The President held another rally last night in Green Bay, Wisconsin and like all of his rallies, the stadium was packed with supporters.

Following the rally, I tweeted “I don’t know about all of you but, I am always in a great mood following one of the President’s Rallies”, I received hundreds of responses from fellow patriots agreeing and adding their own positive reactions to the President’s speech.
The thing that sticks out so much is that he has the ability to talk just like we do. He doesn’t attempt big fancy words that most don’t even know what they mean and instead just speaks good ole down to earth, everyday American English.
It was great when he introduced Sarah Huckabee. The crowd went crazy with applause. This same time last year you might remember, Sarah attended, on behalf of the administration, the annual correspondence dinner. She sat there for two hours while a filthy mouthed nobody comic berated her. Not this year. The applause went on and on until finally the President waved her up to the microphone. She thanked the President for the job he is doing, pointed out how the Left and Media had been wrong on so many fronts then hugged the President who gave her a kiss on the cheek. The crowd applauded her all the way back to her seat. The President being his usual funny self said “Wow, you’ve become too popular, you’re fired!” Which I am sure the media will spin to make the President some sort hateful person. I can hear it now. “The President will not stand for anyone else being in the lime light.” Idiots.
Much of what the President says in these rallies are repetitive but for whatever reason, I don’t get tired of hearing him repeat his many accomplishments. I suppose that has to do with having to endure the daily bombardment of lies from the media and those goof balls in the Democrat party. All of them are negative with messages that might as well be from Mars. Kill babies, free everything, let murderers vote, open borders and for God’s sake, when we do a census of Americans, let us not insist that only Americans participate… See what I mean, these people are from another planet. And I’m being nice because I am in a good mood. LOL
“With every last ounce of heart & hope & sweat & soul, we are going to make our stand! We are going to stand for liberty. We are going to stand for justice & freedom! We are going to stand for the sacred rights given to us by the hand of almighty God!” President Donald J. Trump 04.27.19
What else could any of us ask for? This simple sentence from the President spells out what every American should be able to embrace. I want the President to make a stand against the deep state. What they’ve done cannot be allowed to stand. We should all be standing for liberty. It is our right to live our lives and be left alone to enjoy our families and friends. Justice and Freedom! You’re damn right that we want justice and millions are standing ready to fight to maintain our freedom. Our sacred rights given to us by the hand of almighty God. You betcha Mr. President, by the hand of the almighty! Love it! Thank you for these words.

Let it be known and let it be written, we lose God we lose it all. I stand beside our President because he stands beside me and our Lord.