CAUTION: This post is full of sarcasm and could be harmful to humans who have no ability to read between the lines. Proceed at your own peril.
As we put another week behind us and look back on the last 100 plus days of the current White House occupant, we should all be thankful that things are finally getting back to normal. Just think about it. We are no longer being forced to read or hear about those awful tweets from President Trump pointing out some insane thing about the fake news media lying or accusing the FBI or the DOJ of being corrupt and not serving up equal justice in the country. We no longer have to hear about the billions of tax dollars being spent on, I don’t know, climate change or immigration, or hell, even the cost in providing military protection for other countries. The World Health Organization (WHO) has had their funding restored so now things are back to normal for them too. The Paris Climate Accord folks have their US credit card back in their wallets so they are free to spend as needed to combat the biggest threat to human life, global warming or cooling depending on which one the “experts” feel sells the best. Doesn’t normalcy feel good?
Under the new regime here in the U.S. we no longer have to hear about how horrible it was that President Trump added his signature to the stimulus checks. Instead of signing the checks, the new White House occupant just sent out a very nice letter pointing out how great he is and how great it was that he sent out his stimulus checks. While having Trump’s signature on the checks didn’t cost the taxpayers anything, I am sure sending a hundred plus million letters didn’t cost anything either. That is just good communications… Ah, normalcy. It’s just so great to be back to the good times…
This week, the FBI raided Rudy “America’s Mayor” Giuliani’s New York apartment, seizing anything he had related to Ukraine (well, everything except Hunters back-up laptop info.) Remember how awful it was when Trump weaponized the DOJ & ordered all those seizures of his opponents. You know, like the time he had the FBI break into Jim Comey’s office or the time he had Brennan arrested? The best was that time he had John Kerry arrested for giving state secrets to Iran… When questioned (a rare moment) about Giuliani’s seizure, Tired Brain said he learned about it the same time everyone else did, he heard it on the news. That’s right out of the Obama playbook. Again, we are getting back to normal and it feels so right, so good doesn’t it?
If you remember, Pelosi, Schumer, and all the Democrats and certainly all of the news media, especially America’s most trusted news, CNN screamed at the top of their lungs about Trump’s request for 10 billion dollars to build the southern wall. As I remember the whole debate, the Left was good enough to point out that we couldn’t afford to spend 10 billion dollars on the racist wall. We don’t have to worry about that kind of thing anymore. Tired Brain stopped that racist wall and while he’s spent trillions of dollars on much more important things as noted above what’s important and such a relief, is that we don’t have to hear about it anymore. Things are most definitely getting back to normal.
For me personally I cannot even begin to tell you what a relief it was, how normal it felt when I filled my pick-up up yesterday and it cost me $75. It just felt so normal, so, I don’t know, good to pay more. It felt like we were back to the Obama years. If the truth was told, I think all Americans are quietly hoping we can keep working toward this normalcy until we get back to the Carter years where we buy all of our oil from Iran and if we have any luck at all just maybe we can wait in long lines on alternate days and instead of spending $75 to fill up perhaps we can get back to rationing so that we are only allowed 10 gallons of gas at any one time. This would be helpful in so many ways. First we would no longer have to spend $75 obviously but also just think about the positive impact it will have on the climate! Cutting down the number of miles we all drive would be fantastic… Cutting the keystone pipeline has us heading in the right direction to meeting this wonderful goal. As long as Tired Brain keeps listening to and continues to get such great advice from brilliant minds like AOC, John Kerry and Susan Rice, I really think the goal of the Carter years is achievable. So great!
I read this morning, due to the increased costs of lumber, the average home being built now cost $36,000 more. That’s per home. This is awesome because single family homes are racist anyway. This increase should slow new home construction down and, once again, it just makes me feel so good, so hopeful for the future…
In his State of the Union speech this week which by the way, I was personally happy to have waited well past the date the Constitution requires, thereby allowing Tired Brain more time to provide a much greater, more in-depth address, he explained to us how the events of January 6th at the Capitol were the worse attack in our history. While no one was killed (well, no one except Ashli Babbitt, the unarmed veteran with zero prior offences) unlike, I don’t know, Perl Harbor, or the Oklahoma bombing, or 9-11, this attack was the worst ever. Thankfully many who perpetrated this worst ever attack are still being held these many months later. While no guns or bombs were found, while the Capitol wasn’t set on fire we must remember some windows were broken and then there were all those extremely dangerous Trump and American flags being waved. As time has passed since this horrific day I am slowly getting to a point where I don’t wake up in the middle of the night remembering those frightening events of the day. I have to ask, the guy who stormed into the capitol wearing horns, and I apologize in advance for this but, has anyone looked into the possibility of him being related to Pelosi? I mean the horns “seem” like a dead give away to me but hey, I don’t want to make any of us relive that nightmare of a day. Let’s just make sure no President ever tells his supporters to go do anything peacefully again. That’s just unacceptable. Thankfully, Tired Brain is well on his way to healing this Nation and bringing us all together…
To end, I just hope I’ve been able to make everyone realize and appreciate just how normal things are becoming again. The Border is back open, fuel prices are on the rise, division in the country has never been greater than it is now and soon our taxes will again increase further pushing us back to, well, the good ole days. Corporate taxes will increase too making it more likely that many of the American companies Trump “forced” to return will go back to China and Mexico. Under this Administration, we don’t have to worry about taking off our masks, he reminds us every day to keep wearing them. God Bless him that masks are here to stay. Vaccine or no vaccine, wearing a mask is the patriotic thing to do and Lord knows there isn’t anyone more patriotic than Tired Brain himself. With any luck, he will further erode our Second Amendment rights and through his close ties with the media even (fingers crossed) our First Amendment rights of free speech can be tightened up to the point where speaking your mind can no longer be accepted. Which is a little weird with us being the Government and all…
As you go forward through each day, just remember, the Democrats, the media and our beloved Government has our best interests in mind. Everything they say and do is for the betterment of your life and our Nation. We should all be so grateful to have such strong, well meaning leadership who by all accounts have taken us back to a more normal place, a place we know because we’ve been there before.
PS: Just a friendly reminder I still have that ocean front property in Kansas that I need to sell. DM me if you’re interested. I need the money and this week only I am willing to throw into the deal, at no extra cost, the boat.

LMAO.If I didn’t know you Mr Dan I’d say you found Hunter’s Crack Pipe.
I know wasn’t it breath taking hearing President Trump talking and speaking his mind that we all understood. Yet we no longer have to even think about getting facts, truth or JUSTICE anymore because we have the best president in all of history pooping his diaper’s in our great White House.. Bet it makes the demonrats wet their panties over their victory of screwing this country over like we’ve never seen in all of HISTORY.
Yeah it’s so damn normal here in Texas that were under water. What happened to us getting climate change with ice-bergs??? Or the sun would burn us alive???
I should be shamed of myself because when we got ONE check only one. I have that check in a picture frame and it’s on my wall. Guess I need to replace it with the more expensive one from brain fart.
Bary from Kenya has been and is behind everything going on today.So many times I wish that President Trump would play dirty by the dems standards, *sigh* but then I figure I would loose all respect for him.
Yes that racist wall that should have saved millions of people in the USA from all of the criminals flooding across *open Invite* from the best elected President in all of history. Oh wait no no it’s Trump’s fault that these illegal’s are coming (with their Biden) shirts on.
What a memory walk down them roads of the carter and bary and the rest of those glorious ass hats.
Mr Dan I understand that blm want our homes.. When are you going to hand your’s over? Us well when hell freezes over or the demonrats are all in Gitmo. Then we’ll consider it, with a fight in mind.
LMAO (Spitting tea all over.) I think there could be a great possibility that the Mr Horns guy very well is a retaliative of nasty’s..On a side bar. Has anyone thought of maybe throwing Holy water on Nasty. Just saying. Bet she screams it burns..
Thank you for reminding us how damn lucky we are living in them good ole days Mr Dan.I do NOT wear a mask and will NOT get vax. As for free speech I will keep my mouth OPEN for as long as I have my tongue. As a government official I would like to arrest the entire left and for good measure most on the right. Amen Now were do I go to get this in the house???
The “establishment” has their own greedy interest in mind.
Thank you for a sweet offer Mr Dan but we might need to sell our home and boat. DM me if your interested..LOL
Have a wonderful Week Mr Dan.
This was an awesome Post made me giggle many times. Great Work
Hahaha Jan so glad I got a few giggles out of ya. So important during tough times to find a way to smile and even better when you can, a good ole gut laugh will do us all some good. Sadly there is nothing more comical now days than the truth. Nasty is the wicked witch from the west and holy water would melt her ugly sole for sure. But all said and done, I am sure you heard the good news from Tired Brain. He said no one making less than 400K would have to pay a penny in taxes. Sweet! #Idiot Every time he opens his mouth the lame stream media spends the next 48 hours explaining to America what he really meant… National embarrassment is an understatement.
Have a great week Jan, hi to Mr. Allen!
Love your great comments on this crazy racist administration Dan
Thank you sir
Thanks much TC and thanks for taking the time to let me know, much appreciated!
Once again you hit it right on the head Dan. As I fall asleep tonight I will feel such comfort knowing my government has my life in their hands. (Although counting all the sheep in America is also great for falling asleep).
Please let me know about the ocean front property in Kansas. Ever since I watched the Wizard of Oz as a small child, I always wanted to live there. Follow the yellow brick road!!
Hi Sue! Thanks for reading and responding to the post! Ha, counting sheep, that’s a full time job nowadays… As for the Kansas property I am so sorry, it sold within seconds after I included the boat. “Were off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz”
That movie scared the crap out of me when I was a kid. And every time I see Nasty Nancy I think of the wicked witch of the west. And I’m not kidding. lol Thanks again and have a great week Sue.