When you think about the status of the country just 8 weeks ago it really does boggle the mind knowing where we are today.
The only conclusion one can come up with for these insane changes is that these people seriously do not love the country and their thirst for power overrides everything else in their lives.
Think about it, eight weeks ago we had a President who evidently offended people with his tweets but we were energy independent and not only independent but the largest producer of energy in the world and for the first time in I don’t even know how long, the average cost of gas was below $3 and below $2 in Red states that don’t tax their people into oblivion. Literally, for the first time in my life, we were not dependent upon anyone else for our energy needs. No longer were we living in a time where we were purchasing oil from countries who openly call for death to America. During my life this always angered me because I knew we were financing the very countries which were performing terror not only in the Middle East but around the world. To top it off, during the Iraq war we were literally buying oil from the same people that were shooting at our troops. Translation, we, the American taxpayer via the Federal Government gave dollars to our enemies so they could buy bullets…
With the cancelation of the keystone pipeline, every indication is that this current group of anti-America liberals in Washington are paving the way to go right back into the business of shutting our energy sectors down and buying again from our foes, OPEC. As for this idea of going green; guess who the largest manufacturer of solar panels is? China… While during the debates, Biden copied Trump’s America first policy by saying “we will buy America, made in America only”, rest assured, that’s not happening. Shutting down the keystone pipeline was the first stone cast.
Just eight short weeks ago, despite all the efforts from the Left, we had a secure southern border. Illegal entries were at an all time low. We were closing in on 400 miles of newly constructed wall and when I say wall I am not talking about some broken down wall that makes a picket fence look secure, I’m talking about a wall! Through his “America First” policies, President Trump had stopped sending billions in tax funded aide to Mexico and Central America until they agreed to do their part with the caravans of illegals. Mexico had agreed to house all illegals in their country while they went through the legal immigration process. That alone cut the numbers of illegals down by half because they didn’t have any desire spending years in Mexico going through any process. Again, this was only eight weeks ago. Today, “tired brain” has stopped all wall construction and opened the gates. Caravans are again gathering as I type and the number of illegal crossings has grown to 2016 and 2017 levels again. Mexico is no longer agreeing to hold the illegals in their country and to no surprise, “brain dead” doesn’t care. ICE has been instructed to stand down. You tell me why the current occupant of the White House wouldn’t want ICE to continue their good work rounding up MS-13 gang members, child rapists and human traffickers? Why should he, we know his own son (via pictures on his laptop) conducted sexual acts with minors. The Left would have us all believe they are the party of human rights, dignity and justice for all. Nothing could be further from the truth and before you say it, many on the right aren’t any better. The filth in our Government is enough to make you want to throw up.
So get this, Biden is allowing illegals to enter the country again. Evidently they are tested at the border for COVID but no matter the results, released into the country to go as they please. I, on the other hand may not enter my local Walmart without a mask and coming soon, without a vaccine certificate I won’t be able to travel. In fact it wasn’t but a short time ago I had to self quarantine if I left my home state and went to New York. America First? Wrong.
While most of the country remains shut down causing millions to be unemployed, Mr. Brain Dead allows illegals to pour in so we can compete with them for the few jobs that are available. And if they can’t get a job don’t worry, our tax dollars will feed and house them. We are right back to where we were BT, “before Trump”, they are putting the policies back in place that were actually the very reason we ended up with a Trump in the first place.
When COVID hit Trump was not happy about the so-called “World Health Organization (WHO) because through their protecting China they cost many American lives. When he learned we pay them something like 600M per year and China pays them less than 70M year he had, had enough and cut their funding. These are the kind of actions a businessman takes, not a politician. These are also actions someone takes who actually puts America first. Anyone Left, Right, White, Brown or Purple could and should appreciate that move. First, why on God’s green earth should we pay so much more than China and all other countries around the globe and secondly, why would we pay an organization anything when they flat out lied and caused American lives? Eight weeks later Mr. Brain Dead jumped right back in and has agreed to pay the old 600M rate. WHO will get our money before our own citizens who were promised $2,000 checks will get theirs. Can you say “one world order?”
Paris Climate Accord. President Trump dumped these tax robbers early in his Administration. He wasn’t having anything to do with this hoax of an agreement that did nothing to help the climate and did everything to fund the globalists around the world. China loves the agreement because they earn billions of dollars based on promises they have never kept. They are the world’s biggest polluters and have more to gain from the accord than anyone else. Figure that out and get back to me. Just eight weeks ago billions of our hard earned dollars were no longer being thrown out the window with absolutely nothing to show for it. Brain Dead though has rejoined this global climate Paris rip off. We all want clean air, clean water and to be good stewards of our planet but we expect common sense to prevail. Spend our money wisely for Christ’s sake. Today we are only a few months away until California is on fire again. These fires put more pollutants into the air than all the gasoline driven cars will in the next ten years. Wouldn’t common sense tell you to do whatever it takes to decrease these fires? Yeah, well, what’s common sense have to do with it, right? Right.
Hell, just eight weeks ago it was still okay to read Doctor Seuss, put Aunt Jemima syrup on your pancakes, let six year olds be six year olds and freely walk the grounds of the US capital without needing a cutting torch & wire cutters. Don’t even get me started on that Hollywood script.
Just eight weeks ago we had a President who was out front and center answering every question asked of him. We had a President who praised America at every opportunity. We had a country which just came off four years of growth and renewed prosperity. Lowest black unemployment, lowest Hispanic unemployment, Lowest Asian unemployment, more women working than had in 50 years. After four decades of new wars we had come off four years without any. We watched our troops coming home and were an eyelash away from seeing them all come home. Today Brain dead is back firing missiles in the Middle East, increasing the number of troops and cozying up to his old pals in Iran by announcing his desire to rejoin Iran’s “don’t be a dumbass” nuke agreement. Iran’s response? “Repay all the money we’ve lost due to the Trump sanctions.” Don’t fall out of your chair when he agrees to it.
Finally, as I speak, the Senate is debating a voting rights bill the Leftist, socialist commie House passed which if the Senate passes will make all the illegal voting scams of 2020 (ballot harvesting, vote by mail, no signature verification, etc) suddenly legal. Question, why do we need a law pertaining to voting methods if none of the voting methods used in the last election weren’t illegal? Asking for a friend… While the vast majority of the country want voter ID to be required in every state these power hungry Democrats want just the opposite. Come one, come all. Hell, bring your next door neighbors ballot with you when you come. If this passes, and it will, the only way we’ll ever see a Republican in office again is if we become better cheaters than they are.
If all of this doesn’t boggle your mind as it does mine then it might be a good time to get your head examined because with all due respect, you’re out of your mind.
Eight weeks ago millions upon millions of Americans lined the streets just to show their support for their President. Millions of Americans waited in line for days on end to hear the American President speak. For the first time in the History of our country Americans chanted “We love you, we love you.” Something never heard of before. Today there are no lines on the streets of America to see Joe Biden. He hasn’t held the traditional State Of The Union and the sad thing is, no one cares. In eight weeks we’ve gone from God Bless America to what God help America. And yes, it boggles the mind.
And that wraps up another DG rant of the week. #KeepSpeakingOut

Mr Dan you out do yourself every blog. Your 100% right BDead is destroying this country as fast as he can. I have friends all over the US. And the WORLD. their all disgusted to what BD is doing. The farmers were finally going to be able to save their farms because of President Trump. Sad and it feels like were drowning everyday (like ground hog day movie) the same shit plays over and over again. I swear they smoke hunters pipe and think the wildest craziest crap they can do to change everything and everyone.. Thank You for taking the time to recap everything that’s been happening..God Bless
Thank Jan – Yes, might I say, it’s enough to boggle one mind… Thanks for your help today.