With the election just around the corner and the mob of candidates that have thrown their skirts into the ring (normally I’d say hats but with this group… doesn’t fit) you’d think we’d be inundated with ads, tweets and speeches telling us about all of the wonderful (lies) things they are going to do for us tax paying Americans. Right?
Well, not with this mob of morons. Listening to them, I swear if I didn’t know better they were all running to become the President of Mexico. Worse, the leadership in the Democrat party are in lock step with these anti-American candidates.
Rep. Eric SwalwellVerified account @RepSwalwell
To immigrant families: We see you, we are here for you and we will not stop fighting for you. Families belong together. Period.
This goofball from California when he’s not proposing his mandatory gun buyback program or nuking us if we don’t comply tweeted the above this week. Don’t worry patriot friends, I replied to him on your behalf.
Replying to @RepSwalwell
Translation: American families, we don’t hear you, we don’t care about you and we will not fight for you… Period
This next one from the same useful idiot was even better;
Eric SwalwellVerified account @ericswalwell
If you’re Hispanic, there’s nothing @realDonaldTrump won’t do to break up your family, cage your children, or erase your existence with a weaponized census. And there’s nothing we won’t do in the streets, courts, and at the ballot box to stop him. #FamiliesBelongTogether #FamiliesBelongTogether
My response;
Dan Garrison Retweeted Eric Swalwell
If you’re Hispanic, there’s nothing the Democrats won’t say to get you to believe they care about you. They’ll promise you free everything and deliver you nothing but keep you in poverty. Don’t believe me? Ask our Black American friends. They’ve endured this from the Democrats all of their lives.
Notice in Swalwell’s tweet that he refers to fighting in the streets. It’s as though they want a civil war which I guess gives us a clue why they really want to take away our 2nd amendment rights (right to bear arms).
He’s not the only one dedicating their candidacy to the non-American. Below is a tweet from good old Bernie Sanders. I prefer “communist” over good old but hey, trying to keep this clean.
Bernie SandersVerified account @BernieSanders
Here is my promise: As President I will:
- protect the undocumented
- pass comprehensive immigration reform
- reinstate legal status for DACA recipients and their parents
Not willing to let these opportunities go unattended, I responded in kind;
Dan Garrison Retweeted Bernie Sanders
Translation: I will do everything I can for non-Americans. Vote for me… Wow…
What am I missing? Why do these Leftist think they’ll garner more support by promoting illegal entry into our country? I mean they’ve got the looney left vote without saying anything… oh, I get it, they’re pandering to the looney Left in order to achieve their party’s nomination. I guess we’ll have to wait until one of these clowns gets the nomination to find out what they actually plan to do for us…
Shall we continue?
Chuck SchumerVerified account @SenSchumer
It is a miserable state of affairs when you have to remind @realDonaldTrump that children have human rights. The Trump administration must be held accountable for their egregious mistreatment of infants and children. We must put a stop to this. Now.
This is cryin Chuck tweeting about our holding the illegals (as required by law, law that he himself passed) while we attempt to understand who they are, are they healthy and find out if their parents are really their parents. Don’t worry folks, none of this is costing us much… This is also the senator who favors late term abortion yet he feels free to preach about mistreatment of infants and children. He is the Democrat leader in the Senate…
My response:
Dan Garrison Retweeted Chuck Schumer
What’s a matter Chuck? The free clothes not good enough for these illegal kids? Free food taste bad? Not enough TV channels on their free cable? Not enough air in their soccer balls? Is the free medical attention too expensive? #YourAMoron
Finally, my weekly post wouldn’t be complete without our discussing ding dong Pelosi. Here’s her tweet on Friday of this week.
Nancy PelosiVerified account @SpeakerPelosi
Nancy Pelosi Retweeted Donald J. Trump
Mr. President, delay is welcome. Time is needed for comprehensive immigration reform. Families belong together.
This tweet from ding dong is referring to the President deciding not to have ICE begin major raids on Monday to round up the thousands of illegals who have failed to show up for their court hearings. Instead he has agreed to give Congress two weeks to reform the lousy immigration laws or else the raids will go forward. By the way, this decision by the President was not well received by many of his followers. To no surprise to any of you, I am taking the high road on this and assuming the President is playing 3D chess. He is throwing this back in their laps so, when they fail to reform the law he can point to them for failing and then, start rounding up the illegal law breakers.
My response to ding dong was short and sweet, just like me…
Dan Garrison Retweeted Nancy Pelosi
Good Lord Lady, how much time do you need? We’ve only been waiting for 30 plus years… And for the record, we’re not waiting for you to tell us all illegals must be given citizenship. #AmericaFirst
While I could provide you with many, many more examples of how the Left continues to focus on everything but Americans, I won’t beat the dead horse, you get it.
I think Socialist Bernie Sanders put everything in perspective in his tweet on Friday;
Bernie SandersVerified account @BernieSanders It is my very strong belief that the United States must reject the path of hatred and divisiveness—and instead find the moral conviction to choose a different path, a higher path. A path of compassion, justice and love. It is that path that I call #DemocraticSocialism.
While all of you are busy with your lives, working, raising and attending to your love ones, I had the time to respond for us all.
Dan Garrison Retweeted Bernie Sanders
Couldn’t agree more with you Bernie. That’s exactly why we elected @realDonaldTrump We sure as hell aren’t going to elect a communist. #Trump2020
So there you have it my friends. This week was the Left’s continuation of their America Last Agenda. I clearly realize I am a Right Wing loon but seriously, how can anyone support these people? While they want to be all up in our business our wants are so simple, we simply want to be left alone.
Fight on friends! Tomorrow is another day and wishing you all a wonderful and safe week ahead.