We the People of the United Sates, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Those are the words in the preamble of the Constitution. Flash forward (for the record it wasn’t a “flash” it was a bloody painful slow walk through the mud) 200+ years; the average Joe hasn’t a clue these words exist much less know what they mean. We can lay blame on years of useless leadership, subpar education and pure evil dedicated to the slow tearing down of “We the People”. But let us not forget nor look away from the main cause for the loss of our Liberty. That blame lies purely with us, the American people. Me and you. And I would highlight the word “me.”
This election has so many of us feeling helpless and upset. While we are certain that this election is being stolen right before our eyes, we appear to be willing to let it happen.
Daily Caller tweet: Committee Recommends Changing Name of Abraham Lincoln High School Because He Allegedly Didn’t Prove Black Lives Matter (This is a high school in San Francisco, duh!)
The President’s response: So ridiculous and unfair. Will people never make a stand!

These words from the President have caused me to write this blog today. “Will people never make a stand!” Well, will we? If not now, when, if ever? And I am not talking about this stupid move to change the name of the high school. That is just a small example of the nonsense we’ve allowed to occur in this country and yes it needs to be dealt with, but I am talking about this election. Without this President our chances of real change, our chances of restoring “We the People” feels as though it will be lost.
Yesterday, in an attempt to give people some truth & hope I tweeted; The Democrats disregard the Constitution and the Republicans don’t have the spine to protect it. That leave our President and you, and you, and me, and 69,999,969 Americans left to protect and preserve it. That ought to get the job done. #StandYourGround
The tweet got little reaction so I obviously failed in my attempt but I stand by it. Are we really going to stand by or better yet, sit out this obvious injustice being thrown in our face? Are we going to just “hope” one man and a handful of lawyers are going to restore justice in this election? It would appear so. While there are some out there who are making our voices heard and God bless them, there are millions more, like me, basically doing nothing. Unless you consider a small donation to the President’s defense fund some kind of great patriotic stand, I too feel pretty disgusted right now in my personal fight for what is right and just. If you are honest with yourself, you feel the same.
As this election clock ticks away, I believe it is going to take more than thousands of people marching on Washington and local State Capitols for this corrupt Government to hear us and better yet, fear us. It will take millions of us. Millions of us in every state screaming for justice and refusing to leave until we are heard and steps are taken. Most of the 70M plus President Trump supporters aren’t even demanding the President be re-elected, we are demanding a fair counting of “legal” votes. Do that and we will accept the results no matter what they may be. That is certainly not the case on the other side. These evil people on the Left are not interested in fairness and they are certainly not interested in what you or I think or want. Did you ever think we’d get to a point where 70 million American voices mean nothing to those holding office? These Republicans are the worst. These are the very people we, you and I elected. They wouldn’t even be in Washington if not for us yet their silence is deafening.
A hundred thousand or more Americans marched on Washington last weekend and not one, not one Republican lawmaker joined them. Not one stood before the microphone rallying those who dropped everything to show support for our President. If this would have been a Democrat march every Leftist loon racist Democrat lawmaker would have been there screaming “no justice no peace” or some other anti-American nonsense talking point. And doing so while the Capital burned. Ah but we are the good party, the polite party… no, by all appearances we are the party of cowards.
I don’t know how we will ever be able to properly thank this President for opening our eyes to all that is evil in this Nation. He has opened our eyes like never before. The media, the do nothing politicians, even the deceptions with our so called allies. As for our known enemies, please, Washington has China so far up their butts it’s disgusting.
We finally have a truth teller in Washington and we are an eyelash away from losing him to our known enemies within.

I think over the past several years I’ve used this Lincoln quote more than any other. While not perfect, as none of us are, in many ways he was a genius.
The other quote I’ve used over and over is this one;

Every once in a while these evil people come right out and tell us how they feel and what their goals are. We really need to listen and believe them. If we don’t, we look up and get what we have today, the complete destruction of “We the People.”
Folks say to our lawmakers “you work for me!” Sadly that has become laughable. Remember just last year when the steel worker said those very words to Joe Biden and he replied, on television, “I don’t work for you!” well there you go.
I am sorry this week’s blog is such a downer. I know for a fact there are millions of us aching to make a stand and I think we are nearing a point where we will have to. I do believe hope is still alive but I also believe we are an eyelash away of losing it. I’ll continue to write, tweet, donate, make calls and I am more than willing to stand in front of my state capital or in Washington for as long as it takes. My question is, will We the People? God Bless these United States of America. God Bless our President. God Bless you. #StandYouGround
Mr Dan,
Thank you for all you share.
I enjoy your eye opening free speech.
Today 06 January 2020 [Remember This Day] I like you will be seen as a radical.
I can not support or be part of promoting Censored Social Media
I am changing platforms too.
Harold Cokayne
US Army retired
US Navy [SSNs] Veteran
Thanks for your kind words Harold. Right back at you. The big surprise and only good thing about the twitter experience for me has been meeting patriots like you. I’ve truly enjoyed the back and forth with so many (not all 🙂 like minded folks. I try an post something on this blog once a week. Try being the key word. Fact is, sometimes I’m just not into it. As for January 6th, I’m pretty sure it’s a day I’ll take to the grave. Awful. Hope to see you on Parler. May have already, still attempting to navigate over there. Thanks for your note and reading my rantings. Dan
You sir are 100% of what’s right . I appreciate your efforts in passing the word and getting things done.
SP4 Randy Payne
U.S. Army Retired
Thank you Randy for taking your time out to read it. I want us all to storm Washington, sitting this out is wrong… https://twitter.com/i/status/1339369241603129345 copy and paste this and watch. This guy said how I feel a lot better than I did.