I haven’t posted as of late because, at whatever point, I felt like a broken record. I’ve been trying to figure out how not to sound like that but honestly, our political arena is just one big broken record.
The Left hates Trump and the Right hates the Left. For two and half years, this has been the revolving record and there is no end in sight. While there have always been differences and always will be, what we have endured these past few years is insanity.
We are at a point where the Left, in my humble opinion is just making fools out of themselves. Seriously, is there even one sane Democrat in congress? The things these people come up with are insane. Then, their supporters, our fellow American citizens; how on God’s Green earth can people support these loons? What happened in their lives to make them support such nonsense?
Look no further than the group of Democrats running for President. In theory, these folks are the Democrats best and brightest. I say “in theory” because my God, there has to been someone better.
Their platform:
Medicare for all: Depending upon who you believe, the cost for this runs in the trillions, which makes sense. You could take 100% of the top 1% earner’s money and still fall trillions of dollars short of paying for this socialist brain fart of an idea. The only candidate that’s been remotely honest about the cost is Bernie, The Communist. When Bernie was asked if Medicare for all would mean raising taxes on the middleclass, he said “yes.” Of course he followed his answer by saying how everything else would cost them less. I don’t want to give this creep credit though. He’s also the one that placed an ad that stated Medicare for all means medical and eye care would be free. Sadly, this is an effective ad to the braindead masses. “Woo free? I’ll vote for him!” #Idiots.
What’s funny is that Bernie, “wrote the book on Medicare for all” is falling in the polls and all the other lame candidates have adopted his plan. So no matter which of these morons America chooses, we get Medicare for all because you know, it’s free…
To be fair, Uncle Joe is the only candidate not running on Medicare for all. Good for Joe except this tired old man thinks the answer is to “build” upon Obamacare. Unbelievable. Did you know that the Obamacare website cost more money than President Trump requested to build the damn wall? Let that sink in. Joe is so lame that he actually thinks being Obama’s VP is a positive for his campaign. Eh, hello Joe, anybody home? The very reason we have a President Trump is because we had a President Obama… And Obama hasn’t even endorsed you… What’s up with that?
Open Borders: Do I even need to get into this one? If you don’t know, every single one of these candidates are for open borders. Fact is, they spend more time on behalf of illegals than they do for the American citizen and there is no arguing that fact. If you don’t already know this then you’re a part of the problem.
Climate Change: By raise of hands, how many of you, on day one in office, would rejoin the Paris Climate Accord?

So, just so I understand it, without even getting into all the other insane platforms these fools are attempting to sell America on; we are going to “give” medical coverage to 340 million Americans and (guessing) 10 – 20 million illegals which for the record, based on their open border policies will increase by another 1-2 million annually and finally, at the same time, we are going to spend whatever it takes to solve the world’s fake climate problem. I say climate because it changes every year or so. Remember when it was Global Warming? That didn’t work out after a few years of awfully cold weather so then it changed to Global Cooling. Climate Change is the latest and greatest but hold onto your hats because coming to a theater soon will be “Carbon Pollution.” Be patient. It takes time to reprint the fliers and for Al to make another movie.
Just to be clear, every one of the Democrat candidates supports the Green New Deal. As you ought to know, The Green New Deal is the brain fart of a freshman Congresswoman who just one year ago was a bartender…
In the shameful odd chance you’re not aware of the Green New deal let me give you the main objectives which must be accomplished in the next 10-12 years or, according to the bartender the world is doomed.
- Removal of all modes of transportation using fossil fuel (cars, motorcycles, planes, etc.)
- All cows (they fart a lot which creates a huge amount of greenhouse gas. To accomplish this, beef must be banned.) You think I am trying to be funny don’t you? Wrong, I am being completely serious.
- Finally, the Green New Deal requires the tearing down and rebuilding of all, that’s right all buildings in the US because they are not Climate “Green” compliant. Whatever the hell that means.
Gun Control: Speaking of a broken record. By raise of hand how many of you are prepared to ban these dangerous guns?

The tall drink of sissy water Beto said, in the last debate, and I quote “hell yes we’re going to take your AR15’s.” End of quote. Many in the Democrat party were actually upset that Beto said that because they don’t like it when the real goals of their party are exposed. But, no worries because Beto said he believes Americans will gladly volunteer to turn in their guns. Yeah…
So if you are considering voting for one of these loon Democrats, I hope you are prepared to give up your life to the Federal Government. Once they have our guns, control all of our medical needs and tax us so much that after we get out of the medical service line we’ll be stepping into the government food line. #Socialism with a splash of communism.
As I said, every single one of these candidates are insane and the entire Democrat party supports them.
To my readers I only ask one thing, “Don’t be insane.” Vote for President Trump.
Finally, just to put things into perspective I leave you with this. I want America to go back to a time when football players looked like this;

Instead of like this;

God Bless y’all and God Bless the USA. We need Him more now than ever before. Trump 2020