Were you able to catch “As The Tried Brain Turns” on Thursday? In case you don’t get it, I am talking about the well scripted, pre-planned press conference. If you didn’t, no worries, that’s what I’m here for. Before I get started let me award you five gold stars for being smart enough to forgo a complete and utter waste of your time. I can honestly report that I am dumber for having watched it. I also want to be upfront by admitting I wasn’t able to watch the whole thing. Well, I was able, I just didn’t have the staying power to do so. Okay, off we go!
Whether you believe me or not, I honestly try to go into these things with an open mind. We all know that Biden is old and while I make fun of his brain, by all accounts you have to admit, it’s tired, actually, it’s worn out. Age doesn’t have anything to do with it. I know people older than this fart whose minds remain sharp. I also know people who are younger with minds that are shot. Ole Joe falls into that category. I actually feel sorry and embarrassed for him and it makes me want to put Jill Biden behind bars for the abuse she allows this poor bastard to endure. Ahh, but all the power and fame right? It’s awful.
I think I managed to watch a little more than half of the press conference. In that time I did not hear one truth come out of tired brain’s mouth. Not one. He lied about the crisis at the border and not just lied but dog face pony soldier lied. He said that none of the Trump immigration policies were working. He also said that it’s not a crisis and that this happens every year at this time when the weather is cool so the migrants can make the journey before it gets hot. In 2020 approximately 20,000 illegals stormed the border. In 2019 the number was double that. To date, this year, the number is 100,000 and, assuming you were alive in 2020, you saw for yourself that the wall was working, that the deal Trump had made with Mexico was working and Trump’s tough stance against those countries in Central America was working. If on the other hand you were not alive then you get a pass. You voted for Biden in 2020 and that’s about it…
I don’t really want to focus on Biden and his lies. Those were expected and neatly written down for him to spew as truths. Instead I want to focus on what the real problem was with that soap opera. The media, the state run media. They were awful, calculated and scripted. This fake, fraud of a press conference was unlike anything I’ve ever seen in my lifetime. No reporters raising their hands or jumping up and down to be called upon with their hands waving in the air to say “pick me, pick me!” No, this was a calm almost love affair like conference with all the T’s crossed and all the I’s dotted. Even still, with all the preplanning by the Federal Government and their media pals it was not without its flaws. But in all fairness,their lead actor’s brain is fried. Moments of complete brain freeze, dead silence as tired brain worked through his mind lapses. Sometimes, he filled in the frozen gaps with such words as “ok” and “let’s see.” All the while, the media sat silently, patiently waiting their turns like good little communist foot soldiers.
Their questions were laughable. Many started out by first praising the old man and then setting him up so he could lay blame on Trump. Example: “Mr. President, are the migrants coming to the border because they know you sir are a good guy, kind and compassionate? And if so, do you think you might have acted too quickly to remove some of the prior administration’s policies?” Biden’s response; “What was the first part of your question?” Idiot.
It really was a sad thing to watch. First he would struggle to find (in his pre-printed notebook) which reporter he was ordered to call upon and then when the so called reporter asked their canned question, he would struggle to flip the pages in the notebook to read off the canned, preplanned answer(s). Again, I’ve never seen anything like it. On the rare occasion he’d adlib, it was a disaster and more often than not, he’d talk about something that had nothing to do with the question.

The media continues to do such a disservice to the country by allowing the administration to script them. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the questions were provided ahead of time and prescreened. I can only assume some of the proposed questions were rejected. Not one reporter from Fox News, or OANN or Newsmax was called upon. Why, because their proposed questions were unacceptable. Not one reporter brought up that embarrassing meeting with China. Not one question was asked about Biden spending 70 million on hotel rooms for the illegals, not one question about the razor wire fence around the Capital or our National Guard troops sleeping on the garage concrete floor, not one question about allowing illegals into the country without being tested for the China virus. Not even one about falling three times going up the stairs to Air Force One. Not one that I heard anyway…
If the Government doesn’t tell the American people the truth; and they don’t, and the so called “free press” doesn’t call them out on it, then we don’t have a chance. Because the vast majority of the population doesn’t stay engaged in the affairs of the Government we end up with a country filled with a population of uninformed drones just standing in line waiting for their next meal. It’s scary as hell if you ask me. The media has always been feared by the Government, they have always been the last line of defense for the American people. Sadly, this is no longer the case. Today they work hand in hand to misinform the masses. As I’ve said so many times, one has to work very hard nowadays to seek out the truth and really even then it’s only the truth if you believe it. I can honestly say, I don’t know what the truth is anymore. I only know how I feel, how I see things. Trust is now limited to family and close friends. Everything else is conjecture.
The calling out of the “fake news” media was just one of the appealing aspects of the Trump Presidency. While the media didn’t like it (duh), most “normal” hard working Americans did. The far Left loons hated it and why not, he was calling out the most powerful arm of the Left, he was slowly dismantling the very source of their power. You know the game and how it works right? One of the Leftist loons, say nasty Nancy for example, spews some crazy ass lie and then she gets one of her media pals to print it as if it is true. From that point on it becomes the truth when in fact it remains a lie. It’s the whole “blame others for that which you do” thing. It’s awful and harmful to say the least.
What we watched on Thursday was not a press conference it was a staged poorly written soap opera. And that is all I am going to say about that.
Stay awake friends and remember, it’ll get worse before it gets better. Next on the list, tax increases and gun grabbing… I really have a knack at lifting y’all up don’t I? Sorry, I love y’all though. That’s the only reason I spend the time I do ranting and raving about this mess we find ourselves in…
Seriously wishing y’all a wonderful weekend ahead and believe me, it’s doable, just turn the TV off and stay away from my blog. 🙂
Friday Funnies: