There is no getting around the fact that the last few days have been awful. The shooting in Texas followed by the shooting in Ohio are sick, sad and all “loving” Americans send our prayers and sympathy to all those involved. No one that I know, none of my nearly 18,000 followers have uttered a single word in support of these two evil doers. Just the opposite, all want harsh justus to be served.
While real people have had their lives changed forever, the political Left and their lap dogs in the media focus in on blame. Nearly all of the presidential candidates have laid direct blame on the President and as I said, the media is all-in on this the false political narrative. It’s actually quite predictable and despicable.
These politicians might as well come right out and say “The President caused these deaths, send me money and I will keep lying about it.”
For me it doesn’t have anything to do with whether or not these shooters were supporters of the President or supporters of some Left wing Democrat. To use Hillary’s famous words, “What difference does it make?” In the end, these shooters are deranged mentally damaged individuals who for whatever reason have lived a dark life filled with hate, desperation and need for attention. At some point along the way, there was either no one around them to see that they needed help (unlikely) or didn’t care enough to get them help (more likely.) Whether it was their parents, their siblings, their teachers or classmates or even law enforcement, someone saw something but did nothing. I don’t believe these young white shooters were born killers.
These politicians and people supporting the far Left however are insulting and only add fuel to the fire and promoting further division by pointing fingers at the Right and directly at the President. They do this while never considering their own language or even worse, their own actions. This of course is nothing new. What was it that Obama’s Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel said? “You never let a serious crisis go to waste.”

This trend that is going on right now that all things “white” are evil and Hitler-like is really out of control. And what is really sad is how the Left completely overlooks everything else. Their fake concern and pandering for votes of all people of color is obvious and equally disgusting. And remember, the media pushes this agenda driven message 24/7.
Did you know or hear that 2,538 babies are aborted every day? Do you know that 22 vets commit suicide each day? Did you hear any of the Presidential candidates cry out for the end of violence in Chicago? 297 people in that city alone have been killed this year. At least 46 people were shot in Chicago just this weekend, seven were killed. Remember the Left’s and media outrage when Obama was President and all of the killings took place at Sandy Hook, Orlando Nightclub and the Charleston Church? Yeah, well, me either. 4,300 people were killed during Obama’s eight years in Chicago alone. That’s more deaths than on 9-11. And the media says? Nothing. Hope and Change folks, hope and change…
I don’t blame Obama for any of these horrible things. I do however call out the hypocrisy of the Left, the Left wing media and Mr. Obama himself. They literary work around the clock to brainwash the public into believing that the President and all those who support him are evil and the cause of all things that are bad in this country.
For the record, I am sick of it and throwing the bullshit flag.
No one did more to divide this country than Obama and no one has ever treated all people equally more than President Trump. The man is color blind. If you’re an idiot, he calls you out. Period.
God Bless all those who are suffering right now over the loss of a loved one. It is very sad and most unacceptable. Mental health is a serious and dangerous issue in this country. If you see something, say something. Our lives depend on it.