Don’t Blame Us
Well we have survived another week of puppet-head in the White House and when I say survived, I mean we are still breathing. Other than that, it’s been another week of Executive Orders which by all appearances are designed to take us right back to the very reason we ended up with President Trump in the first place. You remember it was the America last, America is not an exceptional nation and more of their grand scheme toward globalization.
These evil doers and their army of haters are running a full court press to demonize those of us who support Trump and our American way of life. Everywhere you turn, someone is making an effort to paint us as very bad and dangerous folks. The National Guard troops in DC and the razor wire fence is designed as a daily “fake” reminder that any day now we evil America lovers could storm the Capitol and cause great harm. It is utter bullshit. Sadly, millions of sheep roaming the streets throughout the country believe this crap. It makes me sick to my stomach.
The Left is doing what they have always done, blaming us for the very things they themselves actually do. After a year of “summer of love” filled with death and destruction somehow one bad day at the Capitol where a few hundred if not less did a stupid thing has become a National crisis, making it necessary to demonize and round up all those who have shown support for President Trump.
Last week when I heard that BLM had been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize (talk about a friggin’ joke) I tweeted in response;
Dear Peace Prize Committee:
I would like to nominate all of the President Trump supporters for the Peace Prize. After being made to endure five years of complete nonsense wrapped up by a complete fraud riddled election it has taken great restraint to remain peaceful.
While I was being a smart ass, as with most jokes, there is a hell of a lot of truth in this.
These people on the Left continue to push and push and push, I honestly believe they want us to storm DC. Nothing would make their day more than for millions of us to take to the streets. Doing so would make their fictional crisis real.
They blame us for their made up lies and have been doing it for five years. Don’t blame us, you’re the ones that threw up the fake Russia hoax spending millions of our tax dollars on a pretend crisis and worse, derailing much of the good work that should have and could have happened under President Trump’s leadership. You’re the ones that held the fake fraud riddled impeachment of the people’s President only to push your “Orange man bad” agenda on the weak minded folks in this country. Everything that was good for America and the American people was rolled out as being bad and the narrative continues to this day. It’s getting very, very old.
You wrapped the President’s term up all nicely with this obvious and disgusting fraud of an election and now this coming week you’ll put another fake fraud hoax show on display with another attempt to impeach a guy who is not even in office any more. Meanwhile your puppet installed President will continue to dismantle everything that is good for America.
At some point, if this nonsense doesn’t come to a stop, at some point if a higher authority doesn’t step in to right the wrongs you (the evil doers) may very well push the American people to a point where you get your wish. I hope not but have to say, hope ain’t working well right now.
By not allowing the President and his supporters our day in court you’ve herded us to the edge of the cliff. While we know this was by design, don’t be surprised when we don’t jump off the cliff but instead turn around and march back toward you.
With every anti-America move you make you push us closer to the edge. Pretend all you want that it is the President who incites violence. We know better. You people are inciting violence with each passing day. While y’all hug China, re-join the climate accord scam, make love with Iran and start more wars, the American people’s blood boils. While you turn truth into fiction our eyes are clear.
I finish this week’s rant by saying once again, “don’t blame us” for that which you are doing. This mess lies directly in your lap. What you are doing to ruin the greatest nation on earth, divide her people and trample on our God given rights is simply unacceptable. The evil Trump supporters you so badly wish to extinguish are the very people who make this Nation exceptional. We seek only the truth, honesty and the rule of law. All of which are basic American rights you people obviously want nothing to do with.
To my friends out there. As long as we have a voice we must use it. No matter who you are, you voice is important, respected and needed. God Bless America.

Hey Dan,
So I’m talking with my Mom this morning and expressing my distrust with our government, the fact that our votes get filed in the toilet, that We the People have ZERO voice in the “governmental” process and that we are for all practical purpose fleas on the dog of life. And then I open your blog which is absolutely spot on as usual. The fact of the matter is quite simply votes, letters and peaceful protests are 100% ineffective in bringing change to our corrupt government. “they” have everything to lose and nothing to gain by giving the people what is rightfully ours! I’m afraid the only thing that will really change the situation is a full on revolution. Never thought I’d say those words but we all know this to be true-it’s broken and terminally so. We are daily being stripped of our rights and freedom and words aren’t going to fix this folks. We all remember being told as children to stop doing something umpteen times and then the spoon/shoe/belt came out and low and behold that made the difference. Am I supporting child abuse? Hell no, but at some point words become useless when they fall on deaf ears.
I am far from a radical however facts are facts-this isn’t my opinion; it’s what the American people are enduring and it’s very much our reality. Keep them coming Dan!
I’d like you to be wrong Dave but… It’s like I always say, if you robbed a bank and nothing ever happened, what would you do? Exactly, keep robbing the bank. The status of the country isn’t a guessing game anymore. The evil doers openly express their desires to rule over us. These people are so evil and so power hungry they make an honest person want to do a lot more than throw some tea in the harbor.
Nice rant, seems to hit the nail on the head as usual. Always enjoy reading your thoughts .
God bless America
Thanks much friend! And yes, God Bless America. She needs all the help she can get.
Thank You Mr Dan your words are so true. I appreciate every word you say because I feel the exact same way.I agree With Francesca Oliveri I would tune into your show. I am beyond mad now with the horror’s these people do daily. And I use to be shocked at the things they do, NOT anymore nothing they do surprises me at all. Thank God For President Trump he REALLY showed every single Patriot how bad the swamp creatures truly are. I have faith in God and I also have faith in Donald J Trump. God Bless you and have fun with your Grandkids.
Thank you Jan – always brings a smile to my face when I see you pop up here and on twit. Together we’ll keep plowing forward! Bless you friend.
Absolutely Awesome & Truthful. I appreciate being able to read Truth & wisdom. You need your own show. Please talk to Gov Huckabee & Dan Bongino. Both have sponsors who Help Pay the Bills for sound equipment, an area to broadcast from, & a little Cash in the pocket, also. God Bless you. We all need to work together to reach as many Conservative People as we can. We all feel let down by our election Process & the Many, Many people who helped with the Steal. Never thought I’d see that Much Corruption in my Lifetime.
Thanks for the kind words Francesca, much appreciated. I agree, getting the word out is so important. This has really, truly been a sad thing to watch here in our country. Together we’ll keep telling the truth in hopes our voices are finally heard. Have a nice evening and thank you for taking your valuable time to read my little blog.