Open Deception

Anyone who has been paying attention knows that the media is in the Democrat’s pocket. You know they are not to be trusted. What has become so amazing (not in a good way) is the pure willingness to no longer even try to hide their deception. They now openly deceive the American public and show zero regret.

Media outfits used to care about viewership. They obviously do not care anymore. All of the Left wing networks and print have lost millions of viewers/readers. Their popularity has never been lower and yet they continue to spew untruths and now openly carry water for the Left, the Democrats. It’s disgusting and harmful to the country.

Just look at what the Leftist Media is doing right now related to the Hunter Biden, Joe Biden scandal. You will not find a single minute devoted to the story on any network and the social media giants have the story on full lockdown. When the New York Post issued their article showing proof that Joe Biden had been lying when he said he had never spoken to Hunter, his son, about his overseas dealings, Twitter and Facebook actually blocked the article. American patriots who briefly saw the article scrambled to copy the post to keep it online and available to the people but, that was quickly attacked too. I personally sent the post out only to have Twitter block the article. We might as well be living in China or Russia where the state decides what public consumption is.

When they (social media) were questioned about this, about blocking this article from America’s oldest newspaper, they claimed it was deemed misinformation. Keep in mind these are the very same people that had no problem allowing posts about Russia Collusion misinformation for the last four years. These are the same companies and media that had no issues with the New York Times publishing information on the President’s private tax information which is illegal by the way.

I find it simply unbelievable that the Leftist networks, just weeks before a Presidential election refuse to share with the American people the “fact” that Joe Biden has lied and has taken money, a lot of money for many years from foreign countries. China, Ukraine, Russia just to name a few. Fox News and Newsmax have been the only ones sharing this news. All the others, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN have devoted zero time to the story. They are okay with the country electing someone who is a crooked politician. It’s “anybody but Trump” for them and the Democrats.

Christine Blasey Ford: “I have no witnesses, no details, and no evidence” Media: “Extremely Credible!” Tony Bobulinski: “I have phone recordings, emails, texts, itineraries and receipts” Media: “Not credible”

Average Americans who spend the vast majority of their time working and raising their families are left uninformed. They know nothing about the Hunter story. They don’t know that the FBI has Hunter’s laptop which shows that Hunter involved his father in the business deals. More like his father was running the whole scam. “The Big Guy” is Hunter’s code name for father Joe. You know Joe, the good ole guy who has been in politics for 47 years. The guy who claims he stands with the blue collar work force. “Come on man…” Hunter’s text messages from his phone have now been exposed and they clearly show he was the bag man, the money grabber for the Biden family. It shows messages of Hunter bitching about having to gather this money and give up half of it to “the big buy.” The laptop contains pictures of Hunter stoned out of his mind with a crack pipe hanging out of his mouth or snorting cocaine off the ass of some women or exposing himself and performing sexual acts with underage girls. Not girls, kids. It’s awful, it’s disgusting.

This is funny, kind of… Would it surprise you if it was true?

The media refuses to even ask Biden about any of this. When the President brought it up in the first debate everyone slammed him. He had to bring it up, no one else will. During the second debate, after the laptop had been discovered, and we were able to see, (in Hunters own words) that the “big guy” was indeed involved in all of the overseas money deals, Joe Biden did what his pals in the media do, what the deep state intel community did, he blamed it all on Russian disinformation. If you watched the debate, you’ll remember this and remember the President saying “you’ve got to be kidding me.” All while Biden went on a rant saying “that’s exactly what this is, Russian disinformation.”

This is a great example of just how stupid these people think you are. They will have you believe that Russia got ahold of Hunter’s laptop and wrote all these emails about the overseas deals and his Dad’s involvement. Russia even went as far as to hack Hunter’s phone and type in all the text messages that show the old man’s involvement.  As for the pictures of Hunter, I supposed those were all photo shopped by Russians too. You are to believe it, accept it and by God vote for good ole Joe. And in the unlikely event you think I am kidding, trust me, I am not. Everywhere you look, its good ole Joe every time, all the time.

I said the FBI has the laptop. It’s true and worse, they’ve had it for several months. So what are they doing? Nothing. The guy that President Trump appointed as FBI Director (Wray) should have been fired before he finished his first year on the job. Talk about another deep-state, do-nothing-but-cover, and protect the dirty institution FBI Director – that’s Wray. It’s maddening and worse, just today there are rumors flying around the Wray himself profited off the Biden’s China deals… It will be interesting to see if that plays out to be true. The sad thing is, nothing now days will come as a surprise. 

For years now conservatives have been saying that the Left’s accusations of the President are actually the very things that they themselves have been doing. As it turns out, this is so true. I mean seriously, the Left actually impeached the President over a Ukraine phone call for doing what Joe Biden actually did. It’s a proven fact. It is insane.

Tucker Carlson on Fox this week had the whistle blower (Tony B0bulinski- see picture above) on his show. This whistleblower was the business partner of Hunter Biden, Jim Biden (Joe’s brother) and Joe Biden. In the interview he told Tucker that he had demanded that Adam Schiff retract his statement that the Biden scandal was nothing more than Russian disinformation and if he didn’t retract it, he would go on Tucker’s show. He told the Biden’s the same thing. Obviously they didn’t retract their statements, so he was prepared to share everything he has with authorities. I fully expect to hear any moment now that the so called “authorities” (FBI) have misplaced Hunter’s laptop and phone information. Keep in mind, as it relates to all of this, neither Hunter Biden nor the big guy, Joe Biden have claimed these messages and phone calls and text message aren’t Hunters. As for Adam Schiff, how is it even possible any network to give this known lying asshole a minute of air time? These people hate you and everything America stands for. That’s how.

The media remains silent. We are witnessing a complete media blackout all on behalf of crooked Joe Biden during a presidential election. They have aligned all the troops to overthrow this election and nothing is off the table. And don’t kid yourself, this really has nothing to do with Biden and everything to do with getting the President out of office. I seriously doubt any of the Leftist commies even like Biden.

Needless to say, we really are in a fight for our liberty in this country. The media and Left won’t acknowledge the riots, the looting, the deaths, the fact that China gave us this virus, the fact that Hunter and Joe have been pulling in millions upon millions of dollars from foreign adversaries. To keep the open deception going we are inundated with fake polls designed to convince us there is no reason to even bother voting for the President because ole Joe is so far ahead there is simply no way that the President can win. When you see a poll that says Joe leads the President by 20 points in Texas you’d have to have some serious brain damage to believe it. It doesn’t matter that the President has thousands upon thousands attend his rallies. Just because thousands of cars line up flying Trump flags or boat parades across the country are occurring promoting the President doesn’t equate to Trump support those are just a few little gatherings here and there… Just because more people supporting the President show up at a rare Biden event than his own supporters do doesn’t mean we the people are going to vote for the President. Don’t trust your eyes, trust the polls, trust the media, trust the Democrats who have spent the last four years lying and quite frankly, being in the way of greatness. Pure unquestionable bullshit is what it is. This election has come down to the gang of 8 (Democrats, Media, Google, Facebook, Twitter, FBI, CIA and Foreign agents) vs the gang of two (The President and The People.) I am pissed off and hoping you are too. You don’t have to spend your every waking moment on this bullshit, I am doing it for you. For the sake of our country, your family and for standing on the right side of history vote and vote in person for God’s sake!  #Trump2020

Final Countdown

In my 66 years, I’ve never been as engaged in a Presidential election as I am in 2020. I could be wrong but, it feels like the whole country feels the same way. Every election year we hear “This is the most important election of our lifetime.” This year it rings true. The two candidates could not be more different.

The Democrat nominee, Joe Biden is running his campaign on a “Build Back Better” theme. However, in my humble opinion and my non-biased opinion (to be clear, I am neither humble nor unbiased), he has yet to explain just how he intends to build back better. I don’t really know what that is supposed to mean. What’s troubling is that I don’t think he knows what it means either.  

I guess he is saying he will rebuild our economy better than ever. You seriously have to be completely uninformed if you think that raising taxes on “every” American will create a better, stronger economy. Unless you live under rock, you know that during the eight years of the Obama/Biden Administration they raised taxes and there was nothing “better” about the economy. Simply and truthfully said, those were awful economic years. One other thing; don’t be one of the ass-hats who believe Biden when he says there will be no tax increase on those making $400,000 or less. He has pledged on day one, to repeal the Trump tax cut. Every taxpayer under the Trump tax cut had their taxes reduced. Are you with me? That means every person, despite what you make, will endure a hike in your taxes.

In the debate he claimed “Bidencare” (his word not mine) would keep Obamacare, enhance it (which means fix it) and provide healthcare for millions of Americans. I was honestly waiting for him to say we would be able to keep our doctor and our plan.  Again, unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that Government run healthcare is another step closer to single payer, socialized medicine. There is absolutely nothing about Bidencare that is better. It’s nothing more than maintaining control over you and me. “Oh please almighty Government savior, help me”. Never works out well.

Finally, in the build back better bag is the most consequential threat of our lifetime (again his words not mine), climate change. The very fact that he thinks climate change is our biggest threat is laughable but I’ll play along. The Biden plan calls for us to move away from fossil fuel. Those working in that industry will be laid off and retrained to work in the wind and solar industry. How communist of him to tell these folks what they will be doing, isn’t it? By closing down coal and oil in the country I guess the “better” part of this plan is our having the pleasure of begging OPEC and the rest of the Middle East to lower prices again or to increase production or worse, start another war. Sound familiar?  That’s not building back better, that’s building back-ass-wards. He campaigns on rejoining the Paris Accord. You remember that, right? That’s the one world order group where we tax payers have the honor of sending them billions of dollars a year so they can continue to pollute while we ban plastic straws. It’s a hoax, a rip-off and old school Government wasting America’s wealth.

As it relates to the China Virus, Biden claims that the President doesn’t have a national plan and is personally responsible for the deaths of 220 million Americans. Oops, sorry, I was actually quoting brain-tired Joe. He meant 220 thousand…  What is the most laughable is what he says he will do if he becomes President. Mandate masks, close down non-essential businesses, require social distancing and garner the power of the Federal Government to develop a vaccine. In short, he’d do everything that the President has already done.  What is even more amazing is that his supporters think his plan is great… figure that one out.   

Biden is nothing more than an old broken-down Government lifer. Higher taxes, promises made but never kept, all talk and no action. For 47 years this old-school politician has not delivered anything for the American people. There is simply nothing remarkable about this man except his ability to be re-elected over and over again without delivering any results.  That’s more of a hit on those who vote for him than any skill he claims to have. There is nothing blue collar about this guy. When he uses the word, “folks”, run away.  When he says “come on man”, you can be sure it’s because someone just hit him with a truth bomb. When he refers to you as “pal”, he really means shut up.

Let’s be real. Biden’s “Build Back Better” plan is a bunch of “malarkey.”  

In reality, if not for the media covering for this life-long Politian, he would not even be in this race. He was chosen by the radical Left. So was his phony and unlikable running mate.  Remember, she garnered less than 3% of her own party’s vote during the primaries. The radical Left knows that Joe will do as he is told. A vote for Joe is a vote for the Green New Deal, a vote for socialism, a vote for defunding the police, and a vote for more Government control over your life.

Our President has more than earned the right to another term. While you may not like his style, which for most of his supporters is the best part about him, he has delivered on his promises and then some. He lowered taxes as he promised he would do. He is building the wall and has taken back control over our border. He has nominated three constitutional Justices, just as he said he would. He gave us the lowest unemployment in our history, the lowest black, Hispanic and Asian unemployment. He’s done more for the black community in three years than Obama/Biden did in eight years and he did all of that while enduring the hoax Russia, Russia, Russia investigation and being impeached by the House for asking about something that Joe Biden actually did.

Have you ever considered just how difficult it must have been for him to shut down an economy (that he built) during an election year? If that isn’t putting Americans first, then nothing is.

I find it absolutely remarkable that people who pretend to care about the “character” of the nation (Joe’s word) are considering voting for Joe Biden who is as corrupt as the day is long and a serial liar. In the last debate, nearly every other word out of his mouth was a known and provable lie. He did say he would ban fracking, he did talk to his son Hunter about his overseas deals, he did receive money from these deals, he has tried to reduce social security, the Russians are not behind the Hunter corruption, he did call the President xenophobic for closing travel from China and the cages holding the illegals were indeed built by the Obama/Biden Administration. The man’s life is one big lie. He has managed to convince weak-minded people that he is a good ole guy who knows all about sitting around the kitchen table talking about how to pay the rent. Newsflash Joe, friggin’ no one sits around the kitchen table anymore and we don’t listen to the record player.

Is this country seriously going to elected this clown? Choose truth over facts? Really? His brain is shot.

Based on the media’s blackout, let me ask, do you even know who or what I am referring to when I use the name Hunter?  It seriously wouldn’t surprise me if you answered, no. That’s a whole other article. Needless to say, Hunter Biden has been the “big guy’s” (Joe’s) international bag guy. That’s all you really need to know.   

The last sentence was captured from Hunter Biden’s laptop. Joe Biden has been lying the whole time by saying he never talked or knew anything about his sons work in Ukraine.

I hope and pray that the next time you hear from me it will be a joyous occasion because the country has come out in one big, historical red wave and re-elected Donald J. Trump for another four years. I’ll finish by saying, we don’t need a guy that’s never built anything except his personal wealth. We don’t need to elect just another Government clown. What we must do is re-elect President Trump. Promises made, promises kept.  Note: Vote in person not by mail!  #Trump2020

According to the media, Biden is leading in the polls. These pictures represent the only polls I believe in.