I don’t know about the rest of you but this week reminded me of last week and the week before that and you see where I’m going? Groundhog “year”. One pitiful political nightmare after another that won’t end as long as these Leftist ass-hats are not held accountable for their actions.
I, like so many others, I suspect, am growing weary of the day to day nonsense. The things we are allowing to happen in this country are so in your face wrong it’s becoming very difficult to remain civil.
I was sharing with my wife this week that Hunter Biden’s book didn’t even sell 15,000 copies on opening week. She said, half the country doesn’t even know what day it is, much less who Hunter Biden is. This is hard to believe right? Well she is usually right so I’m going to fall on the safe side and agree with her. This is one of those weeks where I question myself. I’m wondering if these disengaged people have it figured out. I guess they just live their lives in blind blissfulness. They don’t vote, they don’t know who their mayor or their Governor is much less the President. You know these people. They are the same ones that Jesse Waters used to interview in his Man On The Street segments from the Bill O’Reilly show. He would show them a picture of Jimmy Carter and ask if they knew who it was. “Um, is it the guy who wore those sweaters on that kid show?” All while they giggle and adjust their nose ring…
I have to apologize because I just don’t seem to have the energy this week to hash out all of the nonsense deep state BS that occurred. My guess is that you’re okay with that because you are as tired and sick of it all as I am.
We truly are living in a groundhog movie right? Except things aren’t really staying the same, they are getting worse. I slammed Tired Brain (it’s what I do) this week when he referred to the winner of this year’s Masters golf tournament as “A Japanese boy.” If the reference itself wasn’t bad enough, the idiot said it to the Japanese Prime Minister for God’s sake. Talk about a National embarrassment. Oops, I just got done saying I didn’t have the energy to talk about the nonsense. Sorry, the energy must be coming back.
Everything President Trump warned us about is coming true. He said Tired Brain would stop the Keystone pipeline and he did. He said the Left would go all-in on the Green New Deal, they are. He said they’d pack the Supreme Court, they’re working on it as we speak. He said they’d come after our 2nd Amendment, they are. By the way, what’s up with all the gun violence lately? It’s almost as if the Left had these people lined up to perform these evil acts so to push more gun laws on us. Nah, now I’m just being stupid… He said they’d put America last and you guessed it, they most certainly are (have ya looked at the border lately?) He bragged about being the first President in decades not to start a new war. He was right. In just under 90 days in office, Tried Brain has managed to pick fights with Russia and China who both have zero respect for and both will run right over this weak old man. Remember the claim that Russia was targeting our troops in the Middle East and because Trump was pals with Russia he wasn’t doing anything about it? Remember Trump responded to this as “fake news?” Well guess what, he was right about that too. I remember during one of his press conferences one of these pretend reporters was pissing and moaning about something the President said (hard to remember all the specifics because that was another groundhog thing) and the President responded to the reporter by saying “I was right, I’m right a lot by the way.” I won’t speak for you but oh how I miss those days. Nobody put these state run media gnats in their place better than President Trump.
We would think it and the President would say it. Good times. Fast forward to today we have an installed guy in the White House who actually thinks he was elected by the people. Really? What people? “You know, those people…”

If I had to pick out one story this week that bothered me the most, it would have to be the Ashley Babbitt story. The DOJ announced this week that they would not be pressing charges against the person (Capitol Police officer) who shot and killed her. This announcement came at the very time when a white police officer accidentally shot and killed a black man. That man was resisting arrest because he had an outstanding warrant and a gun in his car. The officer was arrested and being charged with murder. Back to Ms. Babbitt, no past criminal record (although she was white and did wear a red hat which as you know in today’s world is criminal), served our country honorably in the military, unarmed at the Capitol expressing her First Amendment right. While George Floyd’s family received a 27M settlement, Ms. Babbitt’s family has to hire attorneys to seek justice. Speaking of George Floyd, you know him, he was the drugged out dude passing counterfeit money. He was the guy who held a gun at his girlfriend or wife or baby mama’s unborn child. That trial will be wrapping up soon and believe me, no matter what the jury decides all hell will break loose. More buildings will burn, more looting will occur, more people will get hurt and the Left will call for more gun restrictions… groundhog day continues.
As for Ms. Babbitt, may she RIP and may her family receive the justice they deserve. The truth will come out, it may very well be long after I am gone but in the end, the truth always comes out. Well, almost always.
Okay friends, another DG weekly rant has come to an end. I’ve nearly awaken myself out of the stupor I was in when I started this week’s rant. Thanks for putting up with me. Let us fight on!
Wishing y’all a wonderful weekend and a great week ahead. I’d say it can’t get any worse but I promised you long ago I’d always be truthful… “When the times get tough, the tough get going”
What a beautiful Sunday we finally got SUNSHINE. I’m telling you Mr Dan this movie has got to STOP. I’m about to kick Bill Murray’s butt.
And yes the days really all blend together. As for civil that went out the window for me. I can’t even type civil any longer. I hear all the time to try and talk to your democratic friends. I can’t do it anymore. I wait while they spew hate and venom at a President that isn’t even in the White House any longer. Yet they still scream foul. Then when it’s my time to ask questions and my first is always the same. “What has Biden done in all his years?” They can’t answer so they revert back to orange man bad crap.
LOL wise choice about agreeing with your wife Mr Dan your health could very well depend on that.LOL Hubby and I LOVED Jay Leno and he use to do the same thing all over the states and ask very simple questions about history in this country and WOW to think one day they could be in congress. I don’t think I have to even give examples. (coughing)OAC.
Yes we are sick of it also Mr Dan. Hell hubby (Allen) say’s your never gonna guess what (ass hat) cause their are many did today. NOTHING shocks me any longer.
As for brain fluff’s comment on “A Japanese Boy” all I can say is this #BidenIsARacist
Our TRUE Leader President Donald J Trump has always been right, about everything he said from day one.
There always seem to be shootings and horrid things done in the street’s by the lefts home grown paid and bought for TERRORISTS. A coincident not a chance.They own it they paid for it.
President Trump and his administration was all about peace from day one.
I would get so PO at the enemy of the people always asking the stupidest questions just to look like a fool. I want to hear what was going on at the time and oh hell no they would never mention how Trump helped so many people.I wanted to see and get to know our stunning First Lady but hell they wouldn’t even let us get that. They are hateful people and will destroy themselves. Their eating their own as we speak.He sure was right and he is right about so many things.
brain fluff was voted into OUR White House by Machines. I do not beleieve for one second that more then a few thousand voted for him REALLY.
I am heart broken and disgusted all at the same time over Miss Babbitt. Talk about a cover up by nasty nancy. I know for a fact that special cop was nasty’s very own hero. And I will even go farther and say it was a set up the entire thing. Someone was going to die that day so nasty could claim her disgusting victory. That’s what demonrats always do create something to move away from what really was going on. VOTER FRAUD !!!! There I said it, and until someone can PROVE me wrong I’ll always think this. David Bailey is missing, hiding, not around. Could he be hiding with hunter??? RIP Miss Ashli one day your murder will pay and you will have Justice.
Thank You for allowing us to vent with you Mr Dan. My friends all follow your blog weekly guess their shy not to reply.. LOL
Have a wonderful week and looking fwd to your next rant. God Bless you and your family. Lie to us from time to time Mr Dan about it not gonna get any worse. LOL
Sorry for the late response Jan – I continue to be thankful for your friendship and our continued dialog on all the nonsense we are being made to endeavor. Sometimes it is so in our faces I don’t even feel like jumping in which, of course, is exactly what the asshats want me/us to do. I just listen to the guilty verdict on the Chauvin case. Like that was a big surprise. Truth of the matter is, anyone sitting on that jury would have been writing a death sentence had they not charged him. How can you trust the courts to conceal your name when they won’t even hear the peoples case against a rigged election. The whole system is political and corrupt at this point. He who speaks (burns, loots and murders) wins… truth and honestly seems to be out. Thanks for sharing my blog with your friends, tell them to speak up! LOL. Have a good evening and be thankful you don’t live in Minneapolis… God Bless this Nation.
I enjoy your blog Mr Dan and so do my friends they call me and tell me what they think. Which I enjoy BUT wish they’d leave a reply on here for you and then maybe other’s will jump right in also. LOL I am going to stay right here in Texas. I am safer here then most places. Have a great day