I am having the hardest time writing this week’s post. I keep hoping I’ll wake up from this year long nightmare but sadly, it appears this one ain’t going away.
I’ll go to my grave not believing this country, it’s citizens, that is, chose Joe Biden over Donald J Trump. This is as close as I am going to get to living in a bizarro world (what’s up is down, what’s left is right, what’s good is bad).
As for those people out there who hate President Trump I can’t even begin to understand why. What is it, exactly that he did to make you people hold such hatred for the man? Seriously? What did he do to hurt anyone? Who among you dingbats has he hurt? The blacks? The Hispanics? Women? The Gays? The Teachers? The Unions? The Military? Did he take away your healthcare? Did he make it harder for you to get a job? Did your 401K go down? Were gas prices too high? Did he start another war? Did building the wall harm you somehow? Were you mad because you were paying less taxes? Are you upset he stopped making you pay for climate change? Did his love for Israel drive you to such hatred? Prison reform? Or was it just the whole “America First” policy that caused you to come down with TDS? Oh, hold on, I remember now, it was his tweets. He hurt your feelings with his tweets…

I get why the politicians hate the man, that’s easy. I don’t however get what the hell the media’s problem is. The only conclusion I can come up with is, just like Big Tech, they’re on the payroll. But the actual American people will remain a mystery to me. Sitting aside the complete morons which one would like to think represent less than, I don’t know, 20% of the voting base. What on Heaven’s earth is wrong with the other 80%?
Let’s be honest though, the haters didn’t have anything to do with the President losing the election. We owe that travesty to our elected officials and the global power brokers who own the world and set the agenda. These rich, corrupt evil bastards are where our focus must be although I don’t know what the hell we do about it. If the powerful almighty US Government stands with them over the American people then that’s a very big hill to climb. By all appearances, the word “if” is no longer in question.
I don’t know about you but I am feeling pretty down. Do you feel the same way? It’s not common to admit your true feelings, certainly not in writing anyway but I don’t care. What this country just pulled off right in front of our own eye’s is nothing less than treason and if our military isn’t going to step in on our behalf and on behalf of the Constitution then short of 75 million or more taking to the streets and not just for a weekend but until change occurs I don’t see things changing, ever. As long as our elected officials don’t fear us they have no reason to listen to us. You know the saying it takes a village to raise a family? Well, it takes a nation full of patriots to raise a nation out of tyranny.
The best way to get their attention is to have a tax revolt. You know, dump the tea in the harbor. Trust me, that’ll wake them up! But that won’t work unless millions of us commit to it and I just don’t think there’s that many out there with that type of courage. Hell, it scares me just thinking about it. Doing nothing scares me more.
With each passing day hopes become more and more diminished that this nightmare will end. It is astonishing to listen to people on the Left cheer this Biden puppet of a President on. On his first day in office he killed thousands of “union” jobs by canceling the Keystone Pipeline. We will soon be back in the boat where we are begging the Middle East to lower the cost of a barrel of oil. On day one he announced a pathway to citizenship for the so-called dreamers. Remember President Trump put this on the table as well during his first year but with a huge difference. At the same time he made it clear a wall would be built and a complete overhaul of our immigration policy would have to be approved first. Not this clown. We are back to the “come one, come all” approach now causing another one of these caravans traveling toward the border. On day one he opened America back up to travelers from terrorist countries. Today these old policies are more dangerous and harmful to the American citizen than ever due to the China virus which has in itself made jobs more scarce than ever. Speaking of the China virus. We spent all of last year listening to Biden say the President still doesn’t have a plan to combat the virus only to hear him say yesterday “there is nothing we can do to stop the virus” Well no shit Sherlock… To throw more mud on the average American, the rumor is he’ll be killing the favored Nation plan the President put in place. That means we’ll continue to pay more for our medicine than any other Nation on the planet. That $8.00 insulin people were so excited about will go back to $100. You tell me how this helps anyone? Don’t bother, I’ll tell you. It helps the politicians. President Trump pissed off the drug companies. President Biden is paling back up to them so the goodies can flow again. And when I say goodies I am talking about money, big money. It’s so in your face and so damn sickening.
On Monday, nasty Nancy Pelosi says she’ll deliver the impeachment papers to the Senate. Yeah that’s right, these people so hate President Trump they want to impeach him even after he’s gone. The real goal here is to make sure he can never be President again. That’s how much they fear him. And when I say “they” I mean all of them, Democrats and Republicans alike. I hear folks say on twitter “that’s unconstitutional!” By now I’d like to think people understand this current Government doesn’t give a rats ass about the Constitution and apparently neither does the Supreme Court.
Meanwhile all those involved in Russia, Russia, Russia. All those involved in the Ukraine hoax, stoned out, Hunter Biden and daddy who is wanted in Ukraine and the biggest betrayal of them all, the theft of our election will all be swept away never to be heard of again. Our state run media has already begun their pretend love affair with the Biden Administration. Did you hear that Jill Biden was stunning during the inauguration and Kamala is now a power dresser. Yep, that’s the term they used. Those jeans with rips in them and those white sneakers are setting new powerful standards for the American woman. Oops, I forgot, Pelosi has banned us from using the term “woman”. Bizarro world…
There isn’t anything funny about any of this. We are being fed an insanity sandwich and it tastes like shit.
I leave you with this advice. Hold your family near, roll your pants up and put your boots on because we have a lot of poop to wade through. As we mush through all that is coming let your voices be heard. Don’t succumb to this bizarro world they are forcing upon us. Fight it every step of the way. Will you make a difference in the end? We won’t know unless we try. Remember, “doing always beats saying”.