I “think” it’s fair to say that nearly half of the country sees right through these stunts being perpetrated on this country by the radical Left. I use the word “think” because I am not a 100% sure. When you have leaders in Congress who sign onto the Republican ticket and then turn around and act like liberal Democrats, it makes you question the true amount of support we have toward the conservative approach to all things USA.
Take Senator Lindsey Graham for example. One minute he becomes the hero on the right for taking a strong stance in the fight for now Supreme Court Justice Kavanagh and then, in the blink of an eye, he is pounding the President for wanting to get the troops out of the never ending wars in the Middle East. Ok, he is entitled to have different beliefs on different topics. That’s only fair. The problem with this Senator is that he leaves the American people confused and never knowing what side of the fence he is going to land on, Republican or Democrat, right or wrong, liberal or conservative.
For the past 15 years, we’ve been doing things in the Middle East “The Graham (and his buddy John McCain) Way“. How’s that worked out for us? To me, the obvious answer is, not well. Why? Because we’re still there. I make this comment as a guy who has always said we are smarter to fight in someone else’s backyard. I still feel that way but, for 15 years? When your strategy has no end I hardly think it’s much of a strategy… That’s much more like a “let’s go and see what happens” than an actual strategy to fight, win and leave; which by the way is the Trump doctrine.
The other thing that’s changed over the years is our ability to be anywhere around the world quickly combined with our ability to create major damage in a short period of time. The days of needing 200 ships off the shore of the enemy are over. The point being, if we have the beginnings of a problem, we can quickly put an end to it and more often than not, from 70,000 feet above sea level. Graham and others would have us believe that we must have boots on the ground in every nation on earth. Somehow I have to believe those who think along those lines have something to gain other than our National Security.
After the President’s recent announcement that he was pulling troops out of Syria, Graham, most of the military generals and the majority of the Republicans opposed him. Once this was made known the Democrats of course, who remember would have you believe are the party of peace, jumped on board too. Once you have the Democrats you have all of the media. At that point it appeared the only support the President had was Rand Paul and me… I can’t even begin to imagine what the President must put up with when it comes to battling Washington & the military industrial complex.
For the record, I am done with the Middle East. Enough is enough. Too many years, too many lives, both our own and theirs. The time for us to depart is long overdue and just as the President did last week when he arranged for the death of the ISIS leader, we see that we have the ability to react when necessary. Following this raid, a reporter asked the joint chiefs general; “Do you think the mission would have been harder to accomplish without the help of those on the ground?” The General Responded; “The US military has the ability to hit any enemy at any time at any location.” Enough said. And by the way, two faced Lindsey Graham was suddenly back on the President’s side of the fence. How big of him… As for the Democrats and their pals in the media, if those are the only ones you listen to, I doubt you even knew the leader of ISIS was killed last week. These are the very same people who wouldn’t shut the hell up about the President wanting to leave the Middle East but, any victory the President has is not worth two minutes of coverage. We did however hear from ding dong herself Nancy Pelosi. “Why wasn’t I informed prior to the mission?” she asked and then complained that Russia, Turkey, Iraq and even Syria were informed but not her. The woman who at every opportunity works to impeach the President, the women who during the last three meetings with the President has stood up and walked out on him wants to know why she wasn’t confided in. Seriously, are you buying this? By the way, Russia, Turkey, Iraq and yes even Syria were actually helpful towards the mission. If he had informed Ding Dong, the ISIS leader would have escaped after learning of the mission in the New York Times.
Yesterday the Democratic controlled House of Representatives voted and passed the rules of impeachment. Even though Ding Dong said on many occasions a few years ago that she would never consider impeachment unless there was a majority of both parties. Well, she moved forward anyway without receiving even one Republican vote and in fact losing two of her Democratic stooges. Following the vote, Ding Dong did what she always does. She headed to the microphones. “We have no choice but to move to impeach this President, it is a matter of our National Security.” That’s what she said, it’s a matter of our National Security. This over a normal and pleasant phone call with the President of Ukraine.
So the Left would like us to believe that the President is placing us in great international danger. Right?
Never mind it is this President who has fought against the Left to secure our southern border so that any murder, drug dealer or child trafficker can no longer freely enter our country. Pay no attention to the fact that it is this President who stopped the immigration into our country of those people who reside in terrorist thriving countries. The fact that it is this President that killed off ISIS and their leader makes no difference. And remember, the very people telling you that the President is a National Security threat are the ones who fought the President on each of these real life examples of his putting our Security above all else. I believe he calls it, America First. What a concept…
Ladies and gentlemen if you don’t see through this joke called Washington then you truly are deaf, dumb and blind. This President hasn’t done anything except to fight for the American people and our way of life. For decades upon decades these politicians, the deep state actors and their mouth piece the media have been screwing us at every turn all in the name of power.
From day one, they’ve been single minded, impeach Trump. Russia didn’t work, Stormy didn’t work, her screwy lawyer who at one time was going to be the next President didn’t get it done, his taxes which remain private and now the latest is Ukraine and guess what, it won’t work either. All the kings’ horses (deep state) and all the kings’ men (lying media) couldn’t take the peoples President down. With each of these made up schemes the only thing accomplished was to strengthen the President’s support.
Now there is a race going on, the race between the Democrat’s Adam Schiff and William Barr. Who’s your money on? If you want to learn just how stupid Nancy Pelosi is, just think about this. She’s put her entire career and reputation in the hands of Adam Schiff. This man has lied continuously to the American people since 2017 and is lying to all of us right now. He has pieced this made up case together based on hearsay and when he doesn’t get what he wants from hearsay he just makes up what he wants, leaks it to the lame stream media who print it as if it were the Gospel. We don’t need to hear from the so called whistleblower who isn’t a whistleblower at all, he is a spy. We don’t need to hear from Shit for brains either; we have the actual transcript of the President’s call, you morons. While it’s shameful that the President had to release the transcript at all, at the same time it was simply brilliant. Now he’s talking about having an old style fireside chat wherein he himself will read the transcript to the American people. Again, brilliant.
If you have learned anything watching these Democrats over the past three years, it ought to be this. The next time some big mouth tells you that the mid-term elections don’t matter, slap them upside the head and then drag their butts to the voting booth. These last three years of lies and Presidential harassment could have all been avoided had we taken the mid-term election as seriously as we took the 2016 Presidential election. Had we maintained the House along with the Senate, our country would be so much further down the road of recovery from eight years of the anti-America Obama wreaking ball.
Hold the line patriots, don’t give an inch. Your President is fighting for you and you damn well better be fighting for him. Your liberty depends on it.