I don’t know about y’all but this woke stuff is about to cause me to pop a cork. Seriously, why are these useless people in Congress working overtime trying to convince us that we must be more tolerant, more accepting, more woke for these people who, in my whiteness, straightness, maleness think are screwy in the head. I hate to be a party pooper but the straight white male who believes in God and the 2nd Amendment has to be the most discriminated individual on the planet. I demand that “The Woke” crowd tolerate me! LOL.
I want my own flag too. Oh wait, I already have one. It’s red, white and blue. I at least deserve equal treatment right? That said I want to be hired before anyone else, I expect employers to be fined if they don’t hire me because of my whiteness or even if I am the least qualified. I’m tired of playing second fiddle because I don’t choose to march up and down the streets half dressed with more metal piercing my body than a magnet at the local junk yard. And excuse me for not choosing to go with green, or purple or pink hair or all three. And another thing, why am I being hated for wearing a tee-shirt with the American flag on it or a hat that says Make America Great Again?
Nobody took a video of me breaking windows or running out of a store with a flat screen TV in my hands and you won’t find me in any online pictures helping to tear down a statue and you sure as hell won’t find me beating people up who disagree with me. So I ask, why do these multi-gender believers, gang bangers and sheep hate me? BTW, they aren’t exactly in love with you either…
Here’s the deal and I don’t think I am alone on this. The vast majority of folks honestly do not give one iota what color your skin is. We don’t care who you hold hands with, sleep with and in fact, our preference is not to know. It’s none of our business and we seriously don’t care. But when you throw it in our face 24/7, when you block our ability to get to work because of some stupid riot over a made up cause or when you put our children in jeopardy you run the risk of not only being disliked but despised. You make the non-racist, racist. These acts don’t make us more tolerant, they make us less tolerant or in all actuality not tolerant at all. You want to be accepted, loved, and respected? Stop breaking the law and stop trying to pretend there are more genders than two and one other thing, stop trying to change the dictionary. It’s not chest feeding, it is breast feeding, you idiots. If you don’t have actual breasts the only thing you’re feeding is a serious decline in society.

This woman was a man who believes he should have been born a woman or at the very least feels more comfortable looking, acting like and being a woman. Okay, fine, whatever. Do and be whatever you want. No one cares. The trouble is, this woman (See I am tolerant) wants to shove her lifestyle down our throats and worse, she believes under age kids, your kids, should have the right to change their gender if they want to and you, her/his parents must not get in the way of this. You have no right to force your child to remain the gender they were born as. Biden, more commonly known as the order follower (You know him, he’s the one that said Hunter Biden is the smartest guy he knows), thinks this woman ought to be the Assistant Director of Health & Human Services (HHS). Not of course because she’s qualified or not because he even believes as she does, but because she is a Trans Woman. Nominating her makes him “woke”. During this woman’s confirmation hearing, Senator Rand Paul asked her if she was confirmed, would she still advocate these beliefs. Her response was something along the lines of; “Senator, what I will do is commit to you my willingness to come to your office and discuss these matters in more detail with you.” Senator Paul asked the record to show she didn’t answer the question. I on the other hand would have said “I am not overly comfortable sitting in this room with you, I sure as hell don’t want you in my office.” Which of course is not being tolerant, is it? Too bad, it’s high time we stop dancing around all the BS and start standing up for our own beliefs. My son wanted to be a ninja warrior. Just so you know I didn’t send him to Ninja school in China but he will obliterate you on Halo. LOL. All grown up now, he works very hard, has a lovely wife and two beautiful kids. He owns his own home, pays his taxes and he doesn’t think about being a Ninja anymore. Well, not until the election was stolen. Now he thinks it might have come in handy if all this nonsense in DC doesn’t stop. LOL. He’s not wrong.
I could have made this post much, much shorter by simply saying; to all you woke folks, Stop it! I don’t care what color you are and don’t try to convince me what normal is and I don’t want to be “woke”, I want to be left the hell alone.
These so called “woke” new norms are everything but normal. The politicians along with their pals in the media are on an all out assault on the American way of life. Why? Why are they shoving the lifestyles of less than 5% of the country’s population on the other 95%? And, if Black Lives Matters, why hasn’t the organization who earned billions of dollars from “woke” corporations done anything to improve the lives of our black communities? Paying them to burn buildings down and beating people up isn’t exactly helpful to them or anyone else. They are being used as political props and don’t seem to mind. It’s insane. The majority of blacks voted for Biden who arguably is a racist. It’s Black History Month. Biden hasn’t invited one black person to the White House to celebrate and promote the community. Trump did this every year he was in office. As for the alphabet community, stop with the “oh poor me” crap and throwing your love-interest in our faces. We don’t care. Finally, all of this white privilege nonsense needs to be nipped in the bud right now. I grew up in a one room house sharing a bedroom with two brothers and a sister. After the 54 flood mom, dad and I lived in a Red Cross house for a year and moved into a one bedroom trailer house. I slept on the couch. I lost my mother when I was 12 and finished the 8th grade alone living in that trailer while the rest of the family worked and cared for mom in the bay area where her doctors were. I’ve worked my whole life, everything from pumping gas, busing tables, flipping pizzas, framing houses, falling trees and selling firewood to pay the rent. Excuse me for saving what nickels I had left after paying taxes for 50 years so that I could raise my family, own my own home and have enough pennies in the bank to retire. I am sick and tired of this crap. Live your lives people. You live in a country that allows you to do whatever you want. Expecting everyone else to pay your way isn’t good for you, for me or anyone else. Not to mention being completely unfair. No one owes you anything. You want respect, you want equality? Earn it.
Now, excuse me while I go chest feed a baby I didn’t give birth to because I didn’t have sex during my non-existent ovulation cycle. …
Good blog Mr Dan as always. I again have to agree with every word you typed. I’m sick of being told to be less white daily. And for the record I have no clue how to do that. Now that these people shove their racist thoughts and ideas down my throat. I think every single one of them need to go to Alaska and live off the land for a year. No parents to give them everything. Hard work for everything. They can still keep all their hardware in their face if they wish. Might be a bit chilly but that’s life. As far Mr- Miss. he is a pervert to even think that small children should be tortured by changing their body’s for his pleasure. Disgusting. I know many gay couples and the thing that I have noticed in their relationship is a good amount of them have mental issues. Not sure if their just confused or if they have background mental issues. Sad. Thank you again Mr Dan.
Thank you, Dan! A lot of us are with you. We are sick and tired of what the Communist are doing to us and our country. We have to fight hard to save America.
You are so correct Sherry. We cannot just sit back and allow all this to happen. I pray there are enough of us willing to fight for our country. So appreciate your taking the time to read my weekly rant. Thank you!