Did you see the movie Groundhog Day? Bill Murry starred in the movie that was about a reporter. He was sent to provide a live report on whether the groundhog would see his shadow but he was caught in a repetitive state where each new day was a replay of the previous day. That’s exactly how I feel now.
This week, Mueller provided a last minute, surprise news conference regarding his 400 page Russia Collusion report. All of media were there with great anticipation; hoping you can be sure to hear Mueller drop a bomb on the President. Like millions of other Americans, I tuned in to see what he had to say.
Watching this might have very well been the biggest waste of nine minutes in my life. I admit that I was expecting him to drop some type of new twist to the long standing hoax but, in the end it was another “nothing burger”, as they say. If you are one of the few that missed this news conference, I can recap it for you in less than six words. “My report speaks for itself.” said Robert Mueller. Well, Mr. Mueller, your report does not charge the President with anything and in fact, your report doesn’t charge any American with colluding with Russia, so why the need to call us all together in the first place?
According the Democrats, Mueller’s hidden agenda was to pass this case to them to impeach the President. Even some on the right came to this conclusion. I guess I should have paid more attention because I missed that completely.
Mueller said that it was unconstitutional to charge a sitting President. Yeah, that’s true. We all knew that before you were even appointed. Having now heard you acknowledge it, I guess my question is this; “why did you spend the last two-plus years investigating and spend 35 million taxpayer dollars then?” Seriously, if he knew that he was unable to charge a sitting President why was the country and more importantly, the President made to endure this hoax?
Mueller also said “If the President was to be exonerated we would have said that.” Or something along those lines. This was gobbled up by the Left. They took this statement and screamed out to the world that this was Mueller’s way of telling us (Democrats in congress) that it’s up to them to bring justice to the American people and impeach the President.
In my simple mind, when I heard him say this I thought to myself, “So if you found him guilty you wouldn’t have said that?” Are you following me? If Mueller can say that the President was clean, he would have said that in his report, then couldn’t he also say that the President was dirty in his report? The reality here is that we paid 35 million dollars for this clown to report that he has nothing to report. What a sweet gig huh? Anyone of us could have done that.
The other thing that stood out to me, back on his acknowledgement that you can’t charge a sitting President is the fact that he didn’t charge anyone for collusion. Not Don Jr., not Jared not any of his staff. Why not? He certainly had the ability to do that. I’ll tell you why not. There was nothing to charge them with. But, the Democrats won’t let that get in their way…

This meme has it right. Don’t you think? Remember that Comey went on for nearly an hour telling the American people all of the things that Hillary did that were illegal and against policy then wrapped it up by not charging her. Later on, we learned that he didn’t put her under oath when questioning her.
Mueller spends two years and 35 million dollars, hires all Democrat lawyers to seek collusion against the duly elected President of the United States and in the end, doesn’t alleged any wrong doing, doesn’t charge anyone on his staff but spews hidden innuendo that suggests that the President did collude or obstruct.
My bottom-line, take away from Mueller’s press conference is this; we learned nothing new. It was like the groundhog movie. The day ended the very same way it ended when Mueller’s report first came out. No collusion, no obstruction and the crooked Democrats are, well, still crooked.

Meanwhile, border patrol arrested a total of one thousand illegals in a single day this week. This represents another all-time record but according to the lame Left there is no emergency, no crisis.
The President announced he will be implementing a 5% tariff on Mexico if they don’t stop the illegal migration from entering the U.S. And, just like the week before, the Left goes wild. “How dare this President treat a neighbor this way?” Each of the 200 Democrat presidential candidates jumped all over this, denouncing this hateful, racist move by the President. The price of avocados will increase, cars will become unaffordable, and Mexico is an important trading partner to the US and so on. You’ve heard it all too many times. (Groundhog week)
What we have here is a President who might as well be all alone in Washington attempting to deliver on a promise to make America safe again by securing our borders and stopping the illegal flow of these aliens. He wouldn’t have to create these exceptional ideas if we had a congress who actually cared more about our safety and sovereignty than they do about their own power. Just as they do time and time again, they prove that they hate the President more than they love America. Their actions couldn’t be more redundant (Groundhog week/Year). The Left thinks so little of the American electorate that they openly come before us and speak untruths.
Hillary, this week gave a commencement speech at Hunter College. Her entire speech to the young graduates focused solely on her loss and how bad the President is. During her speech, she called for the end of an administration that tears kids from their parents and locks them up in cages. I found this especially funny coming from a woman whose husband, when President actually did tear a child from his parents live on television for of us all to see. Do you remember seeing the SWAT guys with their gear on, machine guns pointing at little Cuban Elian Gonzalez?

Newsflash Hillary, there is this thing called Google. It gives us the ability to revisit the past. You might want to think about that before you point fingers… And there’s an awful lot to find when it comes to your crookedness.
As for locking kids in cages (talking to crooked Hillary still) they’re not cages number one and number two, the President is simply following the policy you and Obama put in place. Stop lying! Especially to these young minds who are graduating!
I bet those young college grads left Hillary’s commencement speech pumped up and ready to take on the world… NOT! Although, in fairness, they did just spend thousands upon thousands of dollars being brainwashed by Leftist Professors, so who knows.
Meanwhile, the President also gave a commencement speech at the US Air force Academy where he congratulated each of the one thousand graduating. He thanked them for their service, told a few jokes, invited several up on stage and then stayed through the end of the ceremony to personally shake the hand of each and every one of the graduating cadets. Somehow I don’t think these graduates will ever forget that day, whereas the Clinton grads will seek life-long therapy trying to forget their day. So family and friends, there you have it, another weekly blog that in and of itself is like the Groundhog movie. Your favorite Editor-n-Chief stands up for his favorite President. Donald J. Trump.