This week, I dedicate my weekly blog to all you fathers out there. If you’re anything like I am you’ll appreciate even a simple phone call from your kids to wish you a happy father’s day.
While we all know it’s Mother’s Day that gets the most attention and rightfully so, we dads do like to hear from our kids on this our special day.
I’ve spent the bulk of my life doing the best I could raising my boys. All I have ever wanted is for them to be healthy, safe and grow up with a high level of morals. Sure, we all hope our kids are successful and have a life that is better than our own but in the end, all we really hope for is for them to be happy.
Little do we know, every day we are teachers. Our lives are on display and provide real life examples for our kids to learn by. One of the things that I’ve learned is that the kids are always watching and always learning. Just like I did for so many years, they didn’t know it; but trust me, it’s true. They’re watching you right now.
My father was a great teacher and his father was too. He’d be proud of me if he was still alive. I know this because he made sure that I knew he was proud of me when he was alive.
This was just one of the many things Dad taught me. Let your kids know that you love them and you’re proud of them. My boys know this about me and their kids will know this about them perhaps even more so. Dad wasn’t a hugger but he was a smiler. No matter what went on in my life, my dad loved me and he made damn sure I knew it. I miss him all the time.
When I hear people say negative things about their parents I almost always think to myself “at least you have your parents.” Sounds like an “oh poor me” but I don’t mean it that way. I just want everyone to know that you won’t always have your parents, so don’t let time pass without letting them know you love them and appreciate them. They’ve made mistakes, so have you. My advice to you is to let the bad things go and embrace the good in your mom or in this case, your dad.
To all you fathers out there, “Happy Father’s Day.” To you who are young and soon to be fathers, I hope that I’ve been able to give you a few things to think about. You’ll never love anyone more than you love your kids. Your time and effort will give you a return in love that you can never buy. You set the example for them to follow. Be the best you can be. And for God’s sake, wish your dad a happy father’s day. Trust me, he’ll appreciate it.