Hello friends and Happy belated Easter. I sincerely hope each of you had a wonderful day with those who are important to you. My wife and I spent the day and several days prior moving into a new home. Same area but a home we can be comfortable in for quite some time! “I hope”. Moving, tops the list of the things I find no joy in, right next to going to the dentist and that’s putting it lightly. Enough of me though. I feel grateful for having the ability to live where I want and having the ability to move when I want. For now…
These Leftist “woke” idiots just keep pushing and pushing, don’t they? They don’t even try to hide it. It’s in your face all the time. I keep wondering when and if the people who have a lick of common sense are going to say “enough” and put a stop to all of this stupid Leftist, Communist insane nonsense.
Every week it’s something else. This past week it was all about boycotting. The MLB claimed their fake outrage over the voter law changes in Georgia which like everything else is a big joke. Tired Brain called the changes an outrage saying it made Jim Crow look like Jim Eagle. Of course everyone on the planet has been trying to figure out who the hell Jim Eagle is… Another made up “thing” Joe tired brain style. Voter suppression, voter suppression! I will never understand how requiring an ID to vote has been turned into voter suppression. These ass-hats think so little of the American people’s ability to think. In the very same week that they talked about voter suppression, they talked about a vaccine passport. They know damn well that receiving the vaccine requires an ID, but asking for an ID to vote is suppression. If that’s true (it certainly is not) then wouldn’t that mean that they are suppressing the people’s ability to get the vaccine? To insinuate Black and Hispanic people cannot get an ID to vote is just insulting. How any of these groups vote for these insane a-holes continues to remain a mystery to me. Same goes with the Jewish-American people who continually vote Democrat. How stupid can someone be? The Democrats do nothing but work overtime to harm Israel yet, just as the Black and Hispanic majorities do, they vote for these idiot Dems.
The new Georgia voting laws are actually less restrictive than many of the Blue states throughout the country. In fact, they are far less restrictive than those laws in the State of Delaware. You know, the state Joe Tired Brian calls home.
As for the MLB threatening to move the All Star game out of Atlanta because of the law, I say don’t let the door kick you in the ass. I mean, seriously? Play baseball and keep your trap shut already. Millions of Americans are all but done with professional sports anyway. Most have simply had enough of these billionaire leagues all of which receive millions in subsidy dollars from the taxpayers. It’s no different than Planned Parenthood. We fill their bank accounts with millions of taxpayer dollars and they turn around and funnel money back into the Leftist Democrat campaigns. It is the same with big tech, big banks and why? So these idiots on the Left can raise their corporate tax rate? Again, why do people vote for these Leftist commies? They help no one accept themselves and for Christ sake, it’s 2021, we’ve watched it for decades upon decades. I must be the stupid one because I just don’t get it.
The other absolutely communist move this past week was Facebook, Youtube and ten other Leftist “woke” morons banning the Lara Trump interview of President Trump. Not only banning the interview but Facebook came out and said they were banning his voice from their platform. Really? These ass-wipes allow terrorists on their site calling for beheadings of Americans, they allow China to post any damn thing they want but we can’t hear from a former President of the United States? I’ve never been a Facebook guy. For me, there has always been something about it that didn’t seem safe or right. I get the feeling that I am the only one on the planet without a Facebook account. We wanted to sell our sofa before we moved and our kids said “post it on Facebook Marketplace”. The little HOA where we live has a website. That site directs you to get all Association news, up-dates and documents, it’s all on Facebook. Why? It’s a big outfit, a big communist outfit who isn’t at all interested in free speech. They are a private company and can do what they want I guess. My question is this: Why would you want to associate yourself with a company who decides what you can, what you cannot say, and who decides that a former and well-loved (by millions) American President is not allowed to communicate? Come on people. Stick it to these commie bastards. I get that you may be fearful of marching in the streets but at least take a stand somewhere on something!
Ban my President’s voice? Really? They just push and push… Coke wants us to stop being so White, Bank of America won’t let you use their services to buy a gun, airlines talking about having to have a vaccine certificate to fly. White people are killing Asian people. ALL WRONG. That narrative fell apart pretty quickly, didn’t it. Almost the only way that any story is going to stay in the news now is that it either has to be something bad that a white person did or some harm that came upon a person of “color”. This is pure racist, in your face nonsense.
I know I am like a broken record but honestly, when is enough going to be enough? We have all this wokeness going on and yet, at the same time, we have a guy living in the white house that is a national disgrace. Hell, the whole world is laughing at this tired brain clown show. And to top it all off, the media is working overtime to convince all of us he has a 65-70% approval rating… another “really?”

Okay, okay, I’m done with this week’s DG rant. I’ll finish the way I started, Happy Easter friends, God Bless y’all and God please, please bless these United States of America! We need your help like never before. Well, more like, we need your help “like always.”
I have recently started a website, the info you provide on this site has helped me greatly. Thank you for all of your time & work.
First let me say CONGRATULATIONS to you and your wife.I agree a root cancel has never been a great day for me.Mr Dan I hear the left “WOKE” crowd but really don’t know if they exist or their really just aliens?
Another great blog. Keep up the great work
Yes I did a double take also about Jim Eagle? So I looked it up and this is what the media is saying (rolling eyes) Jim Eagle isn’t actually a real person. “Joe Biden made up the name as a play on words, using different bird species to get his point across.” so now that we got that all figured out.Jim Eagle is apparently his pretend friend he plays with.
I have to be honest hell will freeze over before I take their poison needle. not happening. Especially if the demonrats say so.
I hear all the time that certain races vote for brain fluff. Yet I watched for four plus years all races holding rally’s with thousands of people. Wonder were they came from?? But if they really did vote these ass hats in SHAME on them all. And they deserve exactly what we all have to endure.
As for sports the demonrats and all their merry follower’s have destroyed Sports of any kind. Your right leave let the door hit ya were the good Lord split ya. shaking head. I must be out of my mind also because I do not understand their logical thinking..
Fakebook is a joke. I was on their platform from day one. I posted one day to remind everyone to vote in person. That night I went on and poof they removed my personal account. My PRIVATE “Save The USA” account. My dog clothing account and my business account. They allow like you said terrorists. Perverts looks for small boys butts. Sex Slave accounts and so much more perverted accounts.I had 20,000 follower’s. Everyone asks me to make a new account. NO THANK YOU. I agree with everything you said. I’m done and if twatter ever deletes me I’m done with them also. All I can say is #TerminateSection230 been saying it for a year now.
No Mr Dan your not a broken record. It’s just were all trapped in that damn “Groundhog Day movie” and were all trying to get out. We’ll survive this I’m sure or we’ll die trying (figure of speech.)
Have a blessed rest of the week. God Bless
Well heck Jan, no wonder you and I get along! I’m right there with you on the vaccine. I do my best to use common sense before doing anything. For the life of me (pun intended) I cannot make heads or tails as to why I’d take an experimental vaccine for something that has a 99% survival rate. Every time I think about it I come to the same conclusion. We also are aligned when it comes to these social media platforms. If they cancel me fine, I’ll not miss them. I’ll miss you and many others but not their nonsense, lies and narrative. As for baseball and all these companies who fee the need to support the woke crowd, their shareholders ought to take whoever is making these decision out behind the barn. What sane ECO of a company would throw out half of their costumers? Of course to be honest, many folks only talk about banning these asshat companies but in reality don’t. The guy that says he’s burning his Nike shoes, in too many cases, is still wearing them. lol. Anywho my friend, thanks for your continued support and thoughts, always, always appreciated. By the way, I found my socks. They don’t match but hey, details, details. Have a good evening Jan, say hi to the hubby!
As an old man now. Traveled the free world pretty much. Have 3 degrees a son who just retired as a Lt.Col after 30 years from the army 2 Beautiful granddaughter’s. One in attendance to Ala. roll on tide. A daughter-in- law who has loved my son and taking care of her family. Losing her first child to a terrible birth problem. He was such a wonderful little guy in pain everyday of his life. God is merciful. I’m glad to have your blog and will read it every time it’s published.
Thanks so much for your comments Gary. Your family sounds wonderful. You certainly have much to be proud of. God is merciful and I am thankful you have introduced yourself to me. I look forward to hearing more from you in the future. I do my best to post once a week. Usually on Friday or Saturday. Thanks again for your interest. I’m not hear for anything other than to talk and get feedback from folks “just like you!”