Just another Week…
On Friday I tweeted “Well friends, what do ya think, you think the Pres. has earned a weekend off, maybe a few rounds of golf, some family time, play with the grandchildren? This has been quite a week for the Boss don’t you think? Join me in saying THANK YOU @POTUS ! Unlike all the Dems and RINOs,

Over a thousand America loving patriots responded to tell the President thank you and 48 hours later they’re still coming in.
Meanwhile, all of the Democrats, like their fearless loser, I mean leader, ding dong Nancy are doing their best to down play the President’s accomplishments. Woo, that’s some real news there, huh? Pelosi tweeted “That’s no way to treat another country” referring to his Tariff threat to Mexico. Cry baby Schumer tweeted “Don’t worry, the President is bluffing, he’ll back down like he always does.”
Then on Friday, Mexico folded and agreed to help us stop this illegal invasion of our country. Ding Dong has been very quiet and cryin’ Chuck did just what you’d expect him to do, he said “See I told you the President would back down.”
Unless you’re deaf, dumb and blind, you can see these two so called leaders of the Democrat party were openly rooting for… wait for it… Mexico. Again, breaking news huh? Not. These people really do hate President Trump more than they love America. As for how they feel about you and me, forget about it.
The Left wing media did everything they could to put a negative spin on the President’s visit with the Queen of England but, the visit was so great and the optics so impressive even their viewers weren’t buying it. Then this (below) popped up.

But the Left continued to be the Left. If you tuned into any of these leftist, Democrat propaganda networks, you were likely greeted with the protestors making fools of themselves and one of the many fake journalists telling you how the President is an embarrassment. If however you looked beyond the boring Left, you could feel proud of the President and enjoy thousands of Brits marching and waving flags saying President Trump is great! I saw one sign that said “Wish Trump was our President.”
While the Left continued their lies and nonsense, Britain’s Prime Minister May was finishing her last few days in office. She was forced to resign because she didn’t see to the will of the British people who have demanded to get out of the European Union. The Brits want to take their country back. Sound familiar?
Following the State Visit in England which could not have gone better, the President headed to the Beaches of Normandy to honor the 75th anniversary of D-Day, the landing on Normandy (Operation Overlord) on June 6, 1944.
Again, the optics of the President alongside the WWII veterans on these hallowed grounds was simply outstanding. If you love America at all, if you honor those that literally saved the sanity of the world, you could not help but being proud of our President and even more importantly, our country and those selfless men who dared to storm those beaches. The President explained the first wave of men storming the beach. We lost over 90%, then 80% on the second wave until finally, on the sixth wave, our men broke through and took control of the beaches. There are no words to describe how those men must have felt after seeing the results of the first wave. One of the attending veterans was asked how he felt. He said “I was scared to death.” Another said “I acted like I wasn’t scared but I was.”

I could go on and on praising the President for the way he represented all of us. The shameless Left keep asking the President to be more Presidential. Well, there you go. Are you satisfied? Of course not.
Those of you who missed the President’s speech, click on this link https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2019/06/06/president-trump-speech-in-commemoration-of-d-day/
I encourage you to “read” the speech. You’ll find the words to be even more meaningful. Before you do, enjoy a few pictures of the President as he speaks to some of the greatest generation and honors this important day in history.

It was a beautiful week. Not just for the President but for America. Personally speaking, throughout this week there were times I cried, times I laughed, times I smiled and times of anger but through it all, I was always proud.