As we all watch the weeks go by in this propped up fake Administration, it becomes more and more ridiculous. It is as though their goal is to outdo themselves week over week and sadly, it is the one goal they seem to be achieving. Between the media and these tech Nazis, one could easily come to the conclusion that communism isn’t coming, it’s here.
Speaking of big tech, as my dear twitter followers know, I was suspended again this week. Unlike prior suspensions, I was honored with an actual reason. Prior suspensions were non-specific. Twitter’s only explanation was that I had done something against their Nazi like policies. This latest suspension however was specific. They said, and I quote: Your account has been locked for violating the Twitter Rules. Specifically for; violating the policy on spreading misleading and potentially harmful information related to COVID-19, end Quote.
Here’s the tweet: I can wash my hands, get plenty of sunshine and avoid being around people who are sick so that I don’t catch the China Virus that has a 97% recovery rate or I could listen to the Government and take the vaccine. You know the Government. They’re the ones telling us Tired Brain got 81M votes. WRONG!
So you tell me, how was this tweet misleading and potentially harmful to someone? Are they seriously trying to say that little ole @iamjumpingin is going to influence someone from taking the vaccine? I wasn’t talking about anyone other than myself. Perhaps it was the use of the word “China” they disliked or more likely the Tired Brain 81M comment. At any rate, these free speech Nazis need to be brought to their knees. As I sat idly by for 12 hours, the leader of Hamas was tweeting away. What are the words I am looking for to describe this? It’s right on the tip of my tongue… Oh I remember, “BULLSHIT.”
As for the propped up Administration, this week was again one ridiculous cluster after another and the sick part of it is that none of it surprised me at all. The puppet master either has a chip on his shoulder against the American people and the world or he’s just as we all suspected, dumb as a rock. The guy would screw up a perfectly good piece of iron.
In just a short 5 months, Tired Brain has managed to stir up the Middle East so profoundly that if I had just come out of a coma, I would think Obama was still President. Iran, with their little gun boats is speeding around U.S. warships in the gulf and through their puppet, Hamas, Israel is being bombarding daily. Not to worry though, Tired Brain is surrounded by top notch advisors like Susan Rice and Peter Pumpkin eater; ridiculous. We go from four years of Middle East peacemaking to 5 months of war making. To be sure, the big difference between the pretend President and the real President is this. Right off the bat, the real President let the world know, that he would not put up with any nonsense from anyone. He was tested early-on. He shoved a few missiles down their throats and took out a few of their top mass murderers. Contrast that with Tired Brain who has done… wait for it… nothing. That is a little unfair. I guess he managed not to fall walking up the steps to Air Force One this week. #Idiot
Then he and “not a doctor” Jill go visit the third worst President in modern times Jimmy the peanut brain Carter. Tired Brain may be the only person on planet earth who would actually take Carter’s advice. Immediately following that visit, I found myself back in the 70’s,in line for gas. The day after the pipeline shutdown was announced; the price of gas at my local station increased by ten cents a gallon. I’ve heard of much higher increases. Once again though, never fear, the pretend President was all over it!
My most popular tweet this week was;
Biden to address the nation to discuss the gas shortage and bombing of Israel. Just kidding, he’s been in bed since four.
Folks got a kick out of that. Not because it was funny, because it was true. Once again, “ridiculous.”

What you’re not hearing much about is the ballot audit in Arizona. Nope, the media and DC are tight lipped about that and thankfully, so are those conducting the audit. I am thankful for that. Just count them and report your findings when you’re done. Then, let the chips fall where they may and anyone not in a coma knows where they may.
Talk about ridiculous things. If any honest person was accused of something that they knew they had not done, they would want to clear their name once and for all. Anyone’s victory that was being challenged would want to prove that they had won. But that’s not what the Left is doing is it. That’s not what Dominion is doing either. They are fighting this audit with all their might. Hundreds of lawyers, refusing to provide the auditors the passwords to the voting machines, jumping from one judge to another until they find one that will put a halt to the recount. Their guilt is as obvious as their claim that Tired Brain received more votes than any President in the History of the country. Hell, he was so popular that he got more votes than we have voters! These ass-hats aren’t even that good at cheating. They do have a clear understanding of just how stupid and disengaged half the country is though. And for those few that begin to question all this there’s the media to make sure they get that out of their heads.
As far as I can tell, the only thing that is missing from this communist movement are the bread lines. With inflation on the rise (Really $70 for a piece of ¾” plywood) those may very well be just around the corner. Speaking of plywood, another tweet of mine last week that got a lot of likes and re-tweets was;
I have a never used before ¾” piece of plywood. Willing to trade for a boat with a full tank of gas.
Friends, if we don’t have fun and find ways to laugh, the party is over. By the way, the responses to that tweet were much better than the tweet itself. So many Americans get the ridiculous goings-on and find their own way to cope. One follower replied “You are under cutting yourself Garrison, you could easily ask for a good woman to go with the boat” LOL. I of course disagreed, you’d have to give up at least two pieces of plywood and drop the whole full gas tank thing to even have a chance for that.
Finally this week Tired Brain was kind enough to let us know We The People have a choice. We can either get the vaccine and not wear a mask or wear a mask. “The choice is yours” he said. I took the time to read some of the responses to his tweet (like he knows how to tweet, please…) and had to just shake my head. The people who have been vaccinated are so worried that they will be exposed to someone who hasn’t been vaccinated. To which the obvious question is; “Why did you get vaccinated then?” I mean if the shot is supposed to protect you from catching the virus and you obviously believe it will what are you worried about? Yep, ridiculous. As for Tired Brain giving me a choice, who died and made you queen? Empty headed old fool.

Okay family and friends this brings an end to another weekly rant. Now don’t just sit there, start raving! (Ranting and Raving… nevermind) Have a great rest of your weekend and let us all look forward to another week of ridiculous.