every day, worships every week, raises a family with a spouse is being taxed to death and they better not own a gun. If you throw some caucasianness into that – all hell breaks loose. There’s no damn reason for this, none.
Want me to wear a seatbelt? Fine. Want me to drive the speed limit? Sure, if it will make you happy. Want me to pay to register my car? Ok I guess. Once it’s registered though why on earth do I have to register it every year for the rest of my car owning life? I mean, I registered it, you know it’s mine, you know I own a car, you know what kind of car it is, what year it was made, why do I have to keep proving that to you? Money, money, m o n e y! The ass-hats can’t very well have a lifelong job and keep up with the cost of living without raising money can they?
Want me to wear a mask for 15 days to slow the spread? Seems reasonable until we figure out how this virus works. Eh, a year later and you’re still insisting I wear one. Why? Are the hospitals full of dying people? Were they ever full? At this point we must have enough ventilators to last a lifetime.
The Government has even gone so far as to tell us which words we are and are not allowed to use. That’s because, with the help of the state run media and those idiot citizens I was talking about. It’s no longer “free speech”, it’s “Pre-approved Free Speech.”
We just got done shutting down the entire country over a virus that has 90%+ survival rate. This survival rate is similar to the flu. Depending upon your age and your health, this can be deadly or little more than a pain in the ass that keeps you home from work for a week or out of school for a few days.
Now, the money grabbing control freaks are in lock step with the citizens who are afraid of the sun, the rain and the maskless. They are working overtime to create yet another law. Get the vaccine or be shunned from society. A vaccine by all appearances that will turn out to be much like the vehicle registration law, get one every year or else! Money, money, M O N E Y!
Here’s the deal. I don’t care if you get the vaccine. It’s your life. Do as you think is best for “you.” I don’t care what words you use. I’ll either like those words or dislike them – Now, I’ll either like you or dislike you based on the words you use. If I dislike you I’ll not be around you. Wanna ride your bike without a helmet? Go for it. I did and I am mostly ok. Wanna own a gun? Fine but why do I need to know you own a gun? In fact, why do I even care? Oh I see, because you might be a bad guy, a thief, murderer, a drug dealer, or much worse, i.e. an idiot. Enough about the Government, if you don’t mind, I’d like to own one to…
They passed sometime in the last couple of years, where it is now illegal to lynch someone. Whew, thank God because the lynching was completely out of control. I don’t know about you but I personally feel so much safer now knowing that the person who lynches me will be held to account – after all, it’s now illegal. Ha, like any of these ass-hats would have the brains to know how to tie a knot in the first place. I guess I shouldn’t say that. According to the Government Jeffery Epstein did it with a sheet that he took off the jail cell bed. If you believe that, “Here’s your sign.”
Evidently there are some poor folks in this country who are incapable of obtaining an ID. Don’t yell at me, that’s what the folks in Washington say. We are supposed to believe that. However, it’s difficult to believe because from time to time (daily) I run into some of these folks they’re talking about. Like today I was at the little market at the gas station and I saw a guy show his ID to the cashier because he was buying a bottle of beer. Then last week the wife and I were at the DMV to “RE” register our car and there were all sorts of people in there; white people, black people, brown people and some Asian looking folks too. Oddly enough, the Asian person I saw came and left unharmed. That was nice to see. When it was our turn to go to the window the person behind the counter asked for our ID. I assume we were the only ones who needed ID.
This week I sent out a tweet that simply said; Bullshit. For this I received a fair amount of likes which I thought was great because they didn’t care what the subject was or what caused me to say that, they simply agreed. A few friends asked what they missed and what happened that cause me to tweet such a thing. They know me well enough to know that something must have happened. As I told them, nothing special happened, it was just another day of nonsense and that was the word that best described my feelings. Was it something the Government did? Or maybe something the media said? Maybe it was a video I watched or some moronic tweet from a Liberal? Try all of the above.

This has been another DG rant that goes up and around the bushes and leads y’all to nowhere special but I am so glad you’ve arrived! I get tired every week of talking about this damn stolen election and this complete idiot we have sitting in the White House calling a lid after lunch every day. I also get worn down trying to find the truth in all that is happening. I mean seriously, are you telling me that Tired Brain shut down our pipeline but approved a Russian pipeline and to top it off the media doesn’t care? It can’t be true… The Government didn’t close down our pipeline and then this week say that pipelines are the safest way to transport fuel, did they? It can’t be.
I’ve said it before, Reagan said, trust but verify. He wouldn’t say that today. Today he’d say “don’t trust and try to verify.”
Thanks for tuning into this week’s rants my friends. Perhaps, if you’re lucky and I don’t use any of the Government sanctioned words, I’ll get back on track next week and rant some more about the election and provide feedback on the stupid things that Tried Brain and his side kick Phony Knee Pad Woman are doing.
Have a good rest of your weekend and a great week ahead and remember that you’re not the one going crazy. You’re the one trying to stop the crazies from ruining a perfectly good country. And for the record, that’s why I love ya.