We heard a lot of discussion this week about the big tech companies censoring conservatives. Facebook and Twitter both received an ear full; not just from conservative citizens but from the President himself, who tweeted his surprise about James Woods being banned from Twitter. Those of you who are not big Twitter users may not know it but, James Woods is considered the rock star of conservative/common sense thinking with over a million followers. Laura Loomer is another one that wasn’t only banned, she was banned for life by twitter. Laura is an independent investigative reporter or if you’re a liberal, she’s considered an activist. She got herself in trouble for waging a campaign which warned against the likes of IIlan Omar and other Jew haters. When Twitter banned her, she handcuffed herself to the doors of the Twitter headquarters. LOL. Go Laura!

Isn’t this so true? The Liberals are the biggest hypocrites of all. Think about it. Nobody spews more hatred than these far Left liberal ilks and they will actually beat you to a pulp if you dare to openly disagree with them. But, they are the first to cry foul and “demand” an apology or worse, jail time if you verbalize a differing opinion. These are the very people who have gone so far as to suggest the introduction of a bill that makes wearing a MAGA hat hate speech. According to these loons, wearing anything that promotes our President is tantamount to inciting violence. How many of you are brave enough to put a Trump 2020 sticker on the bumper of your new car? Actually, bravery has nothing to do with. You simply aren’t interested in having one of these special people defame your car.
As far as I’m concerned, we’ve allowed this one sided nonsense to go on for far too long. Free speech is free speech, including the speech you or I might despise. None of this “having your cake and eating it too.” Do you have any idea how many times I watched one of the Obama supporters stand in line with a “Yes We Can” tee-shirt? What did I do when I came in contact with one of these morons? I silently said to myself, “moron.” I didn’t scream at them and attempt to rip it off of them, that’s for sure. When I pulled up behind the Prius with an Obama/Biden bumper sticker I didn’t honk my horn and stick my bald head out the window screaming profanity. Instead, I sat there looking at the sticker, shaking my head and daydreaming about being in a tank. This is true because I remember the liberal behind me honking his horn because the light had turned green and I was sitting their dreaming about how fun it would be to drive over the top of the Prius. Not that there is anything wrong with a Prius…
The reality is that we conservatives have no time for protesting, marching or dressing up like a vagina. We’re too busy working, raising our families and paying our taxes so that the Government can put it to good use, like funding Planned Parenthood and studying the mating habits of the endangered snails in the Amazon… Meanwhile, we look up and wearing a damn red hat is inciting violence. Or after a long day of work, dinner and kids settled in bed, we find a private minute to reply to a tweet from a goofball politician who says that our President colluded with Russia or from some dipshit has-been Hollywood actor who stands in front of a camera and says “Fuck Trump.” (Excuse the language) and what happens? We get banned. Umm… If we express our sorrow over Christians being slaughtered by Muslim terrorists, we are accused of being racist towards Muslims. Huh?

Number Five? Don’t you say it, don’t do it! God. How dare you! You are BANNED!
The thing is, these big social media outfits have a huge impact on society and as scary as this will sound, on elections too. There is a lot of talk about governing Facebook and Twitter. The people running these huge platforms have even gone so far as to encourage oversight. That should give you a good idea of what side of the political fence (I prefer wall but I digress) they stand on. There isn’t a true conservative on earth that favors government oversight of anything. You know how we liberty-loving patriots always say, “let the free market run”, well that’s how I feel about this subject. Free speech is free speech. The last thing we need is government oversight or some billionaire nerd like Zuckerberg or Twit Jack deciding what is ok to say or not say which is exactly what we have today.
It’s easy to get caught up in the debate. We can all wish that folks would choose common sense & their words carefully and with caution so as not to insight outrage or violence or even insults but, drawing any line is to silence free speech. The 1st amendment doesn’t speak to free speech if we like it. Simply stated it says Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government of a redress of grievances. Dan’s translation – say what you want, I’ll choose to listen or not, I’ll choose to like or not. Let me take this topic down to a level we all can identify with, “Sticks or stones will break my bones but names will never harm me.” Ha, in today’s PC world you probably aren’t even supposed to use this saying anymore because you know, calling someone a name can damage their whole life. To that I say “walk it off, you’ll be just fine son.”