Most folks try to make a positive difference in this insane world we are living in today, but I suspect many feel like I do; just one person isn’t going to make much of a difference.
After all, does my tweeting to the social world really have an impact on anyone? Does calling my Senator’s office move the needle at all? Does my vote really count? Are the taxes that I pay going toward the betterment of the country?
Almost without exception when I point out a wrong doing it is received with agreement followed by “now what?” Or “So what do we do now?” And without exception, I see these responses and stare at them thinking to myself, “Yeah, now what?”
We’ve all had people in our lives that are quick to point out the problem(s) but slow to provide the solution. I used to tell the people who worked for me, don’t bother me with a problem unless you come with a remedy to fix it. While that is a good sound bite, all it really did was hide the problem.
The truth is, we don’t always have the answers, do we? I know I sure don’t. How do you get people in power to use simple, old fashioned common sense? So many of the things that our elected leaders do just seem so, well, stupid (There’s my huge vocabulary at work again). Often when I hear the things they are doing, I don’t even believe someone could come up with such a thing. Example; Why on God’s green earth, would Biden write an Executive Order to cancel Trump’s order to greatly reduce the cost of insulin? What is bad about reducing the cost of a widely used drug like insulin? What could possibly be the thinking behind this? Another example; why would someone cancel a pipeline delivering fuel from one location to another claiming it’s unsafe to the environment? Common sense would tell you that it has to be safer than pumping the fuel into a truck and hauling it across the country, right? Yet that’s what is happening. More; why do you make me wear a mask everywhere I go and answer ten questions before I enter a hospital or ER but you allow thousands of illegal aliens to enter the country mask-less no questions asked? Why is it safe to shop at Walmart but not at Johnnies Sporting Goods? Why is it okay to riot for an entire summer, burn down buildings, loot stores, topple statues, and kill police officers but not okay to march on Washington to demand a fair election? One ended up with miles of razor wire fences and thousands of National Guardsmen protecting the area and the other ended up with closed businesses and thousands of lives ruined. Why do I have to register my car every year? Once it’s registered shouldn’t that be it?

You see, I am very good about pointing out dumb things but then that haunting question pops up, “now what?”
I think we can all agree that the people making these dumb laws and running our lives know darn well what they’re doing and no one is kidding anyone, they have common sense they just don’t care to use it. In the end it is always about the money. Thomas Jefferson once said that he sees Americans having a wonderful life as long as they can keep Washington from spending all of our hard earned money. Smart guy that Jefferson. By the way, notice how I am beating around the bush avoiding the “now what” question? I must have a little politician in me… what a horrible thing to say.
The people we’ve put in power (Well in all fairness, at this point one wonders whether or not we actually had anything to do with it) are masters of deflection. “Mr. Biden, why did you cancel the reduction of insulin prices” a reporter never asks. “We are going to be introducing a far better plan for all prescription drugs for all Americans.” He replies. “When”, the reporter never asks. “Come on man.” I made all of this up to make the point. It sounded real though didn’t it? These people are masters at not answering the question and sadly, today’s media doesn’t even ask the questions they should. A more realistic media scenario after the dismantling of the insulin order is; “Mr. Biden, Mr. Biden, what kind of ice cream did you order?” Idiots.
By the way, I know I’m still avoiding the question…
I am avoiding the question because the answer is so awful. In some ways it’s like running a company that isn’t making payroll each week and you know the only way you are going to get back in the black is to lay off a bunch of your people. It’s awful but has to be done. Only in this case it’s much worse.
We citizens of these United States are sitting on the fence right now wobbling back and forth. Half of them never climbed up on the fence in the first place and the ones left are trying to decide whether to jump down on the side where Government runs everything which let’s face it is the easy way to go (if you don’t mind being told how much to pay your workers or begging for more toilet paper in the stores) or to draw a line in the sand and be willing to lose it all in the name of liberty. You know like our founding fathers did back in the day when the Crown taxed us without representation.
The latter is where my head is, it is, sadly, the answer to the question “what now?” As I keep preaching, I honestly believe we must hit the streets by the millions and stay there until we are heard. We’ve long since lost our voices in Washington. These people roll right over us and don’t look back. We are living in a do as you’re told not as I do country and we’ve let it happen. This cannot be a movement of a few, it must be a movement of many, millions not thousands. It must be peaceful but change will not occur peacefully, it just won’t. Sorry but these people have become too accustomed to complete and total power. If you think they’ll give it up by our chanting “stop the steal” you’re sadly mistaken.
Trust me, I know how radical this sounds and believe me when I say, I don’t want any of this, it’s awful. It comes down to this, when is enough, enough? The things we are witnessing are insane and by all appearances there is no end in sight. Forget about taxes for a minute, never mind about the cost of insulin or even open borders. We are allowing our government to let boys into our daughter’s and our granddaughter’s bathrooms. We are saying it is okay to kill a new born baby after it’s born. After it’s born! And to pile on, we are “made” to pay for it. You and me! Give me your guns, your bibles and shut your mouths and we’ll decide who your President will be. This is what we are seeing them (Government/Money Exchangers) do. I’m not making this up, these are facts & you are seeing it play out in front of you. It’s not right.
Now ask me if I think it will happen. Go ahead, ask me. Sadly no, I don’t think it will happen. At least not with the numbers we need to effect real change. I just don’t think the country has enough of the population left with the will to take this on. We have raised two entire generations of followers not leaders, takers not givers. We’ve got too many college grads and too few farmers, carpenters, plumbers, truck drivers and steel workers.
I pray there are enough like-minded folks who can make “some” difference. Most are old farts like I am, some have served our country and bleed red, white and blue, some are younger folks (they are the minority by far) raised by like-minded parents. I worry if it’s enough to be loud enough to make even basic changes. The insanity simply cannot continue without something breaking.
The current recall effort of the insane Governor in California provides some hope for the people vs. Government. My guess is that the fight is far from over though and more likely than not, in the end, they will display for us all to see just how difficult it is to fight these corrupt people. The Governor will use your (Californians) money to fight you in courts that he owns. Those of you fighting this fight, God bless you, and trust me, no one wants you to be successful more than I do.
Now that I’ve managed to lift your spirits (wrong), just know these truths I tell are not designed to depress you but instead to just maybe make you think a little more about where we are in this country. We have an out of control Government who, by their own actions are inciting violence. God willing and the creek don’t rise, we can regain control and get back to doing what we all want to do. Live our lives and enjoy our families.
#Don’t say whoa in a hard pull