Is this asking too much?

I have been asked what I think about the President’s chances of pulling out a win in this election. I suspect that I am no different than anyone else who believes that the President is the best choice for our country. We all want him to win and we all worry about his chances.

It’s pretty damn easy to be worried because we are inundated 24/7 with false news by the very evil-doers we most oppose. Democrats, Leftists, fascist (Oops, sorry I am repeating myself) talking heads at every turn. It honestly feels like us against the entire world. With big tech and the media carrying the water for these evil bastards, finding the truth is actually impossible. For the most part, we tend to listen to those that voice opinions we like and agree with. Whether we are getting the truth by doing so is a whole other question. While it makes us feel better and gives us hope, none of us have a clue what is real and what is not anymore. To be honest, the older I get, I wonder if we ever did. I know one thing, sticking our head in the sand isn’t going to help matters.

While I want to answer the question in the positive, doing so is only giving you the answer you want to hear. Hell, it’s the answer I want to hear. Like everyone else, I don’t have a clue if the President can pull out a victory in this election. After watching what these evil SOBs have done these past four years, it seems nearly impossible for him to overcome such an insurmountable betrayal.

How is it even possible that those who were up to their necks in the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax are, to this day walking free? What has happened to our country wherein a President can legally be impeached for doing nothing except being hated by the other side? And now this, the election. The guy that delivered on his promises plus much more, the guy who actually did put America First is supposedly losing to a 47 year politician with no record of any accomplishments, and to make matters worse, he really didn’t even campaign, did he? While our President crisscrossed the country working all hours of the day and night for our vote, Biden stayed hidden for the most part and when he did creep out from under his roof it was to make a few statements, take no questions and run back for cover. For God’s sake we have tapes, emails, text messages and documents proving he was dealing dirty with foreign Nations yet here we are. Worrying if our President will win this election.

Truer words were never spoken. Remove him and we are governed by the insane

The only conclusion any sane person can arrive at is that our Government is corrupt and I mean CORRUPT from top to bottom. Seriously, all of this nonsense law breaking bullshit and not one arrest, not one? It makes me so mad it’s hard to speak without dropping every four letter word in the book.

Is it asking too much to have a President that based on his actions, not his tweets or his billionaire lifestyle (which for me makes me like him even more) would be treated fairly, respected and re-elected? And not because I like him or you like him but because he’s done a wonderful job for the country. There is no comparing his accomplishments with any President in my lifetime. Is it asking too much for America to have a President that puts us first? All any of us want to do is live our lives free to work hard and raise our families. At the end of the day, we don’t give a rat’s ass about the color of someone’s skin or who the hell they are sleeping with tonight. Fact of the matter is, we don’t want to hear about it just leave us the hell alone and let us live our own lives. Antifa, BLM, Green New Deal, Abortion, Racial Equality, LGBTQ, Women’s Equality, Covid-19 & the New Normal, Obamacare, Climate Change… Please forgive me for what I am about to say but, fuck off and get the hell out of my way you anti-American bastards. I don’t give a flying fuck about any of this. I care about my family, my country, our flag, and our constitution and I expect, no, demand equal justice under the law. Is that too much to ask?

There is no sane reason on the planet that this President hasn’t won this election already. He and we are under siege by the dark forces that pull the strings of this so called Republic. If they pull off this heist, the world as we know it won’t come to an end; but it will be less safe and the country will continue to be divided until at some point, we can no longer take it. By then, if not already the case, it will be too late to turn this monster around. It may very well be too late to turn it around without blood in the streets. Four years ago, this President woke millions of Americans up from their slumber. After decades upon decades of being asleep at the wheel, the President opened our eyes to the lying media and the lying elected officials. While we’ve all been busy living our lives these ass-hat despots stole our liberty. The founding fathers have been rolling over in their graves at every moment these evil power hungry people added notches to their belts. Today you’re fined for not wearing a seat belt, now you must wear a mask. What will our tomorrows bring if we continue to allow the insane to rule over the sane?

It’s our Republic, if we can keep it – Ben Franklin

 God Bless our President, God Bless America and God Bless you. Hold your ground, don’t give an inch. We’re still in this election fight, barely, but where there is hope there is, well, hope!