Right after I post my weekly blog (rants), the very next thing I do is start thinking about the next one. What will I write about and whatever it is, what impact will it have, if any? Truthfully, it’s becoming more and more difficult.
Don’t misunderstand, I am not at a loss for words, just ask my wife. I am however nearly done with the week over week negativity which is about all I seem to find when searching for a weekly topic to share with y’all.
How many times can I say Tired Brain didn’t win anything, Kamala is an unlikable phony and the Government isn’t here to help? Those of you who take the time (thank you) to read these blogs already know that. Hell, some of you know the details of this on-going nonsense better than I do. So… now what?
This last election has turned me and millions like me into a bunch of pissed off Americans who are seemingly bogged down in the overwhelming Leftist assault of the American way of life. Many of us are frustrated with the in your face destruction of the country and to make matters worse we don’t know what to do to stop it. Many have high hopes the Arizona recount will turn out positive for the President and start a chain reaction throughout the other states that all stopped counting on election night. I personally hold out little faith for that. The evil doers are so entrenched in their filth I doubt very seriously they will allow the truth to come out much less follow up on it.
I’ve advocated for hitting the streets. Millions of us, not thousands and that we don’t leave until we affect change. It seems fair to ask; if everything that has occurred thus far hasn’t moved the American people to march, what will move them? I mean seriously, just what will it take for the “normal” people in this country to leave their homes, their jobs, and their families to have their voices heard? If having our votes stolen doesn’t do it, what will? It is starting to feel as if we won’t have to worry about our homes, our jobs or families because they’ll all be taken away or at the very least, unrecognizable. The message we are inundated with is the exact opposite of who we are and how we think. We are supposed to believe that our country is systemically racist, home ownership is racist, the Constitution is non-existent, and the biggest threat to our lives is climate change which by the way is the root cause of the crisis at the border don’t you know.. We are being programmed to believe that the only way to fix everything that is wrong is to fall in line and do as we are told by the all knowing wisdom of the Government.
We The People, LOL. I’m sorry, those beautiful words have perhaps become the biggest joke of all. Apparently “We The People” doesn’t mean jack shit anymore. These ass-hats in Washington don’t work for us. Hell, Tired Brain even came right out and said that. “I don’t work for you.” Remember when he said that during an argument with a coal miner? Every once in a while these political bastards accidentally let their true feelings out. When you hear them you should believe them. Remember right after the start of the first impeachment hearings when nasty
Nancy said “It’s dangerous to let the American people decide Trump’s fate?” She meant that. I believed she meant it when she said it and guess what? In the end the American people did not decide Trump’s fate.

Sadly, as I sit in my lounge chair in the living room, I don’t see millions of Americans hitting the streets in protest. The very people who I suggest start to march, (I’m one of them) don’t do this. It’s not in our DNA. Oh we’re pissed off and we’ll defend our loved ones but we are mostly private people who stay within our circles of trust – our families, friends and God. We are not the type of people who impose our beliefs on others, and at the end of the day, that is what we want the others to honor. Meaning, do whatever the hell you want, be whatever you want, just leave me the hell alone and don’t shove your shit down my throat. If the good folks who remain in Portland don’t want to take their city back from those freaks, that’s fine with the rest of us. I don’t hear any of you bitching about it anyway so live it, love it and let it go I guess.
The problem is that is not what is happening, is it? They are not just leaving us alone. Nope, they are indeed shoving their shit down our throats. It’s disgusting and our elected (right, like we actually elected anyone) officials are not standing with the majority but with the minority of trouble makers. It’s so insane. Those that pay the bills around here are the ones being vandalized by all the nonsense.
Talk about walking in circles, that’s what this post feels like… Grrr. At the end of the day, I may not be able to affect the change we all want but by God that isn’t going to stop me from bitching about it! LOL
On a more upbeat note, best wishes to all the Moms out there today, HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! I hope your day is fantastic! You’ve earned it and more. We’d be nowhere without you.
Have a great rest of the day and may you have a pleasant week ahead and instead of living it, loving it and letting it go. How about we “Live it, Love it, And hang on for dear life!”