Before retiring, in my working life I was known as being the cup is half “full” guy. When my company faced its most extreme challenges, I was the guy who would find the positive in it and make that our focus. When that didn’t work, I would find a way to calm people’s nerves through laughter. I was never accused of not being serious, but I also knew when folks needed someone to make them feel it was going to be ok. Making them laugh or at least smile nearly always did the trick. I also knew that if we were going to get the job done, whatever that might have been, we had to have a workforce that wanted, not had to, but wanted to get the job done. There is a huge difference between those two things. The best way to bring the people onboard with any project was to get buy-in. I did that by not leaving them in the dark but giving them the facts and tools I knew they would need. That is exactly what the President has done for us.
What the country/world witnessed on Wednesday, January 6, 2021 in Washington will likely go down as a dark day in American history. Not because it was but, because the writers are not the cup half full guys. They are jamming that negative narrative down our throats. If I were to guess, this will be the case as it relates to the President’s term in office as well. This will become more of a challenge going forward. Folks will have to dig in their quest for the truth. My grandkids will hear the truth from me. Y’all are encouraged to do the same with yours.
The March to Save America, for me, was everything but dark but that’s not how our dear friends in the media are portraying it. Example: I just googled “March on America” (don’t get me started with Google, I’m trying to be the cup half full guy here…). The first thing that popped up was a picture of the President giving his speech in front of those attending the march. Under the picture the headline reads; President Trump betrayed America by urging protesters to march on the Capitol. Scrolling down I read; CNN, MSNBC refuse to air Trump’s remarks at ‘Save America March’ in DC. Well there you go. That’s what the average everyday reader will see.
Unlike these last few years of protests and riots, such as the women’s march in 2018 which was designed to disrupt the Judge Kavanaugh hearings, the protesters were funded to travel to DC and provided bail when they were arrested in the halls of Congress for shouting down members Congress, and when they pounded on the doors of the Supreme Court demanding he be removed, the media and the Democrats cheered them on. “It is a great day for Democracy” they proclaimed. What about the famous Maxine Waters speech in front of the crowd, “ If you see anybody from the Cabinet in a restaurant, or department store, a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them” (anyone from the Trump Administration). Remember when Sara Sanders was forced to leave the little cafe while having breakfast…
2020 was riddled with Black Lives Matter rioters vandalizing our Memorials and setting the historic church in DC on fire. They attempted to storm the White House. You remember that, right? At one point it became so dangerous the President had to be relocated to a secure room. When law enforcement attempted to push these “mostly peaceful” rioters back, they were accused of being militarism (I got that from an article, I don’t even know what the hell militarism means. I’m guessing it stands for “the cops were mean.”). On top of that, our soon-to-be/phony Vice President, actually setup bail funds for these BLM thugs.
Let us not forget the “Summer of Love”, wherein the ANTIFA morons took over several city blocks in Seattle and caused harm throughout the country, fires, lootings, killings, you name it. The Democrats, Leftist and our so called free press praised these people for standing up against the evil police. Democrat lawmakers quickly brought bills to the floor to defund the police. Idiotic mayors in Democrat control cities throughout the country actual did that, they reduced funding only to complain later on of the increased violence in their cities. Hell, we had media people standing in front of buildings that were on fire proclaiming these were peaceful protests.
Flash forward to the January 6th March to Save America. Hundreds of Thousands of Americans showing up in support of their President hoping to have their voices finally heard over their opposition in what was clearly an election riddled with fraud. No buildings on fire, no statues defaced or torn down, no stores with broken glass, no one running around with televisions they looted in their hands, no police cars turned upside down, no one with a blow horn encouraging people to cause harm, no churches burning and no one funding them but themselves.
Instead of celebrating so many God fearing, American loving citizens, the Left and the media are hard at work programming weak minds of what many feel was a pre-planned set up of Leftist, ANTIFA thugs wearing MAGA gear entering the Capitol (I say entering instead of breaking in because by all appearances watching this unfold, I didn’t see but a few officers there and they appeared to be waving these thugs on in) causing minor damage to the building but worse causing fear and disruption of the lawmakers in session. This was unacceptable, uncalled for and I hope every last one of them is captured, fined and jailed. But the story doesn’t end there. The Left is doing what they have been doing for four years, accusing the President for this. Hell, nasty Nancy is already talking about impeaching the President again (he has like 10 days left in office for Christ sake). The media has taken hundreds of thousands of American loving patriots and made them a part of the dozen or so idiot rioters. Just the opposite of what they did during actual riots throughout 2020. Their stance: buildings burning = “mostly peaceful”. As I said last week: disgusting. And one last thing on the DC incident, it is not as though everyone didn’t know there was going to be a huge gathering on the 6th. You tell me why security was all but non-existent at the Capitol? I’ve got an idea! How about building a wall around the Capitol. Do you think they can find funding for that… Dirty bastards.
Now, my cup is half full. This President, this dear man who gave up his billionaire lifestyle for us has done something that will have more of a long term “positive” impact on our country than any President in my lifetime. He has woken up all of us sleeping Americans who have for years only focused on our lives, our families, our jobs, our kids, our 401Ks, our mortgage payments, our friends, our neighbors, our God and yes, our taxes. We are the very people who have time and time again held our noses and voted for whatever Republican who was running. I believe those days are over. He has undressed our Government and in doing so exposed so much for all of us to see and given us the opportunity to take our country back. He truly has awakened the sleeping giant, “We the People”.
The Agencies – The FBI, CIA and DOJ specifically: We now know, thanks to our President, just how dirty these agencies are. None lifted a finger to secure justice. People attempted to take down the President of the United States and these very agencies that we the people fund did everything in their power to hide it from us and even played a role in it. This is no longer a theory, this happened, he exposed it right in front of our own eyes. Only the evil doers, the deaf, dumb and blind can continue to deny this fact. And to be clear, no longer can we say these evil doers “attempted” to take our President down, via this election, they did. They played their role in this fraud and despite the President’s bests efforts, it worked. Example: When AG Barr announced he saw no major election irregularities in the election he gave a green like to all the others and especially to the lying media. “Even the President’s own AG said there is no fraud” we heard over and over by all the evil doers. These are the same people, who to this day allow the Joe Biden’s, Hunter Biden’s, Hillary Clinton’s, James Comey’s, Clapper, Brennan in this country to walk around free. It’s a much longer list…
Our President through his unstoppable desire to do what’s right for the country has exposed these people like never before. He has forced them out in the open for all of us to see.
The Democrats: Only those who live and breathe politics knew these Democrats in Congress were an evil corrupt bunch. The President undressed them in front of the whole country. You cannot possibly be a sane citizen and not know that now. Through his America First policies which the name in itself caused these ass-hats to have a fit, he rolled the rock off the holes they were hiding in. Before he was done they were openly admitting they wanted open borders, no ICE, to ban guns, to kill babies up to the time of birth. They’ve called for socialism. Oh they try to be cute by calling it “Democratic Socialism” which means nothing. They just make words up as they go. They want to and will kill the filibusterer allowing them to pass any nonsense law of their choosing. I’m not telling you that, they’re telling you. He got them to say they want to pack the Supreme Court, double the size of it. Why? Because they don’t like that the President was able to fill three seats with so called conservative Judges. Boy is that yet to be seen. They want to go back to the Obama era. You know what era that was, right? That was the era wherein Americans became so fed up they elected a non-politician called Donald J. Trump as President.
They were in such fear of this President they changed election rules in their Democrat controlled states. As Obama’s Chief of Staff once said, never let a good crisis go to waste. Covid-19: With the media in their back pocket, the alphabet soup departments, liberal Governors, Mayors and the Courts proclaimed “We must allow mail-in ballots” for the safety of Americans. I am surprised they didn’t come right out and say “and we will print however many ballots we need to ensure Biden wins.” With all these evil bastards in the tank they were so emboldened that they were able to choose who they’d have run for President (run for President, what a joke that is. The guy didn’t run for anything, he sat back while the evil doers pulled the strings of robbery). Then they chose one of the most, if not the most, disliked phonies on the planet to be his VP. The woman couldn’t even garner 3% of her own party’s vote yet she was the chosen one. Why?
Because she’ll do as she’s told. That’s why. She is indeed a political whore, except she doesn’t earn her pay. They’ve openly called for tax increases. Killing off coal and oil which means what? It means going back to begging OPEC to lower their price of oil again. He got them to admit they will re-enter the Paris Accord which means what, billions of your dollars going to the globalist elites again.
Our President so angered these people that they came out against America and for Iran, against America and for China. They may very well hold power at this moment in time but they do so, thanks to this President standing naked in shame. More than half of the country has clear eyes when it comes to this bunch of anti-American haters. You cannot possibly love this country and like Nancy Pelosi and her circus of clowns.
The Republicans: Oh my, did he ever undress these deceivers. By the time the President was through millions of Americans are saying to themselves “How could I have ever voted for these people?” McCain, Romney, Lindsey Graham, Flake, oh hell the list is too long. After the President was finished with these Rhinos it became much easier to identify the handful of lawmakers who stood up alongside the President and the American way of life. The President drew them out slowly and then the election put the final nail in their political coffins. It’s glorious! For once in my life, in 2022 when all the RNC calls start pouring in, I intend on answering every one of them just to tell them how disgusting they are. I may even buy an old fashion land line just for the pleasure of slamming the phone down on them. Pissed off is an understatement. We in the party always knew the GOP was lousy at fighting. We didn’t know they are downright cowards though. We do now. Thank you Mr. President.
The Media: I’ve already made this post too long and I’ve been hammering these bastards for four years. Let me just say that in 2020 the President drew them out in the open like never before. Through his unwavering ability to fight back he forced them to show the world they are political, biased and not a free press working to hold anyone accountable. These people went on full blackout of everything President Trump, giving the average Joe an ear full of lies day after day, night after night. It remains my humble opinion that the media in this country have done more harm than any other group. They truly are the enemy of the people. They are the very ones who are supposed to have our backs and supposed to hold Government accountable. Today they are state run media doing the bidding for the Leftist, socialist communism party. Oops, I apologize, the Leftist “Democratic” Socialist Communist Party. Sounds so much better that way doesn’t it…
Big Tech: Only this President could draw these rich mo-fos out in the open. As I type, Facebook and Twitter have banned the President from their platforms. I repeat; they have banned the President of the United States from using their platforms. According to them, he violated their rules by in sighting violence and claiming the election was rigged. He did not insight violence and the election was rigged. They too played their part in the rigging and when he fought back, when he called them out, they simply pulled a Hitler on him and removed him so that “We the People” could no longer interact directly with him. Don’t you worry though friends, Congress will hold them accountable. (I told you I try and provide laughter during tough times. If this isn’t the biggest joke you’ve ever heard then I can’t help you.) In the last 24 hours both Apple and Amazon are taking down Parler. You see, this free speech thing simply must be taken down…
To put an end to this long post, I would just say we owe so much to our President. What this man was made to endure is beyond anything I could have ever imagined. The best spy novelist on the planet could not have written such an evil filled novel. As for Biden becoming President, I came across this meme that says everything I would say in one simple picture.

I remain devoted to this President and I will stay on his ship to the bitter end. If he has something left in his clip that none of us are privy to, of that I say “right on” Mr. President. Empty the clip when you are ready. I know for a fact that there are 80 plus million Americans who can take it and welcome it with open arms. If that is not the case then I will only say thank you for these past four years. And we know you’re not leaving us behind.
While you have accomplished so much for the country and the American people, I truly believe the biggest gift you’ve given us was to undress all the filth. This gift is no less than glorious and gives us the tools we need to keep fighting this fight against evil. We no longer wear rose colored glasses Mr. President. While so many are against us there are more of us than them. Rome wasn’t built in a day nor was it torn down in a day. You stepped into decades of corruption. No one could have expected you to fix it all in four short years. I believe you knew that too. You’ve armed us with the knowledge we need to keep fighting and for that we will always be grateful. God Bless you sir and God Bless America.
Another great post, Dan. I was speaking with a 30 yr old on Saturday about this exact problem; where is the average Joe to turn to get truthful and unbiased news and information? With Twitter and FaceBook litterally rewriting our first amendment (see below) now it would appear the “new” platforms are going to continue the propaganda-this is very dangerous people!
Constitution of United States of America 1789 (rev. 1992)
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
I’m in the 3rd or 4th quarter of my life so it hopefully will not impact our “Golden Years. However, I can only hope for our kids and grand kids sake that our younger folks take a more proactive approach to our freedoms being done away with. Peaceful but forceful demonstrations unrelenting until we right this ship-it’s gotta happen people!
Thanks again Dan
Thank you for your response Dave and you’re right over the target. Sadly though I believe it is already impacting us. If this is allowed to continued the “Golden Years” won’t be so golden. What will these haters of freedom impose upon on next or take away? Homes? Bank Accounts? Businesses? Speech is already an eyelash away from being gone… Sorry, I am in one of those moods. Thanks again, so appreciate your take and feedback.
Dan, well spoken! And, I’ll add, you speak for me. Thank you!
Thank you Linda. And thank you for taking your valuable time to read my ranting and ravings. 🙂
Mr Dan this has been well written and hit many nerves in me. Thank You for keeping everything real. I agree with every stroke of your pen. I am blessed to have know this Great President and thankful for EVERYTHING he has done to better ALL American’s even the disgusting stupid ones. I also will stand tall and fight for DONALD J TRUMP till the very END. And I will always say Promises Made Promises Kept #TheBestIsYetToCome. I am grateful to have met you also Mr Dan and will continue to read your articles. THANK YOU GOD BLESS AMERICA
As always Jan, so appreciate you.