The Squad

This is where we are in America. These are the faces of today’s Democrat party. America-haters, every one. If you are white, just know that these four hate you and are out to get you. These four are the ones that were hiding inside the Trojan horse. Sadly, the American voters (the stupid ones) unlocked the door and released these awful women into the halls of Congress. Even old, tired, ding dong Pelosi cannot control them.
This week, our President said to them exactly what all of us, who have been watching and listening to them have wanted to say. “If you don’t like America, leave!” And when he did, the Left went wild! If you listen to the Democrats and their friends in the media, you’d think this has never been said before. Y’all ever heard the words “Love it or leave it?” Hell, Merle Haggard wrote a great song about it and sold millions of records singing it. “When you start putting down my country man, you’re walking on the fightin’ side of me.”
The President is always two or three moves ahead of the rest of us. He is making sure that these four freshman, anti-American, socialist-loving, Jew-hating, racists are the face of the Democrat party. Every one of the Democrat candidates have endorsed these woman. Whichever of them becomes the nominee, you can be sure that the President will be pointing this out in the debates. This week, one of the President’s tweets informed these four that they are welcome to leave. That tweet took all 20 of the candidates right out of the news cycle. It was awesome!
From the Green New Deal to dismantling ICE and Home Land Security, the Democrats continue to make clear that their priorities do not lie with the safety and prosperity of the American Citizen.
The Squad made certain to let their boss, Pelosi know that when she talks down to them, she is talking about four woman of color. In the Twitter-Word, these ass-clowns never stop talking about being women of color and of course, they accuse the President of being racist toward them. These four children do not seem to understand that Pelosi, the President and at least half of America doesn’t give a crap what color their skin is. What we despise is what comes out of their hateful mouths.
When the Trump supporters at this week’s rally starting chanting “send her home” when the President talked about Omar, the Left, the Media and even a number of Republican political correct cowards demanded that the President disavow this. Sadly, the President did distance himself saying that he was not happy when his supporters chanted this. This might have been the first time that I can say I was disappointed in him. All they were doing is repeating what he had said earlier in the day. The following day and since, the President came back and stood up for his supporters. Good thing because for a minute there I thought I was going to have to call him.

I’ll end this week’s post by giving you a warning. Don’t ignore these young, freshman congresswomen. They are a threat to our liberty. Not because they, on their own are powerful but because they’ve managed to hijack the entire Democrat Party. As far as speaking up, don’t worry, I’ll do that for you and do every day. I just need you to make sure you vote next year for our President. Remember to be aware of who you’re voting for, for Congress too. We need representation in congress who are in support of our President. America First, Americans First. Do your homework because this Green New/Profanity/Bigotry and downright Insanity must not continue.