So Joe Biden has entered the Presidential race, huh? The lame stream media can’t stop talking about this so called “good ole boy” and the fake polls are all lit up with Joe leading the pack by double digits over the other two dozen moron competitors. These polls even have him beating the President. You know the poll I am talking about, “if the election were held today” Biden would win by 12 points… The exact same poll in 2016 said Hillary would win by 90 points. Will you be fooled again?
And, this good ole boy narrative is pure crap. This guy is a 45 year career politician who hasn’t accomplished a damn thing except sucking the life out of the tax payers all while pretending that he is a good ole boy who only cares about the hard working American.

When asked what he intends to do for the country, he said he was going to “Make America Moral Again.” Really Joe, really? This will be the third time you’ve run for President. You waited until 20+ announced their candidacy and this is the best answer that you can come up with?
Tell me Joe, when you say “Make America Moral Again”, what exactly does that mean? Does it mean that you’ll rejoin the Iran nuke deal again? Maybe send them another billion dollars as an apology for Trump pulling us out of the stupid deal? Will you rejoin the Paris Climate Accord again so the USA pays trillions while the rest of the world continues to hold the world pollution records? Will you go hug Germany’s chancellor Merkel and tell her she doesn’t have to pay her fair share towards NATO? And last week you said China was not a threat to the US. So I take it that your moral high ground will include the ongoing legacy of US Presidents (until Trump) making China Great Again… Under your and Obama’s Administration, we, on the backs of the American people, rebuilt China’s military and allowed them access to our most important secrets. Hell, your own Secretary of State (Crooked Hillary) allowed China access to the inner workings of the State Department. Let me ask you Joe, did you trade any emails with Hillary on her basement server? Be truthful now because we’re about to find out…
You spent eight years under “THE” divider-n-chief. If you become President, can we expect to go back to the good ole days of sky high unemployment? Will our 401Ks be cut in half again? We want to know, because what took you and President Obama eight years to ruin, we’ve been able to recover in two short years under the Trump Administration.
And let’s talk about the “big F’ing deal”, Obamacare. I can only assume you will do what you’ve done your entire career. You will follow in lock step with your Liberal party and push Medicare for all. If I have to pay $2,700 a month for lousy, limited coverage (Obamacare) now, I can’t imagine what Medicare for all will cost. For Christ’s sake man, your administration spent millions just launching the Obamacare website… How do you propose paying for this monster? You’ve been in Washington for many decades, Medicare for seniors is an eyelash away from running out of money. So your answer to this is to quadruple the cost?

I ask you, how does it “Make America Moral Again” by allowing hundreds of thousands of illegals to storm our borders and, as YOU stated just a few days ago, it’s our obligation to provide them with healthcare. You do realize the actual Americans don’t have healthcare? You’re part of the problem Joe, not the solution.
What the media and Joe don’t want us to know, is that the good ole boy is actually, a good ole creep. This guy, simply put, is just another career politician. He has spent a lifetime pretending to show deep compassion and understanding for the American people all while having a track record containing the same old tired Washington Political Correctness bullshit we’ve endured for at least the last 28 years.
It is magical to see the Liberal Democrats who would have us all believe they are the party of diversity put two old white guys in the lead of their party nominations. It’s also funny, to see the Democrat party screw crazy-communist Bernie again, just like they did when he ran against Hillary. Obama will be remembered for picking winners and losers. You have to admit, the Democrats are really, really good at picking the losers… Look at all of their candidates and tell me which one you want running your business, your home, or raising your kids. As the President tweeted this week, “350 million people in this country and this is the best we have?” At now the New York Mayor, De Blasio jumped in the race this week… It’s as though the DNC put a memo out calling for all the nut jobs in the party to run for office. Seriously, these aren’t our best and brightest. So there you have it friends. Don’t be fooled by this fool, Biden. This DC swamp insider will take us right back to where we were with Obama. America last, open borders, high taxes and another grand apology tour around the world. But hey, he’s a good ole boy…