Three days from now we are led to believe one of our lame Supreme Court Judges (It won’t be Justice Thomas) will swear in Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States. Are we really? Are we really going to let this fraud stand here in America?
This whole thing for me and millions of our citizens seems surreal. There are so many of us who quite frankly are walking around in somewhat of a haze of confusion. We keep hoping this is nothing more than a bad nightmare and any minute now we will wake up and realize it was just that, a nightmare.
It has been a little over two months since the election though and this morning I woke up but the nightmare continues. How is it even possible? How is it that we are allowing this to happen? Sadly, the tougher question is, how do we stop it? “We Americans take our fight to the ballot box”. Eh, yeah we used to think that was the answer but we’ve learned those days are sadly long gone, aren’t they? I am convinced that the American people overwhelmingly elected our President in what was an historic victory. Yet here we are with some guy who couldn’t even win his home state of Pennsylvania without massive, MASSIVE fraud.
Millions of Trump supporters attended hundreds of rallies throughout the country over the past five years and not one window was broken, not one person was shot, not one police car was overturned. Yet today we have over 20,000 troops in DC as the Left and the Media work double time to convince the country there is grave danger ahead for the upcoming inauguration.

Are we really going to believe this? Every day that passes we learn more and more about the Capitol building riot. We learn what the President’s supporters always knew, these were BLM/ ANTIFA thugs, not Trump supporters. We learned that the Capitol building doors were opened up for these thugs and yesterday we even learned that a CNN reporter was among them. It’s simply more of the same; one big planned fraud against the American people.
There are a number of us who are down on our knees praying that our troops are there for another reason. We are praying that the barbed wire fences are there to keep the real evil doers in and not the American people out. While these hopes are nearly unimaginable that’s where we are in all of this. As the saying goes “hope is not a strategy”. When you pit the entire Washington establishment and the media against the American people it’s all we’ve got. “Hope.”
There are, at a minimum, 75 million of us who feel the President is well within his right to bring in the military and shut this government down. Fact is, there are many of us who feel it is his duty to do so. While we’ve allowed (shame on us) these corrupt politicians to forgo their oath to protect and preserve the Constitution, we hold out hope that our President will. He has the power to stop all of this, but not without grave danger to his reputation certainly but even to his life. On so many levels I struggle with even asking him. At the same time, I think about our founding fathers, who put our country before themselves. They were willing to do whatever was needed to preserve our freedom. That was then and this is now. Is this President so bold to take this on? Does he truly love this country so much he is willing to give his all to protect it and our way of life? While most of us struggle to focus nowadays he still manages to smile and play golf on the weekends. To look at him and listen to him (you know when the media allows) you’d think yesterday and today are just another day in the park. The man has guts of steel.
Now what about us? Are we really going to just stand by and watch as the enemies within take our country away from us? I want to believe the answer is no but I truly believe the answer is “HELL NO” if the President leads us. There is no doubt in my mind that millions of Americans will stand up for and beside our President if he takes this bold, brave, and possibly even grave step.
With the onslaught of programmed media we must continually remind ourselves and our neighbors that we didn’t start this, the Left did. They are the people who have proven over and over their disdain for the American way of life. It is they who hate the idea of putting America first not us. It is they who rigged the election not us. All we did was stand in line at the polls and cast our ballot. All we did is support our President. All we did was pay our taxes and go to work every day. We didn’t cause the virus, we didn’t tear down statues or take over city blocks or burn down our local businesses. We didn’t make up some story about Russia collusion; we were just made to pay for it. We are the ones who supported the President to build a wall to secure our borders. We are the people who support law enforcement and our military. We are the people who believe in our Constitution and rule of law. We honor our flag and proudly display it. Finally, we are the people who simply want to be left alone to raise our families and live our lives.
Mr. President you are on the minds of so many Americans right now. Some have aching hearts, some are mad as hell. All stand with you.

Friends we have a tough week ahead of us. Let us pray for the best and plan for the worst. God Bless our President and these United States of America.