A Poorly Written Soap Opera

Were you able to catch “As The Tried Brain Turns” on Thursday? In case you don’t get it, I am talking about the well scripted, pre-planned press conference. If you didn’t, no worries, that’s what I’m here for. Before I get started let me award you five gold stars for being smart enough to forgo a complete and utter waste of your time. I can honestly report that I am dumber for having watched it. I also want to be upfront by admitting I wasn’t able to watch the whole thing. Well, I was able, I just didn’t have the staying power to do so. Okay, off we go!

Whether you believe me or not, I honestly try to go into these things with an open mind. We all know that Biden is old and while I make fun of his brain, by all accounts you have to admit, it’s tired, actually, it’s worn out. Age doesn’t have anything to do with it. I know people older than this fart whose minds remain sharp. I also know people who are younger with minds that are shot. Ole Joe falls into that category. I actually feel sorry and embarrassed for him and it makes me want to put Jill Biden behind bars for the abuse she allows this poor bastard to endure. Ahh, but all the power and fame right? It’s awful.

I think I managed to watch a little more than half of the press conference. In that time I did not hear one truth come out of tired brain’s mouth. Not one. He lied about the crisis at the border and not just lied but dog face pony soldier lied. He said that none of the Trump immigration policies were working. He also said that it’s not a crisis and that this happens every year at this time when the weather is cool so the migrants can make the journey before it gets hot. In 2020 approximately 20,000 illegals stormed the border. In 2019 the number was double that. To date, this year, the number is 100,000 and, assuming you were alive in 2020, you saw for yourself that the wall was working, that the deal Trump had made with Mexico was working and Trump’s tough stance against those countries in Central America was working. If on the other hand you were not alive then you get a pass. You voted for Biden in 2020 and that’s about it…

I don’t really want to focus on Biden and his lies. Those were expected and neatly written down for him to spew as truths. Instead I want to focus on what the real problem was with that soap opera. The media, the state run media. They were awful, calculated and scripted. This fake, fraud of a press conference was unlike anything I’ve ever seen in my lifetime. No reporters raising their hands or jumping up and down to be called upon with their hands waving in the air to say “pick me, pick me!” No, this was a calm almost love affair like conference with all the T’s crossed and all the I’s dotted. Even still, with all the preplanning by the Federal Government and their media pals it was not without its flaws. But in all fairness,their lead actor’s brain is fried. Moments of complete brain freeze, dead silence as tired brain worked through his mind lapses. Sometimes, he filled in the frozen gaps with such words as “ok” and “let’s see.” All the while, the media sat silently, patiently waiting their turns like good little communist foot soldiers.

Their questions were laughable. Many started out by first praising the old man and then setting him up so he could lay blame on Trump. Example: “Mr. President, are the migrants coming to the border because they know you sir are a good guy, kind and compassionate? And if so, do you think you might have acted too quickly to remove some of the prior administration’s policies?” Biden’s response; “What was the first part of your question?” Idiot.

It really was a sad thing to watch. First he would struggle to find (in his pre-printed notebook) which reporter he was ordered to call upon and then when the so called reporter asked their canned question, he would struggle to flip the pages in the notebook to read off the canned, preplanned answer(s). Again, I’ve never seen anything like it. On the rare occasion he’d adlib, it was a disaster and more often than not, he’d talk about something that had nothing to do with the question.

Tired Brain referring to his cheat sheet at the filming of Thursdays Soap Opera. In front of a live audiences mind you…

The media continues to do such a disservice to the country by allowing the administration to script them. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the questions were provided ahead of time and prescreened. I can only assume some of the proposed questions were rejected. Not one reporter from Fox News, or OANN or Newsmax was called upon. Why, because their proposed questions were unacceptable. Not one reporter brought up that embarrassing meeting with China. Not one question was asked about Biden spending 70 million on hotel rooms for the illegals, not one question about the razor wire fence around the Capital or our National Guard troops sleeping on the garage concrete floor, not one question about allowing illegals into the country without being tested for the China virus. Not even one about falling three times going up the stairs to Air Force One. Not one that I heard anyway…

If the Government doesn’t tell the American people the truth; and they don’t, and the so called “free press” doesn’t call them out on it, then we don’t have a chance. Because the vast majority of the population doesn’t stay engaged in the affairs of the Government we end up with a country filled with a population of uninformed drones just standing in line waiting for their next meal. It’s scary as hell if you ask me. The media has always been feared by the Government, they have always been the last line of defense for the American people. Sadly, this is no longer the case. Today they work hand in hand to misinform the masses. As I’ve said so many times, one has to work very hard nowadays to seek out the truth and really even then it’s only the truth if you believe it. I can honestly say, I don’t know what the truth is anymore. I only know how I feel, how I see things. Trust is now limited to family and close friends. Everything else is conjecture.

The calling out of the “fake news” media was just one of the appealing aspects of the Trump Presidency. While the media didn’t like it (duh), most “normal” hard working Americans did. The far Left loons hated it and why not, he was calling out the most powerful arm of the Left, he was slowly dismantling the very source of their power. You know the game and how it works right? One of the Leftist loons, say nasty Nancy for example, spews some crazy ass lie and then she gets one of her media pals to print it as if it is true. From that point on it becomes the truth when in fact it remains a lie. It’s the whole “blame others for that which you do” thing. It’s awful and harmful to say the least.

What we watched on Thursday was not a press conference it was a staged poorly written soap opera. And that is all I am going to say about that.

Stay awake friends and remember, it’ll get worse before it gets better. Next on the list, tax increases and gun grabbing… I really have a knack at lifting y’all up don’t I? Sorry, I love y’all though. That’s the only reason I spend the time I do ranting and raving about this mess we find ourselves in…

Seriously wishing y’all a wonderful weekend ahead and believe me, it’s doable, just turn the TV off and stay away from my blog. 🙂

Friday Funnies:

That’s funny, I don’t care who you are.
Why not? Everything else has failed… Lord knows we need to reboot.

Another Week, Another Rant

Another Week, Another Rant

What on God’s green earth are we doing in this country? I swear (I’d like to but my wife said no) we’ve all gone off our rockers. Do y’all have any idea how badly I want to post just one time an up-beat story about how we are turning the corner, or that there is finally a light shining at the end of the tunnel. You know; cup half “full” stuff? Maybe it’s just me; maybe I’m the only one wallowing in the political mud.

I guess I can say at least this week wasn’t any worse than the prior or the one before that or… It’s a pretty sad comment though when the only positive thing one can say is that things aren’t any worse. And I don’t even know if that’s completely accurate.

The Border Crisis:

Yes, it’s a damn crisis! Tired Brain won’t admit it and the lame media won’t admit it but trust me, it is. Thousands upon thousands of illegals are crossing into our country with a line on the other side growing bigger and bigger by the day. As we speak, they are busing some 3,000 boys ages between 12 -17 to Dallas where they’ll be held in their convention center. The Democrats, this week voted down a Republican bill that would have required the illegals to be tested for the China virus prior to allowing them to be released into the country. I have two problems with this. The first is obvious, why would the Democrats be opposed to this? These are the same idiots who have had most of the country shut down for a year out of fear that I might somehow infect my sister or my son or his kids and yet, no problem with Jose or Saddam or somebody from a foreign country roaming free. This is such “in your face” bullshit it makes me want to scream. Secondly, the weak GOP has now resolved that illegal entry is ok or at least not worth fighting over. At least, they want these people tested. Seriously, the GOP does not know how to fight. The vast majority are afraid of their own shadow. Before every issue that comes before them their first and only thought is, “how will this make me look, will I get reelected?”

For the first time in decades, Trump had this border mess under control and here we are less than 60 days later and we’re right back in the Obama years. It’s disgusting, it’s dangerous and it’s expensive. It makes me sick.

Who say’s Biden doesn’t have supporters…


This week we witnessed just how disrespected we are around the world. Everything Biden’s handlers have done has sent a message around the globe that America is back to being the weak-ass woke country it was during the Obama years. Biden is a complete and utter fool with the brain capacity of gnat and the world leaders see it.

North Korea wouldn’t even take Tired Brain’s call and has publicly called him an imbecile and fool with a low IQ. Sadly, these idiots aren’t wrong. Unlike Biden, Trump didn’t stand down to such nonsense. I remember when North Korea called him old and Trump’s response was “Why

would Kim insult me by calling me old, when I would never call him short and fat?” LOL. And history will never forget “rocket man”. How people don’t miss Trump is beyond me. While I make light of this, it’s serious, Kim Jong-un is dangerous and communication is vital. In their defense, how do you communicate with someone like Biden who, “come on man” doesn’t even know if he’s alive?

This week Biden called Putin a stone cold killer. This came up as the administration and media pal’s renewed efforts claiming Russia again interfered in the election. Like Russia wanted Trump right? Please. Putin, in a Trump style reaction responded by recalling his American Ambassador and saying “it takes one to know one.” Later in the week he challenged Biden to a public debate saying it would be good for the Russian people and the American people, the whole world to see. Many (myself included) took this as Putin’s way of saying, “Biden is too far gone to debate me.” He finished his challenge by wishing Biden good health… The world knows Biden isn’t all there.

Finally, this week the Biden Administration held their first talks with China. First they agreed to meet with them in Alaska which Trump jumped all over saying he would have never agreed to that. Meaning, if you want to meet with the Americans then you’ll need to travel to Washington DC. I don’t know if you watched any of the videos of the meeting on Thursday, but China steamed right over the Biden team showing zero respect. While our team read from notes the guy from China looked across the table directly in the eyes of our new Secretary of State Antony Blinken (OMG where’s Mike Pompeo) and spoke. Blinken attempted to convince China of America’s global strength and China fired back with “America is not strong.” When Blinken accused China of human right abuses they fired back accusing the US of mass murdering of black people. They used our own media false narrative against us. Mass murdering of black people, really? “Hands up don’t shoot.” Where’s my bullshit flag?

It certainly wasn’t a good week for tired brain. He wrapped it up on Friday by tripping, three times no less while boarding air force one. Twitter fans had a hay day. Later the White House spokesman cleared it up saying the fall was due to the wind. LOL it was coming from the NW @ 14 MPH.

What’s next on the Biden agenda? Tax hikes, yippie! Makes sense though don’t you think? I mean after a year of the country being shut down and spending money like drunken sailors, with gas prices on the rise, unemployment numbers going up and flooding the country with thousands upon thousands of illegals needing homes, food and medical attention, Mr. Tired Brain (see I have respect for the office, I used Mr. in front of his name) is going to need some more dough. Don’t worry folks, Biden’s plan won’t affect you…

Well, there you have it. Dan’s rant of the week. Maybe next week will be better… Who knows, we might even have a President Harris by next week. And y’all thought it couldn’t get worse.

Despite all the nonsense folks, have a good week inside your inner circle of family and friends.

We will get through this mess. What we look like afterwards is a whole other rant.

The Dark Winter

It took 50 days for the citizens of this Nation to hear from their new President. Under normal circumstances I’d say “duly elected President” but then again, I am not CNN. Having skipped the long standing tradition of giving the State of the Union address, the pressure had been mounting on Tired Brain to, at least address the Nation. His handlers choose the one year anniversary of the China Virus to have him speak.

To no one’s surprise, no one with at least a pea sized brain anyway, he literally opened his remarks with a lie. “A year ago, we were hit with a virus that was met with silence and spread unchecked, denials for days, weeks, then months.” This from a tired brain that criticized the President for stopping travel from China and Europe nearly the minute he learned of the virus. The outrage I felt, only seconds into the speech is nearly indescribable. It’s not that it surprised me, it did not. It is the fact that we have so many weak minded people in this country who believe it. Just like the fake news media or even the person we all know that spends his/her life lying, it’s disgusting and causes great division and strife. I believe that lies like these and all the others that we are made to endure from this Government incite violence. Everyone has their own tipping point. At some point if these lies do not stop, and justice is not served, some citizens in this country, perhaps millions, will reach theirs.

Last night in a very rare moment on Twitter, ABC news tweeted the President (Tired Brain) had not acknowledged the good work that President Trump had done to make possible all that Biden was taking credit for. After I knocked over my coffee and got back up off the floor, I thought to myself, “You know what, I am the first to slam these lying SOBs when they spew their fake news, I am going to thank them, kind of.” I responded with, So… ABC for once decides to take a truth pill. Good for them, I hope they become addicted. Meanwhile, just look at the responses from the stupid blind sheep. It’s disgusting. Predictable, but disgusting none the less… We share a country with these evil bastards. You see, I made the grave mistake of reading some of the responses to ABC’s tweet and quickly became more irritated with those than the fact Tired Brain was lying, again. These people (Leftest-sheep) either have so much hatred for Trump or they are truly the dumbest, most vile people on planet earth. To each their own as the saying goes but having to live alongside these people is stomach turning. I won’t share these responses with you because I don’t think you should have to endure such stupidity. You’re getting enough of that on your own. I’ll just say it was awful and void of any resemblance of the truth. I do have to share one though. One responded by saying; “Stop it, just stop it, we don’t need to hear your fake news.” Speaking about ABC’s tweet. That one was actually funny. Here you have a leftist living his life watching fake news, believing the fake news and then calling them fake news. #Idiot. I’ve lived my life believing you give credit where credit is due even when it was painful to do so. Too bad more folks can’t find a way to do the same. And by the way, the minute that Tired Brain does something good I’ll be the first to say it. Don’t hold your breath.

Biden went on to say that total deaths in America are 527,726, “that’s more deaths than in World  War I, II, the Vietnam War and 9/11 combined.” Note to Tired Brain’s writers, according the Leftist Google 116,516 died in World War I, 405,399 died in World War II, 58,209 died in Vietnam and 2,605 died on 9/11 bringing the total American casualties to 682,729. Four comments, 1. I guess those that gave their lives so nimrods like Biden can lie in the Korean War didn’t matter. 2. The sheep will only remember his lie and 3. No one, not anyone, knows the real number of deaths by the China virus. Did I say no one? I am however grateful there hasn’t been a single death by the flu this past year. It’s a miracle… and 4. Using this comparison to wars was pure nonsense and served only to bring fear among those so dim witted to believe it. Biden’s way of making his dark winter, dark.

So many parts of his speech angered me. A few made me want to throw up. “So many of you had to make that same walk this past year. You lost your job, you closed your business…” How dare he say this right after closing down the pipeline sending thousands to the unemployment line and causing so many others to lose their incomes such as cafe’s, motels, bars and others because they no longer have these workers to serve. And besides, it is the Government and the Leftist States that caused so many to “make that same walk” not the damn China virus. It’s nonsense. This didn’t have to happen. Trump screamed and is hated for continually calling on the states to open up. He was right all along. Tired Brain continued; “Watching a generation of children who may be set back up to a year or more (take note of the word more) because they have not been in school because of their loss of learning.” The schools are closed because of him and these communist rat bastard unions to which, he bows. Kids are the least vulnerable to this virus and while my son can serve the general public day after day in the grocery store, covid-free, I might add, the teachers are afraid… those unwilling to do their jobs should be fired, all of them. We’ll not learn of the real harm to our children for years to come, if ever based on this corrupt Government and lack of truth tellers in this country. It’s disgusting.

He went on: “instead of working with each other, vicious hate crimes against Asian Americans, who have been attacked, harassed, blamed and scapegoated.” Really? I think it’s fair to say, I watch a lot of news, I read a lot of articles. I am aware of the idiots in BLM harassing and attacking fellow Americans. I’ve seen buildings burning and cops killed at the hands of ANTIFA but I missed all the horrific attacks on our Asian American friends. It is disgusting that Tired Brain would spew such nonsense.

“Look, we know what we need to do to beat this virus. Tell the truth. Follow the scientists and science. Work together. Put trust and faith in our government.” Seriously, tell the truth, put faith in our Government? In the words of tennis great John McEnroe, You’ve got to be kidding!”  

Finally, the part of his speech that got my goat more than any other was; “In the coming weeks, we will issue further guidance on what you can and cannot do once fully vaccinated” We will issue further guidance on what you can and cannot do… Who died and made this tired old fool the queen? We are so far from “the Government answers to the people” that the queen is indeed alive and well. She (Government) is ruling us with her iron fist. To this I say dear patriot friends, lead me to the tea.

I, your humble nobody, could easily point out every single statement made in this speech as pure lies and propaganda all designed for the weak minded sheep roaming the countryside looking for their great savior to come feed them. The amount of freedom we’ve lost without so much as a single skirmish is beyond disheartening. This speech was without question the most dark and discouraging speech by an American President that I’ve ever witnessed. We would have all been much better off having never heard this worn out politician speak. And let it be said, let it be written, his writers suck!

The only thing this man has accomplished that he said he would accomplish is the dark winter. There would be no vaccine if not for President Trump and if we had an honest election, by now, the people’s President would have the country open for business. We’d not have an open border with thousands streaming into our country with illnesses we don’t even know about. Our fuel prices would still be low and our economy would still be growing. Americans would have already received more stimulus but we wouldn’t be funding bridges and tunnels and abortions, and the rest of the typical Government nonsense. We’ve been duped my friends and we somehow, someway, must not allow this to stand.

Our State Run Media doesn’t talk about this. They give the sheep only what they need to hear.
We’re going to need a lot more than just voter ID to fix what ails this country…
Merle bout sums it up for me – And yeah I know, I’m old.

May the dark winter soon turn into a bright warm and friendlier spring. #StandAndBeHeard

It Boggles The Mind

When you think about the status of the country just 8 weeks ago it really does boggle the mind knowing where we are today.

The only conclusion one can come up with for these insane changes is that these people seriously do not love the country and their thirst for power overrides everything else in their lives.

Think about it, eight weeks ago we had a President who evidently offended people with his tweets but we were energy independent and not only independent but the largest producer of energy in the world and for the first time in I don’t even know how long, the average cost of gas was below $3 and below $2 in Red states that don’t tax their people into oblivion. Literally, for the first time in my life, we were not dependent upon anyone else for our energy needs. No longer were we living in a time where we were purchasing oil from countries who openly call for death to America. During my life this always angered me because I knew we were financing the very countries which were performing terror not only in the Middle East but around the world. To top it off, during the Iraq war we were literally buying oil from the same people that were shooting at our troops. Translation, we, the American taxpayer via the Federal Government gave dollars to our enemies so they could buy bullets…

With the cancelation of the keystone pipeline, every indication is that this current group of anti-America liberals in Washington are paving the way to go right back into the business of shutting our energy sectors down and buying again from our foes, OPEC. As for this idea of going green; guess who the largest manufacturer of solar panels is? China… While during the debates, Biden copied Trump’s America first policy by saying “we will buy America, made in America only”, rest assured, that’s not happening. Shutting down the keystone pipeline was the first stone cast.

Just eight short weeks ago, despite all the efforts from the Left, we had a secure southern border. Illegal entries were at an all time low. We were closing in on 400 miles of newly constructed wall and when I say wall I am not talking about some broken down wall that makes a picket fence look secure, I’m talking about a wall! Through his “America First” policies, President Trump had stopped sending billions in tax funded aide to Mexico and Central America until they agreed to do their part with the caravans of illegals. Mexico had agreed to house all illegals in their country while they went through the legal immigration process. That alone cut the numbers of illegals down by half because they didn’t have any desire spending years in Mexico going through any process. Again, this was only eight weeks ago. Today, “tired brain” has stopped all wall construction and opened the gates. Caravans are again gathering as I type and the number of illegal crossings has grown to 2016 and 2017 levels again. Mexico is no longer agreeing to hold the illegals in their country and to no surprise, “brain dead” doesn’t care. ICE has been instructed to stand down. You tell me why the current occupant of the White House wouldn’t want ICE to continue their good work rounding up MS-13 gang members, child rapists and human traffickers? Why should he, we know his own son (via pictures on his laptop) conducted sexual acts with minors. The Left would have us all believe they are the party of human rights, dignity and justice for all. Nothing could be further from the truth and before you say it, many on the right aren’t any better. The filth in our Government is enough to make you want to throw up.

So get this, Biden is allowing illegals to enter the country again. Evidently they are tested at the border for COVID but no matter the results, released into the country to go as they please. I, on the other hand may not enter my local Walmart without a mask and coming soon, without a vaccine certificate I won’t be able to travel. In fact it wasn’t but a short time ago I had to self quarantine if I left my home state and went to New York. America First? Wrong.

While most of the country remains shut down causing millions to be unemployed, Mr. Brain Dead allows illegals to pour in so we can compete with them for the few jobs that are available. And if they can’t get a job don’t worry, our tax dollars will feed and house them. We are right back to where we were BT, “before Trump”, they are putting the policies back in place that were actually the very reason we ended up with a Trump in the first place.

When COVID hit Trump was not happy about the so-called “World Health Organization (WHO) because through their protecting China they cost many American lives. When he learned we pay them something like 600M per year and China pays them less than 70M year he had, had enough and cut their funding. These are the kind of actions a businessman takes, not a politician. These are also actions someone takes who actually puts America first. Anyone Left, Right, White, Brown or Purple could and should appreciate that move. First, why on God’s green earth should we pay so much more than China and all other countries around the globe and secondly, why would we pay an organization anything when they flat out lied and caused American lives? Eight weeks later Mr. Brain Dead jumped right back in and has agreed to pay the old 600M rate. WHO will get our money before our own citizens who were promised $2,000 checks will get theirs. Can you say “one world order?”

Paris Climate Accord. President Trump dumped these tax robbers early in his Administration. He wasn’t having anything to do with this hoax of an agreement that did nothing to help the climate and did everything to fund the globalists around the world. China loves the agreement because they earn billions of dollars based on promises they have never kept. They are the world’s biggest polluters and have more to gain from the accord than anyone else. Figure that out and get back to me. Just eight weeks ago billions of our hard earned dollars were no longer being thrown out the window with absolutely nothing to show for it. Brain Dead though has rejoined this global climate Paris rip off. We all want clean air, clean water and to be good stewards of our planet but we expect common sense to prevail. Spend our money wisely for Christ’s sake. Today we are only a few months away until California is on fire again. These fires put more pollutants into the air than all the gasoline driven cars will in the next ten years. Wouldn’t common sense tell you to do whatever it takes to decrease these fires? Yeah, well, what’s common sense have to do with it, right? Right.

Hell, just eight weeks ago it was still okay to read Doctor Seuss, put Aunt Jemima syrup on your  pancakes, let six year olds be six year olds and freely walk the grounds of the US capital without needing a cutting torch & wire cutters. Don’t even get me started on that Hollywood script.

Just eight weeks ago we had a President who was out front and center answering every question asked of him. We had a President who praised America at every opportunity. We had a country which just came off four years of growth and renewed prosperity. Lowest black unemployment, lowest Hispanic unemployment, Lowest Asian unemployment, more women working than had in 50 years. After four decades of new wars we had come off four years without any. We watched our troops coming home and were an eyelash away from seeing them all come home. Today Brain dead is back firing missiles in the Middle East, increasing the number of troops and cozying up to his old pals in Iran by announcing his desire to rejoin Iran’s “don’t be a dumbass” nuke agreement. Iran’s response? “Repay all the money we’ve lost due to the Trump sanctions.” Don’t fall out of your chair when he agrees to it.

Finally, as I speak, the Senate is debating a voting rights bill the Leftist, socialist commie House passed which if the Senate passes will make all the illegal voting scams of 2020 (ballot harvesting, vote by mail, no signature verification, etc) suddenly legal. Question, why do we need a law pertaining to voting methods if none of the voting methods used in the last election weren’t illegal? Asking for a friend… While the vast majority of the country want voter ID to be required in every state these power hungry Democrats want just the opposite. Come one, come all. Hell, bring your next door neighbors ballot with you when you come. If this passes, and it will, the only way we’ll ever see a Republican in office again is if we become better cheaters than they are.

If all of this doesn’t boggle your mind as it does mine then it might be a good time to get your head examined because with all due respect, you’re out of your mind.

Eight weeks ago millions upon millions of Americans lined the streets just to show their support for their President. Millions of Americans waited in line for days on end to hear the American President speak. For the first time in the History of our country Americans chanted “We love you, we love you.” Something never heard of before. Today there are no lines on the streets of America to see Joe Biden. He hasn’t held the traditional State Of The Union and the sad thing is, no one cares. In eight weeks we’ve gone from God Bless America to what God help America. And yes, it boggles the mind.

And that wraps up another DG rant of the week. #KeepSpeakingOut

Love this meme – Remember, if you don’t find a way to laugh, the alternative is to cry.

I Couldn’t Wait

Those of you kind enough to read my weekly posts know that I normally only write one per week. This week however you will be blessed with two! Ha! Lucky you…

Last week I couldn’t wait to see and hear “our” President speak at CPAC. And now, the day after, I couldn’t wait to share with you how he made me feel. Nowadays, outside of our personal lives and in the world of politics it is extremely difficult to find good news and if you do, of course, you have to do the work to determine if it’s real. We aren’t in the Reagan years “trust but verify” we are in the “don’t trust and try to verify.”

For me, seeing and hearing the President last night was so refreshing and uplifting. While absolutely nothing has changed with the rigged election and by all accounts it doesn’t look as though anything will, seeing a real President speak so clearly and look so invigorated lifted my spirits.

What a sharp contrast between “our” President and the tired old man with obvious medical issues who currently and might I say, temporarily occupies the White House.

Just so y’all don’t think I am some sort of Trump cult member that views him as some God or something, I don’t. He’s not a perfect man, there is no such thing. He made mistakes during his time in office and who hasn’t? How could you not? Especially someone like him who hasn’t spent his life in politics learning the skills of deception and silver tongue speak.

Isn’t it his plain talk that endears him to the American people? It is for me. I am not a guy impressed by big fancy words that 90% of the population doesn’t even know the meaning of. I am not moved by long flowery speeches either. I believe most people feel the same way. Just tell us how you really feel, don’t hold back. We’ll get it and appreciate it. If the damn sky is falling for God’s sake tell us so we at least have a chance to go down into the basement. That is what President Trump does and why millions of us like him and miss him. Those that are offended by his plain talk, sometimes in your face talk or tweet just don’t get it and never will. It seems they live their lives almost wanting to live in a fake world where they’d rather be lied to if it makes them feel good than to hear the cold hard truth so they can prepare. “Tell me you love me even if you don’t.” It’s nonsense. It’s only words without meaning. As you know most politicians are convinced they are smarter than you. They live in the “You can’t handle the truth” world. These are the very people who couldn’t change a flat tire if their lives depended upon it.

Last night the President must have made me smile and laugh at least ten times. When was the last time you smiled seeing or listening to the jackass in the White House now? Not once unless it was laughing at him not with him.

Favorite quotes; “In six weeks we’ve gone from America First to America last” Fact Check – Truth

“The Biden Administration has rejoined the Paris Agreement, why would they do that? I’ll tell you why, because they’re stupid.” Fact Check -Truth

“They used COVID as a way to cheat in the election and everyone knows it.” Fact Check – Truth

“The election was rigged and the judges and Supreme court didn’t want to do anything about it, they were cowards” Fact Check – Truth

“Our children need to get back to school and get back now!” Fact Check – Truth

“Biden didn’t talk about all the things he is now doing to hurt this Country, why didn’t he say any of this? Actually, we didn’t know what the hell he was saying” Fact Check -Truth

See how easy it is to understand what he is saying? And of these few quotes which among them do you disagree with? If you are a Biden supporter, if there really is such a thing, you disagree with them all I guess but if that’s how you honestly feel, you can’t possibly pass a drug test.

Outside of CPAC the streets were lined with Trump supporters waving their flags and wearing their MAGA hats. This too was a welcomed and uplifting sight. Isn’t it interesting the fake President who we are told got more votes than any President “ever” has never, not ever, had people lining the streets to cheer him on? It’s a shame folks!

That’s about it. I just wanted to share how great it was for me to have my spirits lifted last night, even for only a brief period of time. For the first time since the sham rigged election I laughed and cheered because I heard “our” President confirm the feelings I have about the whole thing. Not just the rigged election but just as importantly all of the good that was accomplished during his time in office. It was a reminder of just how great the country was and how great it could be again. He reminded us what can be accomplished and he repeated the best is yet to come.

While I still question how that will be possible under the current circumstances. President Trump outlined how it is possible. Unlike 99% of the politicians in Washington, last night he didn’t bounce around the number one issue in this country; which is bringing back election integrity. If we don’t have faith that our votes count we don’t have a country. We can talk about 2022 and 2024 all we want. It will mean nothing unless we fix how we vote. He knows that better than anyone.

I don’t know about you but I was left with the impression that the President will indeed run again in 2024. Whether he does or doesn’t he will have a huge impact on up-coming elections for sure. The love for this President will endure for a lifetime. Never before has a President had such support. “We love you, we love you”, will we ever hear that chant again for an American President? I think not. History will record this movement.

So sad, so true and yes it is, unbelievable

Without election integrity the country is not ours, it’s theirs