Did you watch these? Did you learn anything? Were you inspired? Did you leave feeling hopeful for a better America? Was there one single thing said that caused you to think to yourself, “that would be good?” Did you believe anything that was said? If you did, you need to plug your brain back in.
I had to keep reminding myself that I was watching a debate by people who are wishing to lead America because 90% of the chatter was about everything but America or Americans. Not to mention the clowns who kept speaking Spanish during the debate. English, we speak English in this country. Son of a B…
When asked by the moderator “please raise your hand if you are in favor of giving free medical care to all illegals” (I changed the word to illegals, they would never call them what they are), every single one of them raised their hand.

It blows my mind that any of these people could even remotely have a chance to run our country. Sadly, and don’t ask me why, there are millions of people in this country who will vote for one of these anti-American morons. Those in the audience applauded when all the candidates raised their hand.
It drives me out of my mind knowing that we have people in this country who are living on the streets, we have vets living under bridges desperately needing care yet the narrative on the Left is all about taking care of these non-Americans who broke our laws. It is absolutely fine being concerned for all people and doing what we can to better the lives of everyone but for God’s sake can we first help those in our own house first? A sick and broke America cannot help anyone.
Free college for all! Why is it so hard for people to understand that nothing is free, nothing? Not only do these clowns propose free college they want to pay off all outstanding student loans. And when I say “they” I mean you and me… They pander to the weak minds in this country. They are never going to provide free college and they aren’t going to be able to take our money to pay the debt of these people who took out loans to go to college to become liberalized. But the sound bite, the promise sounds so good to the brain dead drones they will get their vote.
Medicare for all! You pay nothing, zero cost for drugs, free, free, free! So I work my entire life watching my hard earned dollars taken out of my weekly paychecks on the promise I will have health insurance coverage in my golden years but now, come one come all. It will only cost trillions of dollars but that’s okay we’ll take it from Wall Street… Bullshit. There isn’t enough wall street money to pay for this nightmare. Even socialist/communist Bernie Sanders who is the number one pusher of this grand socialist scheme, when pressed in the debate had to admit taxes will have to be raised on the middle class in order to pay for this. “All medical costs will be free but yes, people will have to pay more taxes.” The good ole middle class. You know who they are right? They’re the ones that carry the bulk of the burden of this countries wasteful brilliant ideas. You know like, fighting climate change or sending billions of dollars to Iran as the chant death to America or the breeding habits of the northwestern cricket…

These people did such a bang up job with Obamacare now they want us to turn over the entire healthcare system to them. They shout out “30 million people have lost their healthcare because of President Trump’s policies” While that alone is a lie at the same time they are proposing to discontinue employer base healthcare which will remove some 180 million people from coverage. And guess what folks, you and I don’t pay a single dime for those 180 million people’s healthcare. But let’s change that so we can… #Stupid.
Reparations – I hate to say this but, if the black community falls for this again then they deserve what they get which will be nothing. This is what the Democrats do every four years, they pander (fancy word for lie) to groups in order to garnish (fancy word for get) their votes. They have managed to convince the average American “drone” that they are the party of the people, the working man, and the sensitive caring party. They are everything but that. Simply said, they are the party of hate & lies.

I want to believe there are more Americans that see through these lies and more of us who clearly see the good things this President as done for us and our country but, you can bet your bottom dollar I won’t be counting on it and so I’ll be voting for the President and calling these pandering leftist, anti-American morons out at every opportunity I have. I pray you will be doing the same.
Wishing all of you a wonderful week ahead and hoping you all have a chance to celebrate the 4th. Display that flag patriots! God Bless America, hamburgers and hot dogs too! No relish though, that’s un-American.