Y’all have heard me bitch and moan about the media in this country. I’ve called them every name in the book and spent the last four years doing my little part on social media to express my distrust and downright hatred for these evil people. The Media #EnemyOfThePeople; it wasn’t too long into his term when the President said those very words himself. In a press conference, after making that comment, a lame reporter (by the way, these aren’t reporters, these are filthy Democrat activists) attempted to push back telling the President he was wrong. The President quickly responded with “I’m right and by the way, I am right a lot!” I love this man.
During this election year, the so called free press, the defenders of the people really out their communist gloves on. There has been no more pretending to be journalists, no pretending to report “just the news”. They went full scale Democrat Party Activist on the American public and big tech followed them right down the same rabbit hole.
What did I read the other day? Something like 27% of the Biden voters were not aware of the Hunter Biden/Joe Biden corruption in Ukraine, China or Russia. Meaning, they hadn’t heard the story, never saw it. In the same poll, 17% of those same people said they would not have voted for Biden had they known this. Not that this idiot Joe Biden actually did get 85M votes. I’ll play along. That 17% equates to 17,450 million votes. That means ole basement Joe, Mr. Popularity himself would have received 67,550M votes falling well short of the President’s 70M. This is just one small example of the power of the press and social media which less face it, it also the press.
This year, the press went as far as not televising the President’s events. CNN stopped showing the weekly China Virus briefings completely. Then they went on air and social media telling lies about what was said in the briefings. Others did the same. Many times, other fake media outlets cut their feed when the President was talking. The once conservative, viewer favorite, Fox News’ big shot Neil Cavuto cut the White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany interview off when she started to make claims that the election has been riddled with fraud. Dipshit, Democrat activist commie Cavuto said he could not in good conscience allow such unproven accusations on his show. You see the idea of reporting the news and letting the viewers decide is a lost art in the media. They now view themselves as the news, it has become their jobs, in their communist minds, to tell us what they want us to hear. And guess what? It’s working. It was that awful woman on CBNBC’s morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski who said “Controlling what people think is the job of the media.” She’s a loon, the whole network is awful.

She and others in the media went as far as to call on Twitter to remove the President from the platform. Not surprising. The President’s tweets are literary the only way the American people are assured we will hear directly from him without all the fake nonsense lies. Of course following the election, Twitter has found the need to place disclaimers on the President’s tweets stating the content of his tweet has not been proven to be true. You are forced to read that communist disclaimer before you are able to “like” or reply or forward his tweets.
During many of his popular and well attended rallies, when the President would talk about the fake lying news they would shut their cameras off and go to commercial.
This week, the President’s lawyers held a GOP meeting in Pennsylvania to discuss and hear from witnesses who have signed affidavits stating they had personally witnessed voter fraud. Hearing from these people was not only eye opening but down right remarkable. Not one main stream media outlet aired the meeting. Not one. I had to dig for it via social media and download the OANN app to see it for myself. How many Americans do you know that would have worked this hard to listen in? A vast number of Americans, I swear to God, just blindly vote and then go back to their daily lives. That’s exactly how we got to where we are today. The Biden supporters, my guess, all 15 of them think Biden will be great! After all, he won’t be tweeting every day and he sure won’t be calling out our enemies… And you better believe they’ll be no more truth telling if this idiot actually pulls this fraud off.
The media is supposed to be the people’s advocate. They are the ones, throughout our history that we depended upon to hold Government accountable. It was the media that played big roles in exposing Watergate and the Clinton oval office cigar scandal and many, many others. Those days my friends are over.
The media’s complete and obvious blackout during this past year is nothing short of astounding. Predictable, based on the prior four years but the complete blackout has been incredible. This behavior, officially, in my feeble mind anyway, makes them a true enemy of the people. Their disinformation, their complete and total lack of information, their unwillingness to perform their own investigations into these many Government hoaxes is a direct threat to this Nation. Their actions cause greater divide among us and their inaction creates ever deeper conspiracies to abound. Believe me, if the people don’t get the straight up news they’ll make up their own.
It remains the gang of eight (The Left, the media, CIA, FBI, DOJ, Twitter, Facebook & Hollyweird) against We The People and our President and it’s nothing less than disgusting.
We are as close to state run media as we’ve ever been in this country. If you simply watch, with clear eyes, the obvious differences in the way the media speaks to Joe Biden and then to the President you will understand why I say this. It is not, I repeat, not the media’s job to like or dislike our leaders. It is their job to truthfully provide us with the news. Don’t tell us what the President said, show us. Don’t defend our leaders, ask them the questions the people most want and need to hear answers to. Don’t on one hand ask the President why he killed thousands of people during the China Virus (perfect example of their lies and brainwashing of the public) and then turn around and ask the guy who wants to be President what kind of ice cream did he buy (both true analogies). Don’t keep the President for hours on end answering your lame, biased, “gotcha” questions only to turn around and leave the minute the other guy decides he is not going to take any questions. This was the case throughout the campaign.

There is literary no end to the examples I could provide you displaying the complete utterly bias in the media. I’ll just leave it with this. If you are still watching the nightly main stream media news, including Fox News you don’t care about getting to the truth nor do you care about the long term health of our country. These people are evil to the core. Today, I honestly think no news is better than news fake news. Do your damn homework folks! Some of you just voted for a guy that has a 47 year track record that not even you agree with. You just didn’t take the time to find out. Many of you just voted against a President that has provided you many wonderful things throughout his first term and you don’t even know it. Thank you, mainstream media. Thank you NYT, thank you Washington Post and all the rest of you state run media America haters. The Great Media Blackout has and continues to, bring great harm to our beloved United States.
Dear Lord give the President’s lawyers the skill they require to present their case on behalf of our President, our people and our great Nation. Give the Supreme Court the courage to follow our constitution as written so to do the right thing even knowing the riots, burning and looting it will cause. Amen