The China Virus

We live in a country where even this title causes the loons on the Left to crawl out from under their safe spaces to scream racist. If you could read the Left’s playbook, every chapter would end with; “If all else fails, accuse your opponent of being a racist.

It has been months since I’ve written in my blog. That’s not out of desire and certainly not out of the lack of subject matter… Good God the craziness has to end. I was excited about the end of 2019 after enduring the complete fraud of an impeachment hoax which endured for months; including the stunt by Nasty Nancy Pelosi delaying the hearings so she could have gold pens made up for glorious signing ceremony.  As if that didn’t have “nasty” written all over it (pun intended), then the nation had to watch her tear up the President’s State Of The Union speech right after we watched her and her ilk in the party sit on their non-loving American butts while the President introduced a 100+ year old black man who flew in WWII saving Europe and our hind ends. Nasty hates to be accused of being hateful all while she performs her “hateful” acts on nearly a daily basis.  Newsflash to my readers, “I don’t like Nancy Pelosi.” Just close one eye for two minutes.  Think about how much better off the country would be without her and her plasticized face, ice cream, $12,000 refrigerators, vodka and those damn false teeth she is consistently trying to keep in place.  The woman, in my book, has overtaken the almighty crooked “what difference does it make” SOB Hillary as the most hated woman in America.

As I said, I was more than happy to put 2019 behind us and looked forward to the New Year. Then along came the China Virus. The President announced the closure of all travel to and from China while Nasty and her puppet Adam Schiff continued to push their lying narrative impeachment over a damn phone call with Ukraine.  Meanwhile sleepy dumbass Joe Biden is seen on tape actually performing the so-called Quid Pro with Ukraine.  Who gives a rat’s ass about Ukraine anyway? The normally spineless Republicans all (except that stupid slime ball Romney) stood with the President. I about fell out of my chair. But I digress…

First the story was that the virus came from Wuhan Chain via the live markets from bats. My question then was; “Who in the forsaken world eats friggen bats?” Then I remembered we are talking about China. You know, the people who say ground up deer balls will make your bones stronger or some sort of nonsense like that.  As the weeks and months passed the Government said the virus didn’t originate from the live market but from their bio lab a few miles away from the market. China of course denies all of it and even had the gall to accuse the US military. Predictable. The most amazing part of the whole damn thing has been watching the Left and their lap dogs in the media actually stick up for China and they still do today. Sleepy even went as far as to condemn the President for shutting down travel. “He’s xenophobic”, he says. Whatever in the hell that means.  Did this come back to bite him after the first few thousand deaths? Nope. Did it bite Nasty Nancy in her wrinkled up ass when she stood in the middle of China Town in San Francisco encouraging us to visit? Nope. Why? Because the lame media are so far up the Democrat’s rear ends that they haven’t seen daylight in 12 years (eight years of Obama and four years of Trump.)

Just as 2019 left it, 2020 kept it. Its blame Trump at all times for all things and the Liberals in this country eat it up like it was ice cream out of Nasty’s own stockpile.

Following the close of travel, the next thing I remember was that talk about people making a run on toilet paper (pun also intended.) Virus, toilet paper, virus, toilet paper, I said to my wife “I don’t get it?”

These idiots on the Left who support the socialism-pushing Democrats were by God gonna buy up all the toilet paper in the country because you know, if we run out of toilet paper, the world as we know it would end. While the liberals were busy buying all the toilet paper conservatives were double checking their ammo inventory.

The Scientists:

You could rub all their heads together at the same time and not one drip of common sense would fall out of their empty heads.

“Don’t wear masks, wear masks. 2.2 million will likely die, no 1.2 million, no 100,000, no wait, if we do what they say maybe only 60, I mean 70, might be 100,000. Don’t touch surfaces, wear gloves. Never mind, it’s not as contagious as we thought, you can touch surfaces but keep washing your hands.

Throughout all of this, and while watching the President go before the American people on a nightly basis I kept saying to myself “how does he do it?” You’ve heard the expression “between a rock and a hard place” well, that’s where our President has been since the day he was elected and this one virus thing wasn’t a rock, it was a damn boulder rolling down a hill toward him. The other expression that fits the bill when it comes the President is “damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t.” If he hadn’t shut the country down you can just imagine what the “scientists” and the lame Left would be saying. Hell, look what they are saying after he did shut it down… Case in point.  He shuts the country down on the advice of the scientists and what does the Left do? Blame him for high unemployment. You can’t make this crap up folks. And again, the Democrat voting base buys into this crap. Saying we have a bunch of dumbasses among the American voter base is, well, the understatement of the decade. Geez.

The Governors:

The best move the President made (although I don’t think he had much of a choice) was to put the Governors in charge of re-opening the country. I say that of course not because it was good for the states and certainly not good for the people but good for him from a political standpoint.

Never in my lifetime has the difference between a Republican-held state and a Democrat-held state been clearer.

The best example of this, and trust me, there are many, is Florida vs New York. We learned early on that the older population was at the most risk. That may well be the only fact that hasn’t changed. What does the Florida Governor do? He focuses on that and puts in place extreme protections for the seniors in his state. What does the dipshit Cuomo do? He writes an Executive Order mandating that seniors with the virus must remain in their senior care facilities resulting in thousands upon thousands of deaths. This is very sad. Those were someone’s grandpa and grandma.  Makes me sick to my stomach even thinking about it.

Not to worry though, Cuomo was right in line with his party, he was sure to blame the President claiming he simply followed the President’s guidelines… WRONG! Prior to that excuse he said he had to protect and preserve all hospital beds. Of course as we now know, not only did he not use all the beds he had, he didn’t use the Navy Ship that the President sent him and didn’t use the 2,000 beds that the Army Corps of Engineers built at the Javits Center.  Every night we endured his cry for ventilators claiming he needed 40,000 of them.  The President saw to it that he got 4,000 and he didn’t even use those. This guy couldn’t organize a two year old’s birthday party. 

This virus crisis has highlighted for all of America to see just what these Democrat Governors and a few of the Republican Governors really are. Socialist Dictators. This should not have surprised anyone with half a brain cell…

It has been good to know that shopping at Walmart is safe but going to church is life threatening… On twitter someone posted a video of this lady standing in line at Walmart.  I kid you not, she was yelling about how the states should not open up the churches or barber shops until a cure was found for the virus. Again, you can’t make this stuff up.

The Governor in Michigan banned folks from leaving the cities to go and stay in their second homes up north. Of course soon after that someone took a picture of her summer home up north with her cars parked in the driveway.

Cuomo though did have his brilliant moments. One of the better ones was announcing he was going to have all the subway cars and stations cleaned! Anyone want to bet that was the first time they’ve ever been cleaned? Then there’s Gavin “soy boy” Newsome who announced he would be giving every illegal $500 to help them through the crisis. This of course was followed by an increase in State and Local taxes. Well duh.

The best move by these Democrat Governors (and they weren’t the only ones) was to make the decision to release criminals from prison; because you know, we don’t want them to catch the virus. Hell, they might die from it and save the American tax payer millions. We can’t have that now can we…  As of this writing I know of at least two of these criminals who have killed again. Nice.

In March, I tweeted a message addressed to all Governors. Mind you, this was in March. I told them if they didn’t open their states back up and let businesses open and people go back to work that all hell was going to break loose. I then watched through all of April folks marching on the grounds of their Capitals demanding to go back to work. The media and the Democrats called these folks domestic terrorists. “This is what Trump has turned America into” they said. Not a single window broken, not a single cop car turned over and burned. No one hurt, sprayed painted with some vial liquid, no one walking around with no clothes on, no pink pussy hats (a few red ones though), no threats of civil disobedience just a single message, open our state back up. These were domestic terrorists because they waved Trump2020 flags, wore MAGA hats and some even had their rifles strapped to their shoulder. Again, not one person hurt. I wonder why… 


Good grief, where do I begin? What was the first thing the Democrats did once the country was made aware of the virus and businesses began to close down? Do you remember? They left town and those in the House still haven’t returned. Why should they, we’re still paying them…

The Republicans put forward the first of two aid packages designed to get money in the hands of Americans and businesses to keep them afloat. So just like the hoax impeachment, the Democrats, again lead by Nasty delayed the bill by two weeks refusing to approve the package unless it had some of their goodie gifts included. They wanted money to go to the illegals of course, then there was the money to fund the Kennedy Center which they ended up getting and which was followed by the Kennedy Center still laying off their employees. Then they demanded several million to go to House members so they could better deal with the crisis. They got that too.  You have to give it to them, they know how to play dirty and stick it to the Republicans. And you wonder why I call the Republicans spineless.

After delaying the aid for two weeks, mostly because they had to figure out how to pass the package without having to come back to town as required by the law, what did they do shortly after? Again, do you remember? Don’t worry, that’s what you have me for. The dirty bastards with the help of the media blamed the Republicans and the President for not getting the money in the hands of the people quick enough. Never, ever sell short the power of influence the dirty lying ass media has over people, especially the mindless sheep who believe every damn thing they see and read. It’s frustrating as hell and downright disgusting.

 Then comes time for aid package 2.0. To understand how it went just re-read aid package one above because there’s no difference except it was two trillion dollars higher and again packed with Democrat BS.  At the time of this writing, the Democrats have put forth (all while staying home mind you) aid package 3.0 and it’s a real doozy. Tough guy Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell came to the microphone earlier this week to announce this package was DOA (dead on arrival). We’ll see about that Mitch. Sadly my money is on Nasty. I don’t see why they don’t pass it. It’s called the Hero’s Act! How can you not pass something like that? Nasty and her socialist Dems have thought of everything. More money for the marijuana shops, Planned Parenthood, once again, money for all illegals and of course, big money for State Governments. You know, the ones that were already broke before the China virus was even a thing. More money for education because they don’t see our kids going back to school this year or again, until we have a vaccine… Eh, hello! Thousands of people have been dying of the flu for 100 years and we still don’t have a vaccine for that you nimrods.  Needless to say, some things will never seem to change. The Democrats have never been a part of the solution but instead have always been a part of the problem.

In all of my 65 years I’ve never seen anything like what the country is going through right now. It is very difficult for me not to buy into the theory this was all a part of yet another plan to take down our President. It’s an election year number one. He no sooner brought China to their knees via the trade agreement than the virus hit the world. He beat impeachment so you know those evil doers, too many to mention are ready to do just about anything they can to stay out of jail… The virus seems too big even for the evil doers to throw together but again, it sure makes me scratch my head wondering.

When you think that just four short months ago, America had the strongest economy on the planet, lowest unemployment numbers in our history, highest employment among the blacks and Hispanics, more women working than in the last 60 years and low income wages were on the rise and now look at us. We’ve printed more money than we have, unemployment is higher than during the great depression and the Democrats have picked Joe Biden as their nominee for President. The man can’t even talk much less remember what state he’s in which is a whole other story.

For me the entire debacle has only highlighted what I already knew. The Democrats and pals in the media are, at all costs, determined to take our country down.

Many folks say the 2016 election was the most important one in their lifetime. While I can’t disagree with that I do have to say, this one this year isn’t one to take lightly. These people are friggin nuts!

This too shall pass my friends. Cheers to a better 3rd quarter and an outstanding 4th quarter that brings back our jobs, prosperity, liberty and sees justice served on the evil doers followed by a glorious victory at the polls (don’t mail in your ballot, go to the polls) giving us another four years of the Donald, keeping the Senate and for the love of God, taking back the House so we can yank the gavel out of Nasty Nancy’s old and dying hands. God Bless the USA.

Author: admin

The editor of Let Me Jump in places himself in the category of being like any other normal American. He has worked his whole life, paid his own way, honors his family and friends and cares a great deal about America. Overall very conservative as well as open minded. Editor feels it is important to share his common sense toward everyday topics. Editor is concerned the country isn't always headed in the best direction and very concerned with the state of Washington and politics in general.