With the Mueller investigation behind us, a normal person would think that the on-going nonsense thrown at our President would come to an end. For two years, it’s all we’ve heard from the Democrats and their employees in the media. Instead of the Democrats and their media pals licking their wounds and moving on they simply double and triple down and move the goal post. And they do it without any guilt whatsoever.
This last week ding dong Pelosi, who is under great pressure to call for impeachment felt perfectly comfortable announcing that the President is involved in a cover-up. With the blink of an eye, thanks to the liberal media, we went from Russia collusion to the President is covering “something” up. I say “something” because to this day none of us have a clue what she is talking about and sadly, neither does she.
Seriously folks, what is he covering up? That there was no collusion, but really there was? That makes about as much sense as ding dong makes when she opens her mouth.
You would have to have serious mental issues if you can’t see that the Left is doing and saying anything they can to harm the President. The fact that we are only a year from the next election only makes matters worse. They will accuse this President of any and everything they can dream up all while hoping that the American voters believe what they say. This ploy, I am sad to say, works. If you doubt me, just take a look at some of these clowns who have been elected to lead our nation. According to a recent poll, Congress has an approval rating of 20%. To me that means 20% of our country are flat out uninformed and plain ole stupid.
The onslaught of jabs and misinformation being thrown at our President is at an all-time fever pitch.
Take this example below coming from the minority leader of the Senate of the United States of America.
Chuck SchumerVerified account @SenSchumer
“Mexico refused to pay for @realDonaldTrump’s expensive & ineffective wall so he demanded U.S. taxpayers pay up When Congress said no, he tried to take $ from the troops Thankfully a federal judge just said no, too Perhaps the do-nothing president should try working with Dems?
Let me defend our President. Mexico refused to pay for the wall? I am not aware that the President ever came out and asked Mexico to pay for anything. Are you? Those of us who support the President know what he meant when he said “Mexico will pay for the wall.” He meant through tariffs or via a new and improved trade agreement which he has negotiated and which congress as yet to even consider. Why? The new USMCA trade agreement levels the playing field and provides billions more dollars into America’s hands. And that right there my friends is exactly why Congress wants nothing to do with it. You’ve heard it before “They hate the President more than they love America.” It’s true!
Setting all that aside, this dumbass damn well knows the American people would gladly pay more taxes if it meant securing our borders and stopping this onslaught of illegals entering our country. Those of us with even half a mind understand we are paying billions upon billions to house, feed, educate and provide medical assistance to these people but Chuck doesn’t talk about that, does he? Stopping this flow will more than pay for the damn wall…
Then there are these liberal judges stopping the President from doing what he was elected to do. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I didn’t cast a vote for any of these judges. Why are they stopping my President from doing what “I” elected him to do? Judges who make up their own laws should be thrown off the bench and barred from serving for life. They cause us to spend millions in lawsuits appealing only to finally get to the Supreme Court who will then overturn these anti-American Liberal judges. Meantime the country suffers as thousands of illegals storm our borders. It’s wrong.
What just amazes me is that Chuck actually thinks we are proud of him for stopping the President from making us safer. He wears it like some badge of honor when it is just the opposite. This is the Liberal way though, isn’t it?
Finally, and I quote “Perhaps the do-nothing President should try working with the Dems.” End of quote.
Why? Why should he even attempt to work with these anti-American morons? So we can abort kids after their born? So we can leave the border wide open only to invite millions upon millions of illegals to rush into the country for free everything not to mention the drugs and human smuggling. Should he work with the Dems so we can get back to the good ole days of high unemployment, no jobs, no growth and no doctor? Should he work with you Chuck so you can raise our taxes to fund the world’s climate change hoax? Send more of our money to our enemies like Iran and North Korea? Just why in the world would the President want to work with you and your liberal nut jobs?
So family and friends I’ll put an end to this week’s post by simply making the obvious point, these Democrats and the US media are not friends of ours nor of America. They truly represent everything that is wrong with our country. Together we must fight on and call them out at every opportunity we have.

Happy Memorial Day to each of you! Never forget all those who gave everything for us. We owe it to them to keep America free and strong. God Bless them all.