
Word of the day: Disgusting

I have never been more disgusted with the state of our Republic than I am at this very moment. Perhaps that is because I’ve never been so engaged but honestly, looking back over these past 66 years nothing even comes close to what I am seeing today.

By all appearances every aspect of our Government is completely broken and running wild with corruption. We have zero justice in the DOJ, the FBI following the Russia hoax has the credibility of a gnat. The Supreme Court has become so political that it no longer serves to uphold the Constitution but rather to serve their personal politics. The lower courts are even worse.

You tell me why they have refused to hear a single election fraud case. 74 million tax paying Americans question the legality of the election and yet not a single court in the land will give these Americans the time of the day to listen. It’s disgusting. This isn’t even about who won the election. It’s all about who won the election legally. Without trust in our elections what kind of Republic do we have, a broken one.

Congress, let’s talk about these beauties. If I tried I couldn’t give you a hand full of names roaming the halls of Congress that give a flying you know what about the people and they prove it to us over and over and over again. While they build their wealth and power we folks are left with what, stupid laws, regulations, increasing taxes, and zero respect. Translation – they don’t work for us, we work for them. It’s disgusting.

The people of the United States elected the President in 2016 and Congress, the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and the courts have done nothing except work overtime to undermine him. If that isn’t flipping the middle finger to the people who pay the damn bills around here then I don’t know what is. When you consider what they’ve been up to while their pals in the media and big tech work to blackout their evil acts, it is nothing less than the over throwing of our Republic in broad daylight.  

For me, what makes it worse is so how “in your face” they are. Yesterday we learned that a Georgia court overruled a case brought to the court demanding the removal of some 4000 votes being counted because those votes came from outside one of the districts in the state. Meaning, 4000 people who do not live inside the district voted in the district. The judge in this case: Stacy Abrams’ sister. Stacy Abrams is the woman who claimed the Governorship was stolen from her in 2018. She’s the same woman who is evidently (I’ll believe it when I see it) being investigated for ballot harvesting in the 2020 election. Don’t worry folks, no conflict of interest with this judge, just keep moving and pay your taxes…

In Pennsylvania, the State’s own damn voter records show that 200,000 more votes were received than the number of voters they have on their voter roll records. How does that work? This isn’t a conspiracy theory, this is a fact from the State’s own records. There are claims that the Dominion voting machines were connected to the internet, election information was sent to

China, Iran, Russian and Pakistan. I have no idea if this is true and I sure as hell want it to be disproved but we can’t even get a day in court. It’s disgusting.

Nevada evidently followed the same path as Pennsylvania; they too had more votes than people voting. We hear the same thing in Arizona. Georgia won’t even allow us to verify voter signatures. Hell, they won’t even let us look at a real ballot. Republican poll watchers in all of the seven States in question weren’t allowed in the room while votes were being counted or if they were, they weren’t allowed to be close enough to even see what was going on. Another ” Oh Hell,” in Georgia we have a video proving their illegal actions when they sent everyone home for the evening. Right after everyone left, four Democrat vote counters remained in the room, pulled out suitcases full of ballots and continued counting well into the morning hours of the next day. The tape even shows one counter running the same ballots into the machine several times; still, no day in court. It’s disgusting.

If all of this has reasonable answers to it then let the American people know what those answers are. Simply saying there is no proof of voter fraud doesn’t cut it but that is exactly what we are being told. The translation for this is “shut up and go away.”

For me, the Republicans are far worse than the Democrats. At least the Democrats let it be known without any doubt who they are and what they stand for. These cowards/snakes Republicans lie and pretend they stand for what we stand for and then once in office we learn they don’t. They do what all the politicians do, line their pockets and undermine our Liberty.

You tell me why every Republican in Congress isn’t screaming at the top of their lungs about this fraud riddled election. Why did they let it happen in the first place? The President raised his voice well before a single vote was cast. He told the whole country the danger with mail in ballots. The Republicans didn’t lift a finger. Where was the GOP at the State and county levels?

The President has called upon his supporters to protest in DC on the 6th. Today I went to my local GOP website to learn more about this and to see if they were organizing anything? Those of us who will not be able to make the trip to DC are encouraged to protest at our State Capitals so I was interested in learning about that, what time should we be there and such. Not only was there zero information on the protest in DC, there wasn’t anything about a local protest either. Hell, for that matter there isn’t even a discussion about the election itself. It’s as though it never happened. It’s disgusting.

We find ourselves in this position because 90% of the American public remains disengaged. I truly believe this to be true. The vast majority of the public are tuned out. They voted (some did, some didn’t) and heard that Biden won. That’s it now they are back to their daily lives doing whatever they do or don’t do. Those that do tune into the nightly news only hear the President hasn’t conceded and that he continues to make false and unproven claims of voter fraud. They don’t tell these half hearted news watchers why he makes these claims they simply say they aren’t true. When the President tweets to his many millions of followers, twitter makes you read their disclaimer where they say claims of voter fraud are unproven before you can “like” or “retweet” his tweet. Pure 100% China style state speech suppression. It’s disgusting.

This statement has never been more true…

Trust me folks when I say, if we don’t fix this election bullshit, this China virus crap is going to be the least of our worries. You don’t have to guess what the Democrats will do, they’ve told you. Packed courts (which I don’t know why they need to, the courts are doing them just fine) and limit the chamber votes to a simple majority so they can pass whatever lame laws they decide. Green New Deal, Socialized medicine, College loans paid (that would be paid by you and me of course, Congress doesn’t have any money.) Tear down the wall and invite illegal immigration to once again flow freely. Dreamers will no longer have to dream again, they will be made citizens and granted all the rights we have (which now-a-days isn’t all that great but still much greater than any other damn country on this earth, for now anyway.) They’ll keep chipping away at our gun rights. They will rejoin the Paris Accord (this must be really important because Biden promised this in the first 100 days…). They will make nice with Iran while going back to the Obama years of being un-nice to Israel. And let us not forget China. Joe and Hunter will be back in business again with China. All the tariffs placed on them for cheating will be dismantled and they will once again rake us over the coals. Did I say coal? Forget about it. No more coal, no more coal miner jobs. Don’t yell at me, these are all things they’ve made perfectly clear and this is only the half of it. I’m not making them up, I’ve just been listening.

As for the virus, don’t worry, the Biden/Harris team are promising they will get this under control. It starts with a 100 day mask mandate. That’ll fix it… you know because it’s worked so well so far. Billions upon billions if not trillions of dollars have been lost on a virus with a 90 plus percent survival rate. You seriously can’t make this crap up. It’s disgusting.

Even with all of this evil underhanded crap going on, I remain hopeful that somehow, someway our President can prevail. I sure pray that he will. If not I don’t know what the answer is. It is feeling more and more likely that we need to find a way to make the Government fear us because right now they don’t and they haven’t in a very, very long time. I am not convinced peaceful protests will get the job done. In fairness though, we really haven’t done that either. Certainly not in the way we should. Thousands of us protesting won’t cut it, it has to be millions and not for one weekend but for however many days it takes. Herein lies the problem. We Trump supporters, we Liberty loving people don’t protest. Not in the masses anyway and as long as this doesn’t change, certainly our Government isn’t going to change. Why should they?

Sadly, as the saying goes, “no pain, no gain.”

On November 6th, my wish is that each of the 74 million Americans who voted for our President does something in protest. Go to DC first and foremost if you can. If not, go to your State Capital and wave your American and Trump flags. If you can’t do that, display your Trump flag on your front porch, call your representatives, write articles in your local paper, something, do something.

I want to thank my few readers for allowing me this time to vent. You have no idea how much it helps me. I’ll apologize now if it doesn’t do much for you. <smiling face> God bless America, God Bless our President and God Bless you. These times are tough on us all. Somehow, with the Grace of God we will get through it together and find a way to stop all of this “disgusting” undermining of our American way of life. Stealing elections can never be allowed to fly, not hear, not now, not ever.