On Saturday, having heard enough from Left wing racist representative Elijah Cummings, the President threw out yet another truth bomb and the Left has once again gone wild. It is a never ending political shit show which always ends with the Democrats calling the President a racist.
The President pointed out that the district in Baltimore from which Rep. Cummings was elected is a rat infested shit hole. He called on Cummings to focus on this and the people who elected him. According to the Left, when you use the word rat combined with a predominantly black and brown neighborhood you are a racist. Just so you know…

Representative Cummings has been in Congress for more than 20 years. Just like all of the major cities governed by Democrats, Baltimore has one of the highest crime and poverty rates in the country. Cummings is heralded (by the Left) as a civil rights champion. While it’s true that he suffered during the years of segregation, what is also true is that he has done absolutely nothing for the black community except to keep racism alive. He is among the other race baiters, Jackson and Sharpton who make a living keeping the black communities down. If you’ve ever watched this man in congressional hearings you know what I am talking about. The picture shown here was taken this week as he yelled and screamed at the Acting Director of ICE, accusing him of killing poor illegal alien kids. It was horrible and unjust. It is exactly what this man does. When pressed the Left always revert to their old standby calling the President and anyone else that gets in their way, a racist.

Bernie Sanders
Residents of Baltimore’s poorest boroughs have life spans shorter than people living under dictatorship in North Korea. That is a disgrace. May 5, 2016
This above is a tweet sent out by socialist/communist Bernie Sanders just a few years ago when he was running against crooked Hillary. Was he called a racist? No. Did the Left go wild when he spoke this truth? Nope. Did the media jump all over him? Hell no. This is just another example of the “get Trump” policy of the Left and their pals in the media.
You have to live in a hole or under a rock not to see what our major cities under Democrat control have become. San Francisco has been forced to actually have a human waste disposal department. That’s a fancy way of saying they are paying people $175,000 a year to walk their streets to pick-up human feces.
Places like New York or even Portland, Oregon allow mask-wearing Nazi-like ANTIFA people to take over their streets, burn their police cars, and beat up anyone who happens by. In cities like Chicago, you don’t even think about going out after dark. Yet the poor people continue to elect these Democrats because they’ve successfully made them victims of poverty. “Don’t vote for anyone else because they’ll put you to work and take away your cell phone and food stamps.” I blame a lot of this on Obama but the truth is, this has been going on my whole life. It’s just worse now and with 24/7 media it’s in our face daily.
It doesn’t take a lot of brain power or research to see the honest differences between the Right and Left. Just look at the states held for decades by the Democrats vs those held by the Republicans and you’ll learn all you need to know. Democrat held states have high taxes, high gas prices, high crime and very high poverty rates. Sorry, now I am just stating the obvious.

Nancy Pelosi has been in Washington for 40 years. She is worth 400 million dollars while drawing an annual salary of $174,000. That’s some kind of savings program she has, huh? Give me a break. All of this wealth and luxury yet her streets look like this:

The Left has done nothing for the very people (poor & middle class) who continue to support them. Their big donors, and the Hollywood millionaires who thirst for more power via socialism continue to prop them up and run 365 days a year against the new, non-politician in town, our President.
The President speaks the truth which is something the Left and way too many on the Right want nothing to do with. The truth exposes them for what they really are. While they scream racism, the President keeps calling them out.
If you are among the folks that wish the President would be more Presidential, then you are a part of the problem. Being more Presidential is what got us to where we are today, it is what keeps us down, keeps us in wars, keeps the poor, poor, and keeps the middle class paying all the bills.
I love that the President calls these corrupt politicians out. Whether it’s the so called squad last week or the beloved civil rights champion or the $400 million dollar plastic face ding dong Pelosi or the deep state evil doers inside the FBI, CIA and Hillary/Obama camp, this President isn’t interested in keeping them safe, he is interested in keeping all of us safe and prosperous and free. “The truth, it shall set you free.”