When discussing the state of our union with the 18,000 plus twitter followers that I have, this is the question I hear the most. “What do we do?”’
As a group, we nearly all agree the state of the union is a mess. We nearly all agree that the election was rigged and no one that I know believes Mr. Tired Brain Biden got anywhere near 81 million votes. Everyone within my group knows, and we talk about it, complain about it, point out the obvious missteps and downright dirty dealings of this installed Administration. They know the America that we grew up in, the one that the founders laid out for us in the Constitution cannot stand under this type of communist rule.
Folks are so tired of the nonsense, so fearful for the future of the country, fearful for their families, their grandkids and the Nation herself. These are good and caring people. I see it in their comments and I feel it between the lines they write. The China virus is the last thing they fear, it is the Government they fear the most and rightfully so.
The Government with the continued help from the state run media has lied so often and done things so un-American to everyday working class Americans that the distrust is at an all time high. Those Americans who are not among the “woke” crowd, those who truly are not interested in the color of one’s skin, those who believe in their God given rights, the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Equal Justice For All are simply outraged and quite honestly, feel morally defeated as the fabric of the Nation is torn to shreds.
Having just come off of four years with a President who not just by all appearances put America first but took direct actions putting her first and by a President who brought into clear view the lies and deceit of the political class, the global evil doers and certainly the fake news media, the people are literary aghast at what they see happening today. Every headline is filled with lies and deceit. The truth has become nearly impossible to find and with so much distrust, when you hear it, you don’t know whether to believe it. Perhaps that is the problem. Nobody knows what to believe anymore.
There are groups out there who honestly believe that the President will be coming back before the year is over. There are states calling for complete election audits. Some reports are just as we assumed, rotten to the core filled with fraud. That is, if you believe these reports. States are agreeing to remove the deceased from their voter rolls which is great but astounding they had to be forced to do so. Georgia has installed new voter rules for up-coming elections. That’s great. However, remember that this is one of the states who refused to acknowledge that when they counted their election results, fraud was everywhere. All of this is encouraging but it’s nearly impossible to believe the stolen election will be overturned when the Left is in control. The courts have turned their backs on the people, the media won’t investigate on behalf of the people and Congress, short of a few, is full of money grabbing, self interest puppets who put themselves first and the Nation last. These elected officials are millionaires who all have an eye and a step toward their next election; all while pretending to care what the people think or want. I am telling you what you already know and as I type away I know what you’re wanting to say, “What do we do?”
Some say “be patient, trust the plan” others say, like me, “what plan?” I have one follower who thinks there is no need to hit the streets. He thinks we all should simply refuse to pay another penny in taxes until Washington listens. Not a bad idea. Who goes first and how many have the courage to follow? Some say we need to hit the streets just as the Leftists do. Others say that is exactly what the Left wants us to do. Look what happened the last time we did that. We were accused of insurrection. A fence was erected around the capitol and troops were brought in to keep the people out. Both are still in effect to this day. You know the troops I am talking about, right, the ones that are forced to sleep on the concrete garage floors. Did the Government at least give them the same space-blankets the illegals have? The Left and the media played up the events of January 6th as if the white Nationals and all their guns attempted to take down the Government. This, while reality is slowly dripping out that no guns were found and those that entered the capital were not a part of the group that was in Washington that day to demand the Government count the legal votes and elect the rightful winner. Many believe it was the Left themselves who played a role in the breach of the Capitol. Many are asking why we still don’t know who murdered Ms. Babbitt. Why did the family of a drugged-out, wife-beating counterfeiter receive a 27 million dollar settlement while the family of a woman who served her country and stood up for her President by expressing her right to free speech has to hire a private attorney to fight the Government? A government who is accusing her of being some evil hater of America? It’s not as though she’s a member of ANTIFA or BLM or something. Unlike drugged out George Floyd, Ashley was actually murdered.
It’s things just like this that has so many people up in arms and this is just one story… There are many just like it. Y’all hear about the guy who shot up an entire family earlier this week in South Carolina? Of course you haven’t, he was a black football player… And guess what, in a sane and just world I wouldn’t have had to use the word “black” in front of football player would I. The entire “race” narrative is so out of control it makes people want to scream.
As for “what do we do”, I don’t pretend to have the answer. I am doing all that I know how to do. I am expressing my free speech while I can by talking about this mess that we find ourselves in and hoping it at least keeps the conversation going. The Left want nothing more than for us to forgive and forget. What I am certain of is that tweeting and writing letters isn’t going to get the job done and based on the 2020 election the idea that we can right the wrongs at the ballot box is out the window. Cleaning up the voter rolls, stopping ballot harvesting, voting by mail and ensuring honest counting in the future is all well and good. It doesn’t change the fact we’ve had an election that was rigged giving us an installed President who doesn’t love America and who doesn’t have the brain capacity to change his own underwear and it doesn’t do a thing about imprisoning those who played a role in this evil take over.
Now and finally, and again the broken record: I see no way around this mess without mass peaceful protests in the streets of every state in the union including the well guarded US capitol. Yes there will be violence, blood, sweat and tears. Yes people will die, yes the media will be against us, yes lies will be told. We need our own William Wallace (a famous Scottish rebel who led the uprising against the English) to inspire and lead us. Please don’t misunderstand me, I do not advocate violence, I hate it. Peaceful protesting is what I am suggesting. I just know however these evil bastards on the Left will not allow that. They will do everything in their power to turn peaceful into terror. As the saying doesn’t go, “what is good for the goose is not good for the gander.”

As for the tax revolt idea that I mentioned above; while it has merit and does send a strong message, my fear is that it will only allow the Government to pick us off one at a time which will eventually lead to the very protests I speak of anyway.
So there you have it. Just how upset are we? Do we stand and fight for what is rightfully ours or do we sit idling by and moan? I fear the later. They’re coming (have been for years) for our guns. Once that is accomplished you can turn off the lights because the party’s over.
Now that I’ve cheered you up, I send my most sincere wishes to you and your loved ones for a wonderful week ahead. May you be safe, healthy and find ways to smile. I do every week by rolling around the floor with the grandkids and being thankful for my wife who takes such good care of me.
PS: We are still unpacking boxes. Does anyone know where I put the hummingbird food? And for the record, I am seeking financing to build my workbench in the garage. Plywood is now $70 a sheet. Are we having fun yet? LOL