I don’t know if you caught the congressional hearing this week regarding the immigration and the detention centers. For the most part, you didn’t miss much. It was just another hearing where Congressmen and women bring in people to testify but instead do 99% of the talking as they grandstand and use the hearing to get “their” word out. Nearly all of these hearings are like that. The congress people use the hearings to push their agenda driven narratives, work to promote themselves for the next election and those brought in to testify end up not being heard.
The hearing this week didn’t quite go as the Congressmen/women had planned because of one man who wasn’t having it. Former Acting Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Tom Homan did not stand idly by while these so called law makers pushed out their lies and quite frankly, fake outrage over the treatment of these illegal aliens being lawfully held in the detention centers.
Famed Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez attempted to accuse Homan of being the author of family separation. Homan fired back reminding this twit that he enforced the laws that congress put in place for the illegals. She then pushed back saying there is no such thing as illegal people. Homan quoted the law to her. She then slammed him for allowing families to be separated. Again Homan put her in her place. “When I or any American is arrested for breaking the law we are going to be separated from our families.” Hold on a minute Homan, you mean to tell me if I am caught breaking into someone’s home and arrested I don’t get to have my wife and kids come to jail with me? Outrageous!

Representative Gerry Connolly of Virginia screamed at Homan, “have you ever held a dead child in your arms?” Homan responded “Yes I have congressman when we found children left inside a 130 degree semi-trailer after being kidnapped. I held the young child in my arms and prayed for her.”
Homan blasted the lawmakers and accused them of political grandstanding and challenged them to do their job. “Change the laws if you don’t like them.” As he reminded them, he and the men and women of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement simply follow the laws that Congress puts forward. “Stop blaming the men and women wearing the uniform and doing the best they can. It’s outrageous. This is political grandstanding at its best.” Homan said.
For me, Mr. Homan wins the American Patriot of the week award. He wasn’t about to let these political hacks get away with demonizing these folks who are charged with protecting our borders. You almost never hear someone fight back in these hearings and call out the lies coming from these congress people. Homan not only called them out, he made down right fools out of them. AOC was made to look like what she is, an uneducated teenager attempting to play grown-up. For once someone shut her down leaving her without words. It was quite enjoyable.

When the President declared that the situation at the border was a crisis, the Democrats responded by saying there is no crisis. Then they called it a manufactured crisis and now, they call it a crisis and somehow want you and me to believe that it’s the President’s fault that these people are in over-flowing detention centers. Remember, when the President first declared the emergency (months ago) and requested money to help border patrol better deal with the thousands of illegals, the Democrats denied him. In fact, they removed any money that would go toward more beds and more detention facilities. Remember when AOC called for a boycott of Wayfair because they signed a contract with the Government to provide beds? Then, just a few weeks ago, she voted against the bill to provide more funds to help ease the crisis in these centers. All the while, she was going on national fake news screaming about the horrible conditions and claiming that officers were making the illegals drink out of toilets…
Today, ICE begins rounding up thousands upon thousands of illegals who entered our country, went before a judge claiming asylum, were given a court date, and never returned to court. Translation, they broke our law when they arrived and then broke another law by not showing up for their court date. The very thought of ICE rounding these people up and deporting them has the Democrat minds exploding but it’s all for show. The Obama administration holds the U.S. record for deportations. Remember all the outrage from the Democrats then? Yeah, me either.
The only people I feel sorry for are the immigration law enforcers. They are called every name in the book, spit on and demoralized by these Democrats and the news media when all they are doing is their job. We actually have lawmakers in congress, some of which are running for President telling the illegals not to answer their doors and providing them with numbers to call in case ICE shows up. Meaning, they are advocating that these people continue breaking our laws or better stated, “their laws.” That’s outrageous.
Those of us with our heads screwed on right have no problem with immigrants and immigration. We encourage it, welcome it and realize how important it is to have people come to our country and help us while they are also helping themselves. We simply expect and/or demand it be done legally.
The way things are going in this country, the next thing we’ll learn is that it’s unacceptable to ask in the U.S. Census if you are a U.S. Citizen. Oh wait…